OpenTwin 0.1
No Matches
testing::internal Namespace Reference


namespace  edit_distance
namespace  posix


struct  AddReference
struct  AddReference< T & >
class  AssertHelper
struct  bool_constant
struct  CodeLocation
struct  CompileAssert
struct  CompileAssertTypesEqual
struct  CompileAssertTypesEqual< T, T >
struct  ConstCharPtr
struct  EnableIf
struct  EnableIf< true >
class  EqHelper
class  EqHelper< true >
class  FilePath
class  FloatingPoint
class  FormatForComparison
class  FormatForComparison< ToPrint[N], OtherOperand >
class  GTestLog
class  GTestMutexLock
class  HasNewFatalFailureHelper
class  ImplicitlyConvertible
struct  is_pointer
struct  is_pointer< T * >
struct  IsAProtocolMessage
struct  IteratorTraits
struct  IteratorTraits< const T * >
struct  IteratorTraits< T * >
class  linked_ptr
class  linked_ptr_internal
class  Mutex
class  NativeArray
class  Random
class  RE
struct  RelationToSourceCopy
struct  RelationToSourceReference
struct  RemoveConst
struct  RemoveConst< const T >
struct  RemoveConst< const T[N]>
struct  RemoveReference
struct  RemoveReference< T & >
class  scoped_ptr
class  ScopedTrace
class  SingleFailureChecker
struct  StaticAssertTypeEqHelper
struct  StaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T, T >
class  String
class  TestFactoryBase
class  TestFactoryImpl
class  ThreadLocal
struct  TuplePolicy
class  TypeIdHelper
class  TypeWithSize
class  TypeWithSize< 4 >
class  TypeWithSize< 8 >
class  UniversalPrinter
class  UniversalPrinter< T & >
class  UniversalPrinter< T[N]>
class  UniversalTersePrinter
class  UniversalTersePrinter< char * >
class  UniversalTersePrinter< const char * >
class  UniversalTersePrinter< T & >
class  UniversalTersePrinter< T[N]>
class  UniversalTersePrinter< wchar_t * >


typedef ::std::vector< stringStrings
typedef FloatingPoint< float > Float
typedef FloatingPoint< double > Double
typedef const void * TypeId
typedef void(* SetUpTestCaseFunc) ()
typedef void(* TearDownTestCaseFunc) ()
typedef int IsContainer
typedef char IsNotContainer
typedef ::std::string string
typedef ::std::wstring wstring
typedef GTestMutexLock MutexLock
typedef bool_constant< false > false_type
typedef bool_constant< true > true_type
typedef long long BiggestInt
typedef TypeWithSize< 4 >::Int Int32
typedef TypeWithSize< 4 >::UInt UInt32
typedef TypeWithSize< 8 >::Int Int64
typedef TypeWithSize< 8 >::UInt UInt64
typedef TypeWithSize< 8 >::Int TimeInMillis




