| GraphicsInvisibleItemCfg (const ot::Size2DD &_size=ot::Size2DD()) |
virtual | ~GraphicsInvisibleItemCfg () |
virtual GraphicsItemCfg * | createCopy (void) const override |
| Creates a copy of this item.
virtual void | addToJsonObject (JsonValue &_object, JsonAllocator &_allocator) const override |
| Add the object contents to the provided JSON object.
virtual void | setFromJsonObject (const ConstJsonObject &_object) override |
| Will set the object contents from the provided JSON object.
virtual std::string | getFactoryKey (void) const override |
| Returns the key that is used to create an instance of this class in the simple factory.
void | setSize (const ot::Size2DD &_size) |
const ot::Size2DD & | getSize (void) const |
| GraphicsItemCfg () |
| GraphicsItemFlags.
virtual | ~GraphicsItemCfg () |
void | setName (const std::string &_name) |
| Set item name.
const std::string & | getName (void) const |
| Item name.
void | setTitle (const std::string &_title) |
| Set item title The item title will be displayed to the user when needed.
const std::string & | getTitle (void) const |
| Item title The item title will be displayed to the user when needed.
void | setToolTip (const std::string &_toolTip) |
| Set ToolTip.
const std::string & | getToolTip (void) const |
| ToolTip that will be displayed to the user when he hovers over the item. If the root item in a graphics item hierarchy has a tool tip set, child items may be enabled to forward the tooltip request (see GraphicsItemFlags)
void | setPosition (double _x, double _y) |
| Set item position If the item is the root item, the position is the scene position. If the item is a child item, the position is the local position (default: 0.0; 0.0).
void | setPosition (const Point2DD &_pos) |
| Set item position If the item is the root item, the position is the scene position. If the item is a child item, the position is the local position (default: 0.0; 0.0).
const Point2DD & | getPosition (void) const |
| Item position If the item is the root item, the position is the scene position. If the item is a child item, the position is the local position (default: 0.0; 0.0).
void | setAdditionalTriggerDistance (double _d) |
void | setAdditionalTriggerDistance (double _left, double _top, double _right, double _bottom) |
void | setAdditionalTriggerDistance (const MarginsD &_d) |
| Sets the additional trigger distance. The additional trigger distance will expand/shrink the imaginary bounding rect of the item when checking for mouse press, mouse hover, and other events.
const MarginsD & | getAdditionalTriggerDistance (void) const |
void | setMinimumSize (double _width, double _height) |
| Sets the item minimum size.
void | setMinimumSize (const Size2DD &_size) |
| Sets the item minimum size.
const Size2DD & | getMinimumSize (void) const |
| Item minimum size. If the graphics item is resized (e.g. via layout) then it may not shrink below the minimum size.
void | setMaximumSize (double _width, double _height) |
| Sets the item maximum size.
void | setMaximumSize (const Size2DD &_size) |
| Sets the item maximum size.
const Size2DD & | getMaximumSize (void) const |
| Item maximum size. If the graphics item is resized (e.g. via layout) then it may not brow above the maximum size.
void | setFixedSize (double _width, double _height) |
| Sets the items minimum and maximum size.
void | setFixedSize (const Size2DD &_size) |
| Sets the items minimum and maximum size.
void | setMargins (double _left, double _top, double _right, double _bottom) |
| Set item margins.
void | setMargins (const MarginsD &_margins) |
| Set item margins.
const MarginsD & | getMargins (void) const |
| Item margins.
void | setGraphicsItemFlag (GraphicsItemFlag _flag, bool _active=true) |
void | setGraphicsItemFlags (const GraphicsItemFlags &_flags) |
const GraphicsItemFlags & | getGraphicsItemFlags (void) const |
void | setAlignment (Alignment _align) |
| Set the item alignment.
Alignment | getAlignment (void) const |
| Current item alignment. The alignment only has an effect if the item is nested.
void | setUid (const UID &_uid) |
| Set item UID.
const ot::UID & | getUid (void) const |
| Item UID. The item UID is used to uniquely identify an item in a GraphicsScene. The must never exist two items with the same UID.
void | setSizePolicy (SizePolicy _policy) |
| Set item size policy.
SizePolicy | getSizePolicy (void) const |
| Current item size policy. The item size policy is used for nested items.
void | setConnectionDirection (ConnectionDirection _direction) |
| Set the item connection direction.
ConnectionDirection | getConnectionDirection (void) const |
| Current item connection direction. This has only an effect if GraphicsItemFlag::ItemIsConnectable is set.
void | addStringMapEntry (const std::string &_key, const std::string &_value) |
| Adds the provided entry to the string map. If an entry for the same key already exists it will be replaced.
void | setStringMap (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &_map) |
| Sets the string map.
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | getStringMap (void) const |
| The string map may be used to reference a value via a key in a complex graphics item. For example a text item with enabled reference mode will use the string map to set its text when created in the frontend.
std::string | getStringForKey (const std::string &_key) const |
| Returns the string set for the given key in the string map. Returns the string "#<_key>" if the value was not found.
void | setTransform (const Transform &_transform) |
| Set the item transform.
const Transform & | getTransform (void) const |
| Get the item transform.
virtual void | copyConfigDataToItem (GraphicsItemCfg *_target) const |
| Will copy the current config to the provided item configuration. This method may be called when creating a graphics item copy.
| Serializable () |
virtual | ~Serializable () |
virtual void | addToJsonObject (ot::JsonValue &_object, ot::JsonAllocator &_allocator) const =0 |
| Add the object contents to the provided JSON object.