Namespaces | |
namespace | app |
namespace | components |
namespace | DownloadFile |
namespace | FolderNames |
namespace | foundation |
namespace | intern |
namespace | json |
Provides helper functions to acces content of json objects and arrays. | |
namespace | msg |
namespace | net |
namespace | os |
namespace | StringToNumericCheck |
namespace | TableHeaderModeNames |
namespace | url |
Classes | |
class | AbstractLogNotifier |
Used to receive every log message that is generated. More... | |
class | AbstractModelNotifier |
class | AbstractPlot |
class | AbstractPlotAxis |
class | AbstractStatusBar |
class | AbstractToolBar |
class | AbstractUiNotifier |
class | Action |
class | ActionDispatcher |
The ActionDispatcher is used to dispatch inbound messages and forward them to their corresponding [Action Handler]. More... | |
class | ActionHandleConnectorBase |
Base class for action handler connectors. A action handle connector has a set of actions. More... | |
class | ActionHandler |
class | ApplicationBase |
class | ApplicationPropertiesManager |
class | BasicEntityInformation |
class | BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem |
The BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem may be used to create intersection items in the graphics view. The BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem does not have any particular logic but is used to setup the correct flags to function as an intersection. More... | |
class | BasicServiceInformation |
The BasicServiceInformation class is used to hold a service name and type. The BasicServiceInformation can be used as a key in a map. More... | |
class | BasicWidgetView |
class | Border |
The Border class is used to describe a border with four sides. The Border uses integer values. More... | |
class | BorderF |
The BorderF class is used to describe a border with four sides. The BorderF uses floating point values. More... | |
class | CartesianPlot |
class | CartesianPlotAxis |
class | CartesianPlotCrossMarker |
class | CartesianPlotGrid |
class | CartesianPlotLegend |
class | CartesianPlotMagnifier |
class | CartesianPlotPanner |
class | CartesianPlotPicker |
class | CartesianPlotTextMarker |
class | CartesianPlotWidgetCanvas |
class | CartesianPlotZoomer |
class | CentralWidgetManager |
class | CheckBox |
class | CheckBoxCfg |
class | CheckerboardPainter2D |
class | Color |
The Color class is used to represent RGBA colors with integer values. More... | |
class | ColorF |
The ColorF class is used to represent RGBA colors with float values. More... | |
class | ColorPickButton |
class | ColorPreviewBox |
class | ColorStyle |
class | ColorStyleValue |
class | ComboBox |
class | ComboButton |
class | ContextMenu |
class | ContextMenuAction |
class | ContextMenuManager |
class | CopyInformation |
class | CopyInformationFactory |
class | CopyInformationFactoryRegistrar |
class | CreateProjectDialog |
class | CreateProjectDialogEntry |
class | CustomGraphicsItem |
class | DefaultSyntaxHighlighterRules |
class | DelayedCallHandler |
class | DelayedShowHideHandler |
class | Dialog |
class | DialogCfg |
class | DockWatcherAction |
class | DoubleSpinBox |
class | EncodingConverter_ISO88591ToUTF8 |
class | EncodingConverter_UTF16ToUTF8 |
class | EncodingGuesser |
class | ErrorWarningLogFrontendNotifier |
Forwards error and warning logs to the frontend if one is connected. More... | |
class | EventNotifierMousePressed |
class | FactoryRegistrarTemplate |
The FactoryRegistrarTemplate may be used to register a constructor at the factory. More... | |
class | FactoryTemplate |
The FactoryTemplate may be used to quickly create default factories that are only used for item creation without any further logic. More... | |
class | FilePathEdit |
class | FillPainter2D |
class | Flags |
The Flags class is a wrapper around a enum that allows bitwise operations (flags). OT_ADD_FLAG_FUNCTIONS or custom bitwise operations must be provided for the enum. The type should be an enumeration where every value represents a single bit in a 32/64 bit value. More... | |
class | Font |
class | Frontend |
Frontend request layer. The Frontend prvoides a set methods that may be used to send requests to the frontend. More... | |
class | FrontendActionHandler |
The FrontendActionHandler may be used to receive frontend callbacks without deserializing the message. The FrontendActionHandler has multiple action handlers that will deserialize the action and call the corresponding virtual function. More... | |
class | GlobalColorStyle |
class | GradientPainter2D |
class | GradientPainterStop2D |
class | GraphicsArcItem |
class | GraphicsArcItemCfg |
class | GraphicsBoxLayoutItem |
class | GraphicsBoxLayoutItemCfg |
class | GraphicsConnectionCalculationData |
class | GraphicsConnectionCfg |
class | GraphicsConnectionItem |
class | GraphicsConnectionPackage |
class | GraphicsConnectionPreviewItem |
class | GraphicsCopyInformation |
class | GraphicsElement |
class | GraphicsEllipseItem |
class | GraphicsEllipseItemCfg |
class | GraphicsFlowItem |
class | GraphicsFlowItemBuilder |
class | GraphicsFlowItemConnector |