template<typename T >
std::string StreamableToString (const T &streamable)
 GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_STRING_ (char, ::std::string)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::string FormatForComparisonFailureMessage (const T1 &value, const T2 &)
template<typename T >
void UniversalPrint (const T &value, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename C >
void DefaultPrintTo (IsContainer, false_type, const C &container, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void DefaultPrintTo (IsNotContainer, true_type, T *p, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void DefaultPrintTo (IsNotContainer, false_type, const T &value, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void PrintTo (const T &value, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (unsigned char c, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (signed char c, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (char c, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (bool x, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (wchar_t wc, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (const char *s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (char *s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (const signed char *s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (signed char *s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (const unsigned char *s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (unsigned char *s, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (const wchar_t *s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (wchar_t *s, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void PrintRawArrayTo (const T a[], size_t count, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintStringTo (const ::std::string &s, ::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (const ::std::string &s, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void PrintTo (const ::std::pair< T1, T2 > &value, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void UniversalPrintArray (const T *begin, size_t len, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray (const char *begin, size_t len, ::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray (const wchar_t *begin, size_t len, ::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void UniversalTersePrint (const T &value, ::std::ostream *os)
class UnitTestImpl * GetUnitTestImpl ()
void ReportFailureInUnknownLocation (TestPartResult::Type result_type, const std::string &message)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult CmpHelperEQFailure (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, const T1 &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult CmpHelperEQ (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, const T1 &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperEQ (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, BiggestInt lhs, BiggestInt rhs)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult CmpHelperOpFailure (const char *expr1, const char *expr2, const T1 &val1, const T2 &val2, const char *op)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASENE (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)
template<typename RawType >
AssertionResult CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, RawType lhs_value, RawType rhs_value)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult DoubleNearPredFormat (const char *expr1, const char *expr2, const char *abs_error_expr, double val1, double val2, double abs_error)
 GTEST_DECLARE_string_ (internal_run_death_test)
char IsNullLiteralHelper (Secret *p)
char(& IsNullLiteralHelper (...))[2]
GTEST_API_ std::string AppendUserMessage (const std::string &gtest_msg, const Message &user_msg)
GTEST_API_ std::string DiffStrings (const std::string &left, const std::string &right, size_t *total_line_count)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult EqFailure (const char *expected_expression, const char *actual_expression, const std::string &expected_value, const std::string &actual_value, bool ignoring_case)
GTEST_API_ std::string GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage (const AssertionResult &assertion_result, const char *expression_text, const char *actual_predicate_value, const char *expected_predicate_value)
template<typename T >
TypeId GetTypeId ()
GTEST_API_ TypeId GetTestTypeId ()
GTEST_API_ TestInfo * MakeAndRegisterTestInfo (const char *test_case_name, const char *name, const char *type_param, const char *value_param, CodeLocation code_location, TypeId fixture_class_id, SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc, TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc, TestFactoryBase *factory)
GTEST_API_ bool SkipPrefix (const char *prefix, const char **pstr)
GTEST_API_ std::string GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop (UnitTest *unit_test, int skip_count)
GTEST_API_ bool AlwaysTrue ()
bool AlwaysFalse ()
template<class C >
IsContainer IsContainerTest (int, typename C::iterator *=NULL, typename C::const_iterator *=NULL)
template<class C >
IsNotContainer IsContainerTest (long)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool ArrayEq (const T *lhs, size_t size, const U *rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool ArrayEq (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
bool ArrayEq (const T(&lhs)[N], const U(&rhs)[N])
template<typename Iter , typename Element >
Iter ArrayAwareFind (Iter begin, Iter end, const Element &elem)
template<typename T , typename U >
void CopyArray (const T *from, size_t size, U *to)
template<typename T , typename U >
void CopyArray (const T &from, U *to)
template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
void CopyArray (const T(&from)[N], U(*to)[N])
template<typename T >
bool operator== (T *ptr, const linked_ptr< T > &x)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (T *ptr, const linked_ptr< T > &x)
template<typename T >
linked_ptr< T > make_linked_ptr (T *ptr)
GTEST_API_ bool IsTrue (bool condition)
GTEST_API_::std::string FormatFileLocation (const char *file, int line)
GTEST_API_::std::string FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation (const char *file, int line)
void LogToStderr ()
void FlushInfoLog ()
template<typename T >
const T & move (const T &t)
template<typename To >
To ImplicitCast_ (To x)
template<typename To , typename From >
To DownCast_ (From *f)
template<class Derived , class Base >
Derived * CheckedDowncastToActualType (Base *base)
GTEST_API_ void CaptureStdout ()
GTEST_API_ std::string GetCapturedStdout ()
GTEST_API_ void CaptureStderr ()
GTEST_API_ std::string GetCapturedStderr ()
GTEST_API_ std::string TempDir ()
GTEST_API_ size_t GetFileSize (FILE *file)
GTEST_API_ std::string ReadEntireFile (FILE *file)
GTEST_API_ const ::std::vector< testing::internal::string > & GetArgvs ()
GTEST_API_ size_t GetThreadCount ()
bool IsAlpha (char ch)
bool IsAlNum (char ch)
bool IsDigit (char ch)
bool IsLower (char ch)
bool IsSpace (char ch)
bool IsUpper (char ch)
bool IsXDigit (char ch)
bool IsXDigit (wchar_t ch)
char ToLower (char ch)
char ToUpper (char ch)
std::string StripTrailingSpaces (std::string str)
bool ParseInt32 (const Message &src_text, const char *str, Int32 *value)
bool BoolFromGTestEnv (const char *flag, bool default_val)
GTEST_API_ Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv (const char *flag, Int32 default_val)
std::string StringFromGTestEnv (const char *flag, const char *default_val)
GTEST_API_ std::string StringStreamToString (::std::stringstream *stream)
template<typename T >
std::string GetTypeName ()


const char kDeathTestStyleFlag [] = "death_test_style"
const char kDeathTestUseFork [] = "death_test_use_fork"
const char kInternalRunDeathTestFlag [] = "internal_run_death_test"
GTEST_API_ const char kStackTraceMarker []
class GTEST_API_ testing::internal::ScopedTrace GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_
const BiggestInt kMaxBiggestInt

