GTEST_API_ bool | testing::internal::IsTrue (bool condition) |
GTEST_API_::std::string | testing::internal::FormatFileLocation (const char *file, int line) |
GTEST_API_::std::string | testing::internal::FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation (const char *file, int line) |
void | testing::internal::LogToStderr () |
void | testing::internal::FlushInfoLog () |
template<typename T > |
const T & | testing::internal::move (const T &t) |
template<typename To > |
To | testing::internal::ImplicitCast_ (To x) |
template<typename To , typename From > |
To | testing::internal::DownCast_ (From *f) |
template<class Derived , class Base > |
Derived * | testing::internal::CheckedDowncastToActualType (Base *base) |
GTEST_API_ void | testing::internal::CaptureStdout () |
GTEST_API_ std::string | testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout () |
GTEST_API_ void | testing::internal::CaptureStderr () |
GTEST_API_ std::string | testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr () |
GTEST_API_ std::string | testing::internal::TempDir () |
GTEST_API_ size_t | testing::internal::GetFileSize (FILE *file) |
GTEST_API_ std::string | testing::internal::ReadEntireFile (FILE *file) |
GTEST_API_ const ::std::vector< testing::internal::string > & | testing::internal::GetArgvs () |
GTEST_API_ size_t | testing::internal::GetThreadCount () |
bool | testing::internal::IsAlpha (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsAlNum (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsDigit (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsLower (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsSpace (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsUpper (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsXDigit (char ch) |
bool | testing::internal::IsXDigit (wchar_t ch) |
char | testing::internal::ToLower (char ch) |
char | testing::internal::ToUpper (char ch) |
std::string | testing::internal::StripTrailingSpaces (std::string str) |
int | testing::internal::posix::FileNo (FILE *file) |
int | testing::internal::posix::IsATTY (int fd) |
int | testing::internal::posix::Stat (const char *path, StatStruct *buf) |
int | testing::internal::posix::StrCaseCmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) |
char * | testing::internal::posix::StrDup (const char *src) |
int | testing::internal::posix::RmDir (const char *dir) |
bool | testing::internal::posix::IsDir (const StatStruct &st) |
const char * | testing::internal::posix::StrNCpy (char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) |
int | testing::internal::posix::ChDir (const char *dir) |
FILE * | testing::internal::posix::FOpen (const char *path, const char *mode) |
FILE * | testing::internal::posix::FReopen (const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream) |
FILE * | testing::internal::posix::FDOpen (int fd, const char *mode) |
int | testing::internal::posix::FClose (FILE *fp) |
int | testing::internal::posix::Read (int fd, void *buf, unsigned int count) |
int | testing::internal::posix::Write (int fd, const void *buf, unsigned int count) |
int | testing::internal::posix::Close (int fd) |
const char * | testing::internal::posix::StrError (int errnum) |
const char * | testing::internal::posix::GetEnv (const char *name) |
void | testing::internal::posix::Abort () |
bool | testing::internal::ParseInt32 (const Message &src_text, const char *str, Int32 *value) |
bool | testing::internal::BoolFromGTestEnv (const char *flag, bool default_val) |
GTEST_API_ Int32 | testing::internal::Int32FromGTestEnv (const char *flag, Int32 default_val) |
std::string | testing::internal::StringFromGTestEnv (const char *flag, const char *default_val) |