class | GraphicsGridLayoutItem |
class | GraphicsGridLayoutItemCfg |
class | GraphicsGroupItem |
The graphics group item is used to group multiple items into one item. More... | |
class | GraphicsGroupItemCfg |
class | GraphicsHBoxLayoutItem |
class | GraphicsHBoxLayoutItemCfg |
class | GraphicsImageItemCfg |
class | GraphicsInvisibleItem |
class | GraphicsInvisibleItemCfg |
class | GraphicsItem |
Base class for all OpenTwin GraphicsItems GraphicsItems should be created by the GraphicsFactory and be setup from the corresponding configuration. More... | |
class | GraphicsItemCfg |
The GraphicsItemCfg is the base class for all graphics item configurations. More... | |
class | GraphicsItemCfgFactory |
class | GraphicsItemCfgFactoryRegistrar |
class | GraphicsItemFactory |
The GraphicsItemFactory is used to create graphics items from their factory name or from a GraphicsItemCfg. More... | |
class | GraphicsItemFactoryRegistrar |
The GraphicsItemFactoryRegistrar is used to register a GraphicsItem constructor at the GraphicsItemFactory. More... | |
class | GraphicsItemFileCfg |
class | GraphicsItemLoader |
The GraphicsItemLoader may be used to import a GraphicsItemCfg from a file. The imported configuration(s) will be cached. More... | |
class | GraphicsItemPreview |
class | GraphicsItemPreviewDrag |
class | GraphicsLayoutItem |
class | GraphicsLayoutItemCfg |
class | GraphicsLayoutItemWrapper |
class | GraphicsLineItem |
class | GraphicsLineItemCfg |
class | GraphicsNewEditorPackage |
Package that will be used to create a new graphics editor The name of the editor must be unique. If an editor with the given name already exists, the creation will fail. Note that the request to the UI must be send manually by providing this object (serialized) as the package. More... | |
class | GraphicsPicker |
class | GraphicsPickerCollectionCfg |
class | GraphicsPickerCollectionManager |
class | GraphicsPickerCollectionPackage |
Package that will be used to fill the graphics picker The name of the editor must be unique. If an editor with the given name already exists, the creation will fail. Note that the request to the UI must be send manually by providing this object (serialized) as the package. More... | |
class | GraphicsPickerDockWidget |
class | GraphicsPickerItemInformation |
class | GraphicsPickerView |
class | GraphicsPixmapItem |
class | GraphicsPolygonItem |
class | GraphicsPolygonItemCfg |
class | GraphicsRectangularItem |
class | GraphicsRectangularItemCfg |
class | GraphicsScene |
Graphics Scene for ot::GraphicsItem Adding QGraphicsItems to the scene that do not inherit ot::GraphicsItem might lead to undefined behavior. More... | |
class | GraphicsScenePackage |
Package that will be used to add graphics items to an existing scene. Note that the request to the UI must be send manually by providing this object (serialized) as the package. More... | |
class | GraphicsShapeItem |
class | GraphicsShapeItemCfg |
class | GraphicsStackItem |
The GraphicsStackItem is used adjust the size of child items marked as slave occording to the naster item sizes. The graphics stack item will calculate the child item size whenever a master item chaged its size. The GraphicsStackItemCfg is used to configure the GraphicsStackItem. More... | |
class | GraphicsStackItemCfg |
class | GraphicsTextItem |
class | GraphicsTextItemCfg |
class | GraphicsTriangleItem |
class | GraphicsTriangleItemCfg |
class | GraphicsVBoxLayoutItem |
class | GraphicsVBoxLayoutItemCfg |
class | GraphicsView |
View widget used to display GraphicsItems Note that the View creates its own scene. More... | |
class | GraphicsViewView |
class | Grid |
The Grid describes how a 2D Grid should look and behave like. More... | |
class | GuiAPIManager |
The GuiAPIManager singleton manages the frontend information and provides a message sending method. More... | |
class | IconManager |
The IconManager loads images or animations and caches them. The IconManager has a search path list. When requestiong a file only the subPath (suffix) needs to be provided. When checking every search path and suffix combination the first existing file (FIFO) will be imported. The imported files are stored internally and will returned when requesting the same file. More... | |
class | IDManager |
class | ImagePainter |
class | ImagePainterManager |
class | ImagePreview |
class | IpConverter |
class | JsonArray |
JSON Array value. More... | |
class | JsonDocument |
JSON document. More... | |
class | JsonNullValue |
JSON NULL value. More... | |
class | JsonNumber |
class | JsonObject |
JSON Object value. More... | |
class | JsonString |
JSON String value. More... | |
class | KeySequence |
class | Label |
class | LinearGradientPainter2D |
class | LineEdit |
class | LineEditCfg |
class | LogDispatcher |
The LogDispatcher dispatches generated log messages to all registered log notifiers. When a log message is dispatched a timestamp for log messages and then forwards them to any registered log notifier. More... | |
class | LogMessage |
Contains information about the origin and the content of a log message. More... | |
class | LogModeManager |