Typedef Documentation

◆ BiggestInt

typedef long long testing::internal::BiggestInt

◆ Double

◆ false_type

◆ Float

◆ Int32

◆ Int64

◆ IsContainer

◆ IsNotContainer

◆ MutexLock

◆ SetUpTestCaseFunc

typedef void(* testing::internal::SetUpTestCaseFunc) ()

◆ string

typedef ::std::string testing::internal::string

◆ Strings

typedef ::std::vector<string> testing::internal::Strings

◆ TearDownTestCaseFunc

typedef void(* testing::internal::TearDownTestCaseFunc) ()

◆ TimeInMillis

◆ true_type

◆ TypeId

typedef const void* testing::internal::TypeId

◆ UInt32

◆ UInt64

◆ wstring

typedef ::std::wstring testing::internal::wstring

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GTestLogSeverity


Function Documentation

◆ AlwaysFalse()

bool testing::internal::AlwaysFalse ( )

◆ AlwaysTrue()

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::AlwaysTrue ( )

◆ AppendUserMessage()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::AppendUserMessage ( const std::string & gtest_msg,
const Message & user_msg )

◆ ArrayAwareFind()

template<typename Iter , typename Element >
Iter testing::internal::ArrayAwareFind ( Iter begin,
Iter end,
const Element & elem )

◆ ArrayEq() [1/3]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool testing::internal::ArrayEq ( const T & lhs,
const U & rhs )

◆ ArrayEq() [2/3]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool testing::internal::ArrayEq ( const T * lhs,
size_t size,
const U * rhs )

◆ ArrayEq() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
bool testing::internal::ArrayEq ( const T(&) lhs[N],
const U(&) rhs[N] )

◆ BoolFromGTestEnv()

bool testing::internal::BoolFromGTestEnv ( const char * flag,
bool default_val )

◆ CaptureStderr()

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::CaptureStderr ( )

◆ CaptureStdout()

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::CaptureStdout ( )

◆ CheckedDowncastToActualType()

template<class Derived , class Base >
Derived * testing::internal::CheckedDowncastToActualType ( Base * base)

◆ CmpHelperEQ() [1/2]

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ ( const char * lhs_expression,
const char * rhs_expression,
BiggestInt lhs,
BiggestInt rhs )

◆ CmpHelperEQ() [2/2]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ ( const char * lhs_expression,
const char * rhs_expression,
const T1 & lhs,
const T2 & rhs )

◆ CmpHelperEQFailure()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQFailure ( const char * lhs_expression,
const char * rhs_expression,
const T1 & lhs,
const T2 & rhs )

◆ CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ()

template<typename RawType >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ ( const char * lhs_expression,
const char * rhs_expression,
RawType lhs_value,
RawType rhs_value )

◆ CmpHelperOpFailure()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperOpFailure ( const char * expr1,
const char * expr2,
const T1 & val1,
const T2 & val2,
const char * op )

◆ CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ()

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ ( const char * s1_expression,
const char * s2_expression,
const char * s1,
const char * s2 )

◆ CmpHelperSTRCASENE()

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRCASENE ( const char * s1_expression,
const char * s2_expression,
const char * s1,
const char * s2 )

◆ CmpHelperSTREQ() [1/2]

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTREQ ( const char * s1_expression,
const char * s2_expression,
const char * s1,
const char * s2 )

◆ CmpHelperSTREQ() [2/2]

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTREQ ( const char * s1_expression,
const char * s2_expression,
const wchar_t * s1,
const wchar_t * s2 )

◆ CmpHelperSTRNE() [1/2]

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRNE ( const char * s1_expression,
const char * s2_expression,
const char * s1,
const char * s2 )

◆ CmpHelperSTRNE() [2/2]

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRNE ( const char * s1_expression,
const char * s2_expression,
const wchar_t * s1,
const wchar_t * s2 )

◆ CopyArray() [1/3]

template<typename T , typename U >
void testing::internal::CopyArray ( const T & from,
U * to )

