The ak::Exception class can be used as an universal exception which may used to provide nicely readable exception messages. The provided exception message 'ex_what' is representing the exception message The provided where message 'ex_where' is representing the location where this exception is thrown from. If the exception will be catched by a try block, this exception can be thrown to the next higher level by providing just the new location. At the beginning of each provided location a '@ ' will be added A ak::Exception.what() message can look like this: Exception Message @ Inner function @ Outter function @ Initial calling function
Class used to forward messages to receivers This class is used to forward a message to receivers. A message will only be forwared to registered receivers. Receivers will only get messages from the senders and message types they want to be notified
Used to link [Widget] signals to the messaging system Every added widget will get all its possible/most important signals connected to slots. In case of an inbound signal a message will be generated and sent to the messaging system. Every object requires a uid which should be generated with the global uid manager
This class provides a interface that represents a widget. Every class derived from this class must be able to provide a QWidget that is representing it
This class is used to manage a QMainWindow It provides several functions to create and manipulate the UI Also it will connect all created objects to the messaging system and will manage the UIDs of those objects
This is the main class interacting with external services. Use the static instance() function to get the global component that should be used in this service
The BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem may be used to create intersection items in the graphics view. The BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem does not have any particular logic but is used to setup the correct flags to function as an intersection
The Flags class is a wrapper around a enum that allows bitwise operations (flags). OT_ADD_FLAG_FUNCTIONS or custom bitwise operations must be provided for the enum. The type should be an enumeration where every value represents a single bit in a 32/64 bit value
The FrontendActionHandler may be used to receive frontend callbacks without deserializing the message. The FrontendActionHandler has multiple action handlers that will deserialize the action and call the corresponding virtual function
Package that will be used to create a new graphics editor The name of the editor must be unique. If an editor with the given name already exists, the creation will fail. Note that the request to the UI must be send manually by providing this object (serialized) as the package
Package that will be used to fill the graphics picker The name of the editor must be unique. If an editor with the given name already exists, the creation will fail. Note that the request to the UI must be send manually by providing this object (serialized) as the package
Package that will be used to add graphics items to an existing scene. Note that the request to the UI must be send manually by providing this object (serialized) as the package
The GraphicsStackItem is used adjust the size of child items marked as slave occording to the naster item sizes. The graphics stack item will calculate the child item size whenever a master item chaged its size. The GraphicsStackItemCfg is used to configure the GraphicsStackItem
The IconManager loads images or animations and caches them. The IconManager has a search path list. When requestiong a file only the subPath (suffix) needs to be provided. When checking every search path and suffix combination the first existing file (FIFO) will be imported. The imported files are stored internally and will returned when requesting the same file
The LogDispatcher dispatches generated log messages to all registered log notifiers. When a log message is dispatched a timestamp for log messages and then forwards them to any registered log notifier
The PropertyDialog is used to edit many property groups. When a property is changed a copy of the property is stored and the propertyChanged signal is emitted. All changed properties can be accessed after the dialog closed. The dialog result is "OK" only when the user pressed Confirm and at least one property has changed. All stored changed properties will be destroyed when the dialog is destroyed
The central service information class of a service. The ThisService is a singleton that should be used by every class to retreive or set the current service information
A limit is used for the engine to forbid values exceeding a defined range of values Limits can be added to steps, so every step can have its own limits, also a step can have multiple limits
Main interface to the model. There may be multiple instances of this class. Each model stores all objects within the model and provides access to the model Entities. Each model Entity is identified by a UID which is automatically created and managed by the model class. 0 is not a valid UID and is returned in case of an error
Functions that investigate an existing module for the starting function. If the module contains only one funtion, it will be the starting function of the module. If the module holds multiple function definitions it requires one function called "__main__", which will be the starting function of the module
PyObjects don't distingiush between float and double and int32 and int64. All floating point values are handled as double and all integer values are handled as int64