class | LogNotifierFileWriter |
class | LogNotifierStdCout |
Used to write created log messages to std cout in a way a human could read it. More... | |
class | MainWindow |
class | ManagedGuiObject |
class | Margins |
class | MarginsD |
class | MarginsF |
class | Math |
class | MenuButtonCfg |
class | MenuCfg |
class | MenuClickableEntryCfg |
class | MenuEntryCfg |
class | MenuEntryCfgFactory |
class | MenuEntryCfgFactoryRegistrar |
class | MenuSeparatorCfg |
class | MessageBoxHandler |
class | MessageBoxManager |
class | MessageDialog |
class | MessageDialogCfg |
class | ModalCommandBase |
class | ModelAPIManager |
class | ModelServiceAPI |
class | NavigationTreeItem |
class | NavigationTreeItemIcon |
class | NavigationTreePackage |
class | NavigationTreeView |
class | ObjectManagerTemplate |
class | OnePropertyDialog |
class | OnePropertyDialogCfg |
class | OTObject |
class | Outline |
The Outline class is used to describe how a outline should look like. More... | |
class | OutlineF |
The OutlineF class is used to describe how a outline should look like. More... | |
class | OverlayWidgetBase |
class | Painter2D |
class | Painter2DEditButton |
class | Painter2DEditDialog |
class | Painter2DEditDialogEntry |
class | Painter2DEditDialogFillEntry |
class | Painter2DEditDialogLinearGradientEntry |
class | Painter2DEditDialogRadialGradientEntry |
class | Painter2DEditDialogReferenceEntry |
class | Painter2DFactory |
class | Painter2DFactoryRegistrar |
class | Painter2DPreview |
class | Path2D |
The Path2D class describes a path consisting of different types of lines. More... | |
class | Path2DF |
The Path2DF class describes a path consisting of different types of lines. More... | |
class | PixmapImagePainter |
class | PlainTextEdit |
class | PlainTextEditView |
class | Plot |
class | Plot1DAxisCfg |
class | Plot1DCfg |
class | Plot1DCurveInfoCfg |
class | Plot1DDataBaseCfg |
class | PlotDataset |
class | PlotView |
class | Point2D |
2D Point with integer values More... | |
class | Point2DD |
2D Point with double values More... | |
class | Point2DF |
2D Point with float values More... | |
class | Point3D |
Three dimensional point. More... | |
class | PolarPlot |
class | PolarPlotAxis |
class | PolarPlotData |
class | PolarPlotGrid |
class | PolarPlotLegend |
class | PolarPlotMagnifier |
class | PolarPlotMarker |
class | PolarPlotPanner |
class | PortManager |
The PortManager may be used to determine available ports and store the information about ports occupied by the PortManager. More... | |
class | PortRange |
The PortRange may be used to store a Port range. More... | |
class | Positioning |
class | ProjectTemplateInformation |
class | Property |
The Property class is used as a base class for all Properties that can be displayed and modified in the frontend. More... | |
class | PropertyBase |
The PropertyBase class is used to hold general Property information. More... | |
class | PropertyBool |
class | PropertyColor |
class | PropertyDialog |
The PropertyDialog is used to edit many property groups. When a property is changed a copy of the property is stored and the propertyChanged signal is emitted. All changed properties can be accessed after the dialog closed. The dialog result is "OK" only when the user pressed Confirm and at least one property has changed. All stored changed properties will be destroyed when the dialog is destroyed. More... | |
class | PropertyDialogCfg |
class | PropertyDirectory |
class | PropertyDouble |
class | PropertyFactory |
class | PropertyFactoryRegistrar |
class | PropertyFilePath |
class | PropertyGrid |
class | PropertyGridCfg |
class | PropertyGridGroup |
class | PropertyGridItem |
class | PropertyGridItemDelegate |
class | PropertyGridTree |
class | PropertyGridView |
class | PropertyGroup |
class | PropertyInput |
class | PropertyInputBool |
class | PropertyInputColor |
class | PropertyInputDirectory |
class | PropertyInputDouble |
class | PropertyInputFactory |
class | PropertyInputFactoryRegistrar |
class | PropertyInputFilePath |
class | PropertyInputInt |
class | PropertyInputPainter2D |
class | PropertyInputString |
class | PropertyInputStringList |
class | PropertyInt |
class | PropertyPainter2D |
class | PropertyString |
class | PropertyStringList |
class | PushButton |
class | PythonServiceInterface |
class | QtFactory |
The QtFactory is used to convert OpenTwin configuration objects to Qt objects. More... | |
class | QWidgetInterface |
class | RadialGradientPainter2D |
class | Rect |
Rectangle that holds the top left and bottom right corner in int values. More... | |
class | RectD |
Rectangle that holds the top left and bottom right corner in double values. More... | |
class | RectF |
class | ReturnMessage |
class | ReturnValues |
class | RuntimeIntervalTest |
class | SelectEntitiesDialogCfg |
class | Serializable |
The Serializable class is the default interface of serializable objects. More... | |
class | ServiceBase |
General service information. The ServiceBase class is used to store the general service information. More... | |
class | ServiceLogNotifier |
class | SignalBlockWrapper |
