class | aAction |
| This class combines the functionallity of a QAction and a ak::ui::core::aPaintable. More...
class | aAnimationOverlayWidget |
class | aCheckBoxWidget |
| This class combines the functionallity of a QCheckBox and a ak::object. More...
class | aException |
| The ak::Exception class can be used as an universal exception which may used to provide nicely readable exception messages. The provided exception message 'ex_what' is representing the exception message The provided where message 'ex_where' is representing the location where this exception is thrown from. If the exception will be catched by a try block, this exception can be thrown to the next higher level by providing just the new location. At the beginning of each provided location a '@ ' will be added A ak::Exception.what() message can look like this: Exception Message @ Inner function @ Outter function @ Initial calling function. More...
class | aLabelWidget |
class | aLineEditWidget |
| This class combines the functionallity of a QTextEdit and a ak::ui::core::aWidget. More...
class | aMessenger |
| Class used to forward messages to receivers This class is used to forward a message to receivers. A message will only be forwared to registered receivers. Receivers will only get messages from the senders and message types they want to be notified. More...
class | aNiceLineEditWidget |
class | aNotifier |
| This abstract class is used to provide the receiver functionallity used in the messaging class. More...
class | aNotifierObjectManager |
| This notifier is used to notify the core application about incoming events and errors. More...
class | aObject |
| This class is used to store the main information of any object used Information contained is the UID and the reference counter. More...
class | aObjectManager |
| The objectManager is used for creating and manipulating objects and widgets All objects created here a derived from ak::core::aObject or child. More...
class | aSignalLinker |
| Used to link [Widget] signals to the messaging system Every added widget will get all its possible/most important signals connected to slots. In case of an inbound signal a message will be generated and sent to the messaging system. Every object requires a uid which should be generated with the global uid manager. More...
class | aSingletonAllowedMessages |
class | aTimer |
class | aToolButtonWidget |
class | aTreeWidget |
class | aTreeWidgetBase |
| This class represents a tree. More...
class | aTreeWidgetItem |
class | aTtbContainer |
| This class provides a interface that represents a tab toolbar container. More...
class | aTtbGroup |
class | aTtbPage |
class | aTtbSubGroup |
class | aUidManager |
| This class is used to manage UIDs. This UID manager is incrementing the UID on each getId call. More...
class | aWidget |
| This class provides a interface that represents a widget. Every class derived from this class must be able to provide a QWidget that is representing it. More...
class | aWindow |
class | aWindowEventHandler |
class | aWindowManager |
| This class is used to manage a QMainWindow It provides several functions to create and manipulate the UI Also it will connect all created objects to the messaging system and will manage the UIDs of those objects. More...
class | aWindowManagerTimerSignalLinker |
| This class is used to link the timer signals of the ui manager to the corresponding callback functions. More...
class | InvalidObjectTypeException |
class | ItemNotFoundException |
class | ObjectNotFoundException |
enum | colorAreaFlag {
cafBackgroundColorWindow = 1 << 0
, cafForegroundColorWindow = 1 << 1
, cafBorderColorWindow = 1 << 2
, cafBackgroundColorHeader = 1 << 3
cafForegroundColorHeader = 1 << 4
, cafBorderColorHeader = 1 << 5
, cafBackgroundColorControls = 1 << 6
, cafForegroundColorControls = 1 << 7
cafBorderColorControls = 1 << 8
, cafDefaultBorderControls = 1 << 9
, cafDefaultBorderWindow = 1 << 10
, cafBackgroundColorAlternate = 1 << 11
cafForegroundColorError = 1 << 12
, cafBackgroundColorFocus = 1 << 13
, cafBackgroundColorSelected = 1 << 14
, cafForegroundColorFocus = 1 << 15
cafForegroundColorSelected = 1 << 16
, cafBackgroundColorTransparent = 1 << 17
, cafImagesTree = 1 << 18
, cafImagesDock = 1 << 19
cafDefaultBorderHeader = 1 << 20
, cafBackgroundColorDialogWindow = 1 << 21
, cafForegroundColorDialogWindow = 1 << 22
, cafBackgroundColorButton = 1 << 23
cafForegroundColorButton = 1 << 24
, cafTabToolBarGroupSeperatorLine = 1 << 25
, cafBackgroundColorView = 1 << 26
} |
enum | commandType { ctClearCreatedObjects
} |
| Describes the type of an command. More...
enum | dateFormat { dfDDMMYYYY
} |
| Describes the date format. More...
enum | dockLocation { dockLeft
, dockRight
, dockBottom
} |
| Describes the dock location of a dock widget. More...
enum | eventType : unsigned long long {
etUnknownEvent = 1 << 0
, etActivated = 1 << 1
, etChanged = 1 << 2
, etCleared = 1 << 3
etClicked = 1 << 4
, etClosing = 1 << 5
, etCollpased = 1 << 6
, etCursorPosotionChanged = 1 << 7
etDestroyed = 1 << 8
, etDoubleClicked = 1 << 9
, etExpanded = 1 << 10
, etFocused = 1 << 11
etFocusLeft = 1 << 12
, etInvalidEntry = 1 << 13
, etIndexChanged = 1 << 14
, etItemChanged = 1 << 15
etItemTextChanged = 1 << 16
, etKeyPressed = 1 << 17
, etKeyReleased = 1 << 18
, etLocationChanged = 1 << 19
etSelectionChanged = 1 << 20
, etStateChanged = 1 << 21
, etTabToolbarChanged = 1 << 22
, etTabToolbarClicked = 1 << 23
etTimeout = 1 << 24
, etToggeledChecked = 1 << 25
, etToggeledUnchecked = 1 << 26
, etVisibilityChanged = 1 << 27
etReturnPressed = 1 << 28
, etEditingFinished = 1 << 29
, etDeleted = (unsigned long long ) (1) << 32
} |
| Describes the type of an event. More...
enum | HashAlgorithm {
, hashKeccak_256
, hashKeccak_384
, hashKeccak_512
, hashMd5
, hashRealSha3_224
, hashRealSha3_256
, hashRealSha3_512
, hashSha1
, hashSha_224
, hashSha_384
, hashSha3_224
, hashSha3_256
, hashSha3_512
, hashSha512
} |
enum | keyType {
, keyAlt
, keyAltGr
, keyControl
, keyEscape
, keyF1
, keyF10
, keyF12
, keyF2
, keyF3
, keyF5
, keyF6
, keyF7
, keyF9
, keyReturn
, keySpace
} |
enum | objectType {
, otAction
, otCheckBox
, otLabel
, otMainWindow
, otMenu
, otNiceLineEdit
, otTabToolbarGroup
, otTabToolbarPage
, otTabToolbarSubgroup
, otToolButton
, otTree
, otTreeItem
} |
| Describes the type of an object. More...
enum | promptType {
, promptYesNo
, promptYesNoCancel
, promptOkCancel
, promptIgnoreRetryCancel
, promptIconLeft
, promptOkCancelIconLeft
, promptYesNoIconLeft
, promptYesNoCancelIconLeft
} |
| Describes the promt type. More...
enum | tabLocation { tabLocationUp
, tabLocationDown
, tabLocationLeft
, tabLocationRight
} |
| Descirbes the tab location. More...
enum | textAlignment { alignLeft
, alignRight
, alignCenter
} |
| Describes the text alignment. More...
enum | timeFormat { tfHHMM
} |
| Describes the time format. More...
enum | valueType {
, vtBool
, vtColor
, vtDate
, vtFloat
, vtInt
, vtInt64
, vtLosslessFloat
, vtNull
, vtNumber
, vtSelection
, vtString
, vtTime
, vtUint64
} |