◆ CopyArray() [2/3]

template<typename T , typename U >
void testing::internal::CopyArray ( const T * from,
size_t size,
U * to )

◆ CopyArray() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
void testing::internal::CopyArray ( const T(&) from[N],
U(*) to[N] )

◆ DefaultPrintTo() [1/3]

template<typename C >
void testing::internal::DefaultPrintTo ( IsContainer ,
false_type ,
const C & container,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ DefaultPrintTo() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::DefaultPrintTo ( IsNotContainer ,
false_type ,
const T & value,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ DefaultPrintTo() [3/3]

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::DefaultPrintTo ( IsNotContainer ,
true_type ,
T * p,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ DiffStrings()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::DiffStrings ( const std::string & left,
const std::string & right,
size_t * total_line_count )

◆ DoubleNearPredFormat()

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::DoubleNearPredFormat ( const char * expr1,
const char * expr2,
const char * abs_error_expr,
double val1,
double val2,
double abs_error )

◆ DownCast_()

template<typename To , typename From >
To testing::internal::DownCast_ ( From * f)

◆ EqFailure()

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::EqFailure ( const char * expected_expression,
const char * actual_expression,
const std::string & expected_value,
const std::string & actual_value,
bool ignoring_case )

◆ FlushInfoLog()

void testing::internal::FlushInfoLog ( )

◆ FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation()

GTEST_API_::std::string testing::internal::FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation ( const char * file,
int line )

◆ FormatFileLocation()

GTEST_API_::std::string testing::internal::FormatFileLocation ( const char * file,
int line )

◆ FormatForComparisonFailureMessage()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::string testing::internal::FormatForComparisonFailureMessage ( const T1 & value,
const T2 &  )

◆ GetArgvs()

GTEST_API_ const ::std::vector< testing::internal::string > & testing::internal::GetArgvs ( )

◆ GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage ( const AssertionResult & assertion_result,
const char * expression_text,
const char * actual_predicate_value,
const char * expected_predicate_value )

◆ GetCapturedStderr()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr ( )

◆ GetCapturedStdout()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout ( )

◆ GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop ( UnitTest * unit_test,
int skip_count )

◆ GetFileSize()

GTEST_API_ size_t testing::internal::GetFileSize ( FILE * file)

◆ GetTestTypeId()

GTEST_API_ TypeId testing::internal::GetTestTypeId ( )

◆ GetThreadCount()

GTEST_API_ size_t testing::internal::GetThreadCount ( )

◆ GetTypeId()

template<typename T >
TypeId testing::internal::GetTypeId ( )

◆ GetTypeName()

template<typename T >
std::string testing::internal::GetTypeName ( )

◆ GetUnitTestImpl()

class UnitTestImpl * testing::internal::GetUnitTestImpl ( )


GTEST_API_ testing::internal::GTEST_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX_ ( g_linked_ptr_mutex )

◆ GTEST_DECLARE_string_()

testing::internal::GTEST_DECLARE_string_ ( internal_run_death_test )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( GE ,
>=  )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( GT )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( LE ,
<=  )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( LT )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( NE ,
!  )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_POINTER_ ( char )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_POINTER_ ( wchar_t )


testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_STRING_ ( char ,
::std::string  )

◆ ImplicitCast_()

template<typename To >
To testing::internal::ImplicitCast_ ( To x)

◆ Int32FromGTestEnv()

GTEST_API_ Int32 testing::internal::Int32FromGTestEnv ( const char * flag,
Int32 default_val )

◆ IsAlNum()

bool testing::internal::IsAlNum ( char ch)

◆ IsAlpha()

bool testing::internal::IsAlpha ( char ch)

◆ IsContainerTest() [1/2]

template<class C >
IsContainer testing::internal::IsContainerTest ( int ,
typename C::iterator * = NULL,
typename C::const_iterator * = NULL )

◆ IsContainerTest() [2/2]

template<class C >
IsNotContainer testing::internal::IsContainerTest ( long )

◆ IsDigit()

bool testing::internal::IsDigit ( char ch)

◆ IsLower()

bool testing::internal::IsLower ( char ch)

◆ IsNullLiteralHelper() [1/2]

char(& testing::internal::IsNullLiteralHelper ( ...) )[2]

◆ IsNullLiteralHelper() [2/2]

char testing::internal::IsNullLiteralHelper ( Secret * p)