The SignalBlockWrapper is a RAII wrapper for blocking signals of a given QObject. More... | |
class | SimpleQueue |
class | Size2D |
2D Size with integer values More... | |
class | Size2DD |
2D Size with double values More... | |
class | Size2DF |
2D Size with float values More... | |
class | SpinBox |
class | Splitter |
class | StatusBarManager |
class | String |
class | StringWrapper |
class | StyledText |
The StyledText is used to manipulate the style when working with the StyledTextBuilder. More... | |
class | StyledTextBuilder |
class | StyledTextConverter |
class | StyledTextEntry |
class | StyledTextStyle |
class | StyleRefPainter2D |
The StyleRefPainter2D can be used to reference a ColorStyleValue in the active ColorStyle. More... | |
class | StyleValue |
class | SvgImagePainter |
class | SyntaxHighlighter |
class | SyntaxHighlighterRule |
class | SystemInformation |
class | Table |
class | TableCfg |
class | TableHeaderItemCfg |
class | TableIndexSchemata |
class | TableItemDelegate |
class | TableRange |
class | TableView |
class | TabToolBar |
class | TabToolBarGroup |
class | TabToolBarPage |
class | TabToolBarSubGroup |
class | TabWidget |
class | TemplateTypeName |
class | TextEditor |
class | TextEditorCfg |
class | TextEditorLineNumberArea |
class | TextEditorSearchPopup |
class | TextEditorView |
class | TextEncoding |
class | ThisService |
The central service information class of a service. The ThisService is a singleton that should be used by every class to retreive or set the current service information. More... | |
class | ToolButton |
class | ToolButtonCfg |
class | ToolTipHandler |
class | Transform |
General item transformation. More... | |
class | TreeWidget |
class | TreeWidgetFilter |
class | TreeWidgetItem |
class | TreeWidgetItemInfo |
class | TypeNames |
class | UIDNamePair |
class | UserCredentials |
class | Variable |
class | VersionGraph |
class | VersionGraphCfg |
class | VersionGraphItem |
class | VersionGraphManager |
class | VersionGraphManagerView |
class | VersionGraphVersionCfg |
class | VisualisationTypes |
class | Widget |
class | WidgetBaseCfg |
class | WidgetBaseCfgFactory |
class | WidgetBaseCfgFactoryRegistrar |
class | WidgetManager |
class | WidgetView |
The WidgetView class is used to integrate the Qt-ADS functionallity into open twin. More... | |
class | WidgetViewBase |
General widget view information class. The WidgetViewBase holds the general information of a WidgetView. More... | |
class | WidgetViewDockManager |
class | WidgetViewManager |
The widget view manager is used to manage widget views. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef ot::Flags< ot::MessageType > | MessageTypeFlags |
The message types describes how a message should be delivered. | |
using | complex = std::complex<double> |
typedef unsigned short | serviceID_t |
ID type used to identify a service (16 bit unsigned integer). | |
typedef unsigned long | UID |
Unique identifier (32 bit unsigned integer) | |
typedef std::list< UID > | UIDList |
Unique identifier list. | |
using | GenericDataStructList = std::list<ot::GenericDataStruct*> |
typedef rapidjson::SizeType | JsonSizeType |
Size type. | |
typedef rapidjson::Value | JsonValue |
Writable JSON value. | |
typedef rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< rapidjson::CrtAllocator > | JsonAllocator |
Allocator used for writing to JSON values. | |
typedef rapidjson::GenericObject< true, rapidjson::GenericValue< rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< rapidjson::CrtAllocator > > > | ConstJsonObject |
Read only JSON Object. | |
typedef std::list< ConstJsonObject > | ConstJsonObjectList |
typedef rapidjson::GenericArray< true, rapidjson::GenericValue< rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< rapidjson::CrtAllocator > > > | ConstJsonArray |
Read only JSON Array. | |
typedef std::list< ConstJsonArray > | ConstJsonArrayList |
typedef rapidjson::GenericMemberIterator< true, rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< rapidjson::CrtAllocator > > | JsonMemberIterator |
Read only JSON Object iterator. | |
typedef Flags< LogFlag > | LogFlags |
typedef std::list< ot::UIDNamePair > | UIDNamePairList |
typedef ot::Flags< LockTypeFlag > | LockTypeFlags |
typedef Flags< NavigationTreeItemFlag > | NavigationTreeItemFlags |
typedef unsigned short int | port_t |
Port number type. | |
typedef Flags< WidgetFlag > | WidgetFlags |
Functions | |
class | __declspec (dllexport) StringToVariableConverter |
Transforms a string into a json and subsequently into ot::variable. Strings values that are numbers are only recognised as strings if " characters are added before and after the string value. Example: string = \"4\";
Boolean values have to be "true" or "false". | |
template<typename K , typename V > | |
std::list< K > | listFromMapKeys (const std::map< K, V > &_map) |
Creates a list containing all the keys from the provided map. | |
template<typename K , typename V > | |
std::list< V > | listFromMapValues (const std::map< K, V > &_map) |
Creates a list containing all the values from the provided map. | |
template<class K , class V > | |
void | removeFromMapByValue (std::map< K, V > &_map, const V &_value) |
Removes the value from the provided map. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::vector< T > | vectorFromList (const std::list< T > &_list) |
template<typename T > | |
std::list< T > | listFromVector (const std::vector< T > &_vector) |
OT_CORE_API_EXPORT void | addLogFlagsToJsonArray (const LogFlags &_flags, JsonArray &_flagsArray, JsonAllocator &_allocator) |
OT_CORE_API_EXPORT LogFlags | logFlagsFromJsonArray (const ConstJsonArray &_flagsArray) |
OT_CORE_API_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &_stream, const LogMessage &_msg) |
Writes the log message in a typical "log line" format to the provided output stream. | |
OT_CORE_API_EXPORT std::string | exportLogMessagesToString (const std::list< LogMessage > &_messages) |
OT_CORE_API_EXPORT bool | importLogMessagesFromString (const std::string &_string, std::list< LogMessage > &_messages) |
template<class T > | |
class | __declspec (dllexport) Owner |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleName _colorStyleName) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleName | stringToColorStyleName (const std::string &_colorStyleName) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleFileKey _colorStyleFileKey) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleFileKey | stringToColorStyleFileKey (const std::string &_colorStyleFileKey) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleFileMacro _colorStyleFileMacro) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleFileMacro | stringToColorStyleFileMacro (const std::string &_colorStyleFileMacro) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleFileValue _colorStyleFileValue) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleFileValue | stringToColorStyleFileValue (const std::string &_colorStyleFileValue) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleBaseFileMacro _colorStyleBaseFileMacro) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleBaseFileMacro | stringToColorStyleBaseFileMacro (const std::string &_colorStyleBaseFileMacro) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleFileEntry _colorStyleFileEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleFileEntry | stringToColorStyleFileEntry (const std::string &_colorStyleFileEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleValueEntry _colorStyleValueEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleValueEntry | stringToColorStyleValueEntry (const std::string &_colorStyleValueEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< std::string > | getAllColorStyleValueEntries (void) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleIntegerEntry _colorStyleIntegerEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleIntegerEntry | stringToColorStyleIntegerEntry (const std::string &_colorStyleIntegerEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ColorStyleDoubleEntry _colorStyleDoubleEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ColorStyleDoubleEntry | stringToColorStyleDoubleEntry (const std::string &_colorStyleDoubleEntry) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< LockTypeFlag > | getAllLockTypeFlags (void) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (Alignment _alignment) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT Alignment | stringToAlignment (const std::string &_string) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (Orientation _orientation) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT Orientation | stringToOrientation (const std::string &_string) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (FontFamily _fontFamily) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT FontFamily | stringToFontFamily (const std::string &_string) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (SizePolicy _policy) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT SizePolicy | stringToSizePolicy (const std::string &_string) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (ConnectionDirection _direction) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ConnectionDirection | stringToConnectionDirection (const std::string &_direction) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT ConnectionDirection | inversedConnectionDirection (ConnectionDirection _direction) |
Returnse the opposite connection of the one provided. | |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< ConnectionDirection > | getAllConnectionDirections (void) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (GradientSpread _spread) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT GradientSpread | stringToGradientSpread (const std::string &_spread) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT BasicKey | toBasicKey (const std::string &_key) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (BasicKey _key) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT DocumentSyntax | toDocumentSyntax (const std::string &_syntax) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (DocumentSyntax _syntax) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< std::string > | getAllSupportedDocumentSyntax (void) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT LockTypeFlags | toLockTypeFlags (const std::vector< std::string > &_flags) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT LockTypeFlags | toLockTypeFlags (const std::list< std::string > &_flags) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT LockTypeFlag | toLockTypeFlag (const std::string &_flag) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< LockTypeFlag > | getAllSetFlags (const LockTypeFlags &_lockFlags) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< std::string > | toStringList (const LockTypeFlags &_flags) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (LockTypeFlag _type) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (NavigationTreeItemFlag _flag) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::list< std::string > | toStringList (NavigationTreeItemFlags _flags) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT NavigationTreeItemFlag | stringToNavigationItemFlag (const std::string &_flag) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT NavigationTreeItemFlags | stringListToNavigationItemFlags (const std::list< std::string > &_flags) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (LineStyle _style) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT LineStyle | stringToLineStyle (const std::string &_style) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (LineCapStyle _cap) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT LineCapStyle | stringToCapStyle (const std::string &_cap) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT std::string | toString (LineJoinStyle _join) |
OT_GUI_API_EXPORT LineJoinStyle | stringToJoinStyle (const std::string &_join) |
OT_SERVICEFOUNDATION_API_EXPORT std::string | encryptString (const std::string &_str) |
OT_SERVICEFOUNDATION_API_EXPORT std::string | decryptString (const std::string &_str) |
OT_SERVICEFOUNDATION_API_EXPORT std::string | decryptAndUnzipString (const std::string &_str, uint64_t uncompressedLength) |
OT_SERVICEFOUNDATION_API_EXPORT std::string | encryptAndZipString (const std::string &_str) |
void | startSessionServiceHealthCheck (const std::string &_sessionServiceURL) |
void | stopSessionServiceHealthCheck (void) |
Variables | |
const std::string | g_ImagSerialiseKey = "imag" |
const std::string | g_realSerialiseKey = "real" |
static const serviceID_t | invalidServiceID = 0 |
The invalid service ID, a Service must not have this ID assigned. | |
static const serviceID_t | maxServiceID = UINT16_MAX |
The maximum number a service ID may reach. | |
using ot::complex = std::complex<double> |
typedef rapidjson::GenericArray<true, rapidjson::GenericValue<rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator> > > ot::ConstJsonArray |
Read only JSON Array.
typedef std::list<ConstJsonArray> ot::ConstJsonArrayList |
typedef rapidjson::GenericObject<true, rapidjson::GenericValue<rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator> > > ot::ConstJsonObject |
Read only JSON Object.
typedef std::list<ConstJsonObject> ot::ConstJsonObjectList |
using ot::GenericDataStructList = std::list<ot::GenericDataStruct*> |
typedef rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator> ot::JsonAllocator |
Allocator used for writing to JSON values.
typedef rapidjson::GenericMemberIterator<true, rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator> > ot::JsonMemberIterator |
Read only JSON Object iterator.
typedef rapidjson::SizeType ot::JsonSizeType |
Size type.
typedef rapidjson::Value ot::JsonValue |
Writable JSON value.
typedef ot::Flags<LockTypeFlag> ot::LockTypeFlags |
typedef Flags<LogFlag> ot::LogFlags |
typedef ot::Flags<ot::MessageType> ot::MessageTypeFlags |
The message types describes how a message should be delivered.
Port number type.
typedef unsigned short ot::serviceID_t |
ID type used to identify a service (16 bit unsigned integer).
typedef unsigned long ot::UID |
Unique identifier (32 bit unsigned integer)
typedef std::list<UID> ot::UIDList |
Unique identifier list.
typedef std::list<ot::UIDNamePair> ot::UIDNamePairList |
typedef Flags<WidgetFlag> ot::WidgetFlags |
enum ot::Alignment |
enum ot::BasicKey |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Contains default file paths set in a color style.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Contains default painters set in a color style.
Describes in which direction a connetion from an item is starting.
Enumerator | |
ConnectAny | |
ConnectLeft | Connection may start in any direction. |
ConnectUp | Connection start towards left. |
ConnectRight | Connection start upwards. |
ConnectDown | Connection start towards right. |
ConnectOut | Connection start downwards. |
ConnectIn | Connection start outwards relative to the item center. Connection start inwards relative to the item center. |
enum ot::ConnectorType |
strong |
Defines how the model service shall deal with a content changed notification from the ui. Options are to save the changes and notify the owner of the entity, letting the owner handle everything or simply saving the changes without notification.