◆ IsSpace()

bool testing::internal::IsSpace ( char ch)

◆ IsTrue()

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::IsTrue ( bool condition)

◆ IsUpper()

bool testing::internal::IsUpper ( char ch)

◆ IsXDigit() [1/2]

bool testing::internal::IsXDigit ( char ch)

◆ IsXDigit() [2/2]

bool testing::internal::IsXDigit ( wchar_t ch)

◆ LogToStderr()

void testing::internal::LogToStderr ( )

◆ make_linked_ptr()

template<typename T >
linked_ptr< T > testing::internal::make_linked_ptr ( T * ptr)

◆ MakeAndRegisterTestInfo()

GTEST_API_ TestInfo * testing::internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo ( const char * test_case_name,
const char * name,
const char * type_param,
const char * value_param,
CodeLocation code_location,
TypeId fixture_class_id,
SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,
TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc,
TestFactoryBase * factory )

◆ move()

template<typename T >
const T & testing::internal::move ( const T & t)

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T >
bool testing::internal::operator!= ( T * ptr,
const linked_ptr< T > & x )

◆ operator==()

template<typename T >
bool testing::internal::operator== ( T * ptr,
const linked_ptr< T > & x )

◆ ParseInt32()

bool testing::internal::ParseInt32 ( const Message & src_text,
const char * str,
Int32 * value )

◆ PrintRawArrayTo()

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::PrintRawArrayTo ( const T a[],
size_t count,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintStringTo()

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintStringTo ( const ::std::string & s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [1/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( bool x,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [2/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( char * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [3/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( char c,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [4/16]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const ::std::pair< T1, T2 > & value,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [5/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const ::std::string & s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [6/16]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const char * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [7/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const signed char * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [8/16]

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const T & value,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [9/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const unsigned char * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [10/16]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const wchar_t * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [11/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( signed char * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [12/16]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( signed char c,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [13/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( unsigned char * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [14/16]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( unsigned char c,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [15/16]

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( wchar_t * s,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ PrintTo() [16/16]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( wchar_t wc,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ ReadEntireFile()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::ReadEntireFile ( FILE * file)

◆ ReportFailureInUnknownLocation()

void testing::internal::ReportFailureInUnknownLocation ( TestPartResult::Type result_type,
const std::string & message )

◆ SkipPrefix()

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::SkipPrefix ( const char * prefix,
const char ** pstr )

◆ StreamableToString()

template<typename T >
std::string testing::internal::StreamableToString ( const T & streamable)

◆ StringFromGTestEnv()

std::string testing::internal::StringFromGTestEnv ( const char * flag,
const char * default_val )

◆ StringStreamToString()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::StringStreamToString ( ::std::stringstream * stream)

◆ StripTrailingSpaces()

std::string testing::internal::StripTrailingSpaces ( std::string str)

◆ TempDir()

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::TempDir ( )

◆ ToLower()

char testing::internal::ToLower ( char ch)

◆ ToUpper()

char testing::internal::ToUpper ( char ch)

◆ UniversalPrint()

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::UniversalPrint ( const T & value,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ UniversalPrintArray() [1/3]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::UniversalPrintArray ( const char * begin,
size_t len,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ UniversalPrintArray() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::UniversalPrintArray ( const T * begin,
size_t len,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ UniversalPrintArray() [3/3]

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::UniversalPrintArray ( const wchar_t * begin,
size_t len,
::std::ostream * os )

◆ UniversalTersePrint()

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::UniversalTersePrint ( const T & value,
::std::ostream * os )

Variable Documentation


class GTEST_API_ testing::internal::ScopedTrace testing::internal::GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_

◆ kDeathTestStyleFlag

const char testing::internal::kDeathTestStyleFlag[] = "death_test_style"

◆ kDeathTestUseFork

const char testing::internal::kDeathTestUseFork[] = "death_test_use_fork"

◆ kInternalRunDeathTestFlag

const char testing::internal::kInternalRunDeathTestFlag[] = "internal_run_death_test"

◆ kMaxBiggestInt

const BiggestInt testing::internal::kMaxBiggestInt
Initial value:
~(static_cast<BiggestInt>(1) << (8*sizeof(BiggestInt) - 1))
long long BiggestInt
Definition gtest-port.h:2241

◆ kStackTraceMarker

GTEST_API_ const char testing::internal::kStackTraceMarker[]