Enumerator | |
ModelServiceSavesNotifyOwner | |
OwnerHandles | |
ModelServiceSaves |
enum ot::DefaultColor |
Default colors.
strong |
enum ot::FontFamily |
enum ot::GradientSpread |
enum ot::LineCapStyle |
enum ot::LineJoinStyle |
enum ot::LineStyle |
enum ot::LockTypeFlag |
Describes the object type to lock in the UI.
enum ot::LogFlag |
Log message verbouse level.
enum ot::MessageType |
enum ot::Orientation |
enum ot::SizePolicy |
strong |
enum ot::WidgetFlag |
class ot::__declspec | ( | dllexport | ) |
class ot::__declspec | ( | dllexport | ) |
Transforms a string into a json and subsequently into ot::variable. Strings values that are numbers are only recognised as strings if " characters are added before and after the string value. Example: string = \"4\"; Boolean values have to be "true" or "false".
Describes how the object will be destroyed after
Queue keeps ownership. Delete the object when the queue will be cleaned
Queue keeps ownership. Delete the data object after the the execution of the call rather than after the whole queue
Creator keeps ownership. Data object won't be deleted when the queue will perform its garbage collection clear (overrides all)
Must be set if the object is passed to the queue multilple times (a requeue does not count as multiuse)
Add the provided object to the queue
_obj | The object to add to the queue |
_args | The arguments object that should be provided to the objects activate call |
Add the provided object to the front of the queue
_obj | The object to add to the queue |
_args | The arguments object that should be provided to the objects activate call |
Execute the queue
Takes a numeric value as string and normalises the floating point representation. Removes whitespaces, thousands separators and ensures point as decimal separator.
_value | Numeric value as string, which will be alternated |
_decimalSeparator | The decimal separator that is used in the string. Can be a ',' or '.'. |
Describes how the object will be destroyed after
Queue keeps ownership. Delete the object when the queue will be cleaned
Queue keeps ownership. Delete the data object after the the execution of the call rather than after the whole queue
Creator keeps ownership. Data object won't be deleted when the queue will perform its garbage collection clear (overrides all)
Must be set if the object is passed to the queue multilple times (a requeue does not count as multiuse)
Add the provided object to the queue
_obj | The object to add to the queue |
_args | The arguments object that should be provided to the objects activate call |
Add the provided object to the front of the queue
_obj | The object to add to the queue |
_args | The arguments object that should be provided to the objects activate call |
Execute the queue
Takes a numeric value as string and normalises the floating point representation. Removes whitespaces, thousands separators and ensures point as decimal separator.
_value | Numeric value as string, which will be alternated |
_decimalSeparator | The decimal separator that is used in the string. Can be a ',' or '.'. |
void ot::addLogFlagsToJsonArray | ( | const LogFlags & | _flags, |
JsonArray & | _flagsArray, | ||
JsonAllocator & | _allocator ) |
OT_SERVICEFOUNDATION_API_EXPORT std::string ot::decryptAndUnzipString | ( | const std::string & | _str, |
uint64_t | uncompressedLength ) |
std::string ot::decryptString | ( | const std::string & | _str | ) |
OT_SERVICEFOUNDATION_API_EXPORT std::string ot::encryptAndZipString | ( | const std::string & | _str | ) |
std::string ot::encryptString | ( | const std::string & | _str | ) |
std::string ot::exportLogMessagesToString | ( | const std::list< LogMessage > & | _messages | ) |
std::list< std::string > ot::getAllColorStyleValueEntries | ( | void | ) |
std::list< ot::ConnectionDirection > ot::getAllConnectionDirections | ( | void | ) |
std::list< ot::LockTypeFlag > ot::getAllLockTypeFlags | ( | void | ) |
std::list< ot::LockTypeFlag > ot::getAllSetFlags | ( | const LockTypeFlags & | _lockFlags | ) |
std::list< std::string > ot::getAllSupportedDocumentSyntax | ( | void | ) |
bool ot::importLogMessagesFromString | ( | const std::string & | _string, |
std::list< LogMessage > & | _messages ) |
ot::ConnectionDirection ot::inversedConnectionDirection | ( | ConnectionDirection | _direction | ) |
Returnse the opposite connection of the one provided.
std::list< K > ot::listFromMapKeys | ( | const std::map< K, V > & | _map | ) |
Creates a list containing all the keys from the provided map.
K | Map key type. |
V | Map value type. |
_map | Data. |
std::list< V > ot::listFromMapValues | ( | const std::map< K, V > & | _map | ) |
Creates a list containing all the values from the provided map.
K | Map key type. |
V | Map value type. |
_map | Data. |
std::list< T > ot::listFromVector | ( | const std::vector< T > & | _vector | ) |
ot::LogFlags ot::logFlagsFromJsonArray | ( | const ConstJsonArray & | _flagsArray | ) |
std::ostream & ot::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | _stream, |
const LogMessage & | _msg ) |
Writes the log message in a typical "log line" format to the provided output stream.
_stream | Output stream to write to. |
_msg | The log message to write. |
void ot::removeFromMapByValue | ( | std::map< K, V > & | _map, |
const V & | _value ) |
Removes the value from the provided map.
K | Map key type. |
V | Map value type. |
_map | |
_value |
void ot::startSessionServiceHealthCheck | ( | const std::string & | _sessionServiceURL | ) |
void ot::stopSessionServiceHealthCheck | ( | void | ) |
ot::NavigationTreeItemFlags ot::stringListToNavigationItemFlags | ( | const std::list< std::string > & | _flags | ) |
ot::Alignment ot::stringToAlignment | ( | const std::string & | _string | ) |
ot::LineCapStyle ot::stringToCapStyle | ( | const std::string & | _cap | ) |
ot::ColorStyleBaseFileMacro ot::stringToColorStyleBaseFileMacro | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleBaseFileMacro | ) |
ot::ColorStyleDoubleEntry ot::stringToColorStyleDoubleEntry | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleDoubleEntry | ) |
ot::ColorStyleFileEntry ot::stringToColorStyleFileEntry | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleFileEntry | ) |
ot::ColorStyleFileKey ot::stringToColorStyleFileKey | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleFileKey | ) |
ot::ColorStyleFileMacro ot::stringToColorStyleFileMacro | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleFileMacro | ) |
ot::ColorStyleFileValue ot::stringToColorStyleFileValue | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleFileValue | ) |
ot::ColorStyleIntegerEntry ot::stringToColorStyleIntegerEntry | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleIntegerEntry | ) |
ot::ColorStyleName ot::stringToColorStyleName | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleName | ) |
ot::ColorStyleValueEntry ot::stringToColorStyleValueEntry | ( | const std::string & | _colorStyleValueEntry | ) |
ot::ConnectionDirection ot::stringToConnectionDirection | ( | const std::string & | _direction | ) |
ot::FontFamily ot::stringToFontFamily | ( | const std::string & | _string | ) |
ot::GradientSpread ot::stringToGradientSpread | ( | const std::string & | _spread | ) |
ot::LineJoinStyle ot::stringToJoinStyle | ( | const std::string & | _join | ) |
ot::LineStyle ot::stringToLineStyle | ( | const std::string & | _style | ) |
ot::NavigationTreeItemFlag ot::stringToNavigationItemFlag | ( | const std::string & | _flag | ) |
ot::Orientation ot::stringToOrientation | ( | const std::string & | _string | ) |
ot::SizePolicy ot::stringToSizePolicy | ( | const std::string & | _string | ) |
ot::BasicKey ot::toBasicKey | ( | const std::string & | _key | ) |
ot::DocumentSyntax ot::toDocumentSyntax | ( | const std::string & | _syntax | ) |
ot::LockTypeFlag ot::toLockTypeFlag | ( | const std::string & | _flag | ) |
ot::LockTypeFlags ot::toLockTypeFlags | ( | const std::list< std::string > & | _flags | ) |
ot::LockTypeFlags ot::toLockTypeFlags | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | _flags | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ot::Alignment | _alignment | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | BasicKey | _key | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleBaseFileMacro | _colorStyleBaseFileMacro | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleDoubleEntry | _colorStyleDoubleEntry | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleFileEntry | _colorStyleFileEntry | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleFileKey | _colorStyleFileKey | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleFileMacro | _colorStyleFileMacro | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleFileValue | _colorStyleFileValue | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleIntegerEntry | _colorStyleIntegerEntry | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleName | _colorStyleName | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ColorStyleValueEntry | _colorStyleValueEntry | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ot::ConnectionDirection | _direction | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | DocumentSyntax | _syntax | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | ot::FontFamily | _fontFamily | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | GradientSpread | _spread | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | LineCapStyle | _cap | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | LineJoinStyle | _join | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | LineStyle | _style | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | LockTypeFlag | _type | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | NavigationTreeItemFlag | _flag | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | Orientation | _orientation | ) |
std::string ot::toString | ( | SizePolicy | _policy | ) |
std::list< std::string > ot::toStringList | ( | const LockTypeFlags & | _flags | ) |
std::list< std::string > ot::toStringList | ( | NavigationTreeItemFlags | _flags | ) |
std::vector< T > ot::vectorFromList | ( | const std::list< T > & | _list | ) |
const std::string ot::g_ImagSerialiseKey = "imag" |
const std::string ot::g_realSerialiseKey = "real" |
static |
The invalid service ID, a Service must not have this ID assigned.
static |
The maximum number a service ID may reach.