OpenTwin 0.1
No Matches
Application Class Reference

#include "Application.h"

Inheritance diagram for Application:
ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ActionHandler ot::ServiceBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ActionHandler ot::ServiceBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase ot::ApplicationBase

Public Types

enum class  ActionType { SelectionChanged }

Public Member Functions

std::string test (void)
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void createMesh (void)
void updateMesh (void)
void mesherThread (std::list< ot::EntityInformation > mesherInfo, std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > mesherMap)
void runSingleMesher (ot::EntityInformation &mesher, EntityBase *meshEntity)
 Application (const Application &)=delete
Applicationoperator= (const Application &)=delete
void start (const std::string &_serverName)
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleRemoveGraphicsItem, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_UI_GRAPHICSEDITOR_RemoveItem, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleNewGraphicsItemConnection, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_UI_GRAPHICSEDITOR_AddConnection, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleRemoveGraphicsItemConnection, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_UI_GRAPHICSEDITOR_RemoveConnection, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleConnectionToConnection, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_UI_GRAPHICSEDITOR_AddConnectionToConnection, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void createNewCircuit ()
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void addSolver ()
void runCircuitSimulation ()
void solverThread (std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo, std::string modelVersion, std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap)
void runSingleSolver (ot::EntityInformation &solver, std::string &modelVersion, EntityBase *solverEntity)
void sendNetlistToSubService (std::list< std::string > &_netlist)
std::string extractStringAfterDelimiter (const std::string &inputString, char delimiter, size_t occurrence)
BlockEntityHandler getBlockEntityHandler ()
NGSpicegetNGSpice ()
std::string getCircuitRootName (void)
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void addSolver (void)
void runSolver (void)
void definePotential (void)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
void solverThread (std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo, std::list< ot::EntityInformation > meshInfo, std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap)
void runSingleSolver (ot::EntityInformation &solver, std::list< ot::EntityInformation > &meshInfo, EntityBase *solverEntity)
void deleteSingleSolverResults (EntityBase *solverEntity)
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
virtual void modelSelectionChanged (void) override
void addSolver (void)
void runSolver (void)
void addMonitor (void)
void addPort (void)
void addSignalType (void)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void addSolver (void)
void runSolver (void)
void definePotential (void)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
void solverThread (std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo, std::list< ot::EntityInformation > meshInfo, std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap)
void runSingleSolver (ot::EntityInformation &solver, std::list< ot::EntityInformation > &meshInfo, EntityBase *solverEntity)
void deleteSingleSolverResults (EntityBase *solverEntity)
const std::vector< LocalDirectoryService * > & localDirectoryServices (void) const
LocalDirectoryServiceleastLoadedDirectoryService (const ServiceStartupInformation &_info)
bool requestToRunService (const ServiceStartupInformation &_info)
int initialize (const char *_siteID, const char *_ownURL, const char *_globalSessionServiceURL)
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
virtual void modelSelectionChanged (void) override
 A handler can be created to handle the the specified action In this example the first parameter is the name of the callback function The second parameter is the class name where the handler is created at The last parameter is a C or C++ String containing the action name.
virtual ~Application ()
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void loadDataset (void)
void train (void)
void predict (void)
void saveKrigingModel (void)
void addParameters (void)
void importData (void)
std::list< std::string > getListOfSelectedKrigingSolvers (void)
KrigingParamsgetParams (void)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
int initialize (const char *_ownURL, const char *_globalDirectoryServiceURL)
void globalDirectoryServiceCrashed (void)
ServiceManagerserviceManager (void)
std::list< std::string > supportedServices (void) const
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void importProject (void)
void setLTSpiceFile (void)
void showInformation (void)
void commitChanges (void)
void getChanges (void)
void setLocalFileName (const std::string &hostName, const std::string &fileName)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
void changeUnits (const std::string &content)
void changeMaterials (const std::string &content)
void shapeInformation (const std::string &content)
void processSingleUnit (const std::string &unitName, std::stringstream &buffer, EntityUnits *units, bool &changed)
bool processSingleMaterial (std::stringstream &buffer, std::map< std::string, bool > &materialProcessed)
void readDoubleTriple (const std::string &line, double &a, double &b, double &c)
void shapeTriangles (std::list< std::string > &shapeNames, std::list< std::string > &shapeTriangles, std::list< std::string > &shapeHash)
void result1D (bool appendData, std::string &data, size_t uncompressedDataLength)
void storeShape (const std::string &name, const std::string &triangles, const std::string &materialsFolder, ot::UID materialsFolderID)
void createFacets (const std::string &data, std::vector< Geometry::Node > &nodes, std::list< Geometry::Triangle > &triangles, std::list< Geometry::Edge > &edges)
void writeProjectInformation (const std::string &simpleFileName, std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &hostNamesAndFileNames)
bool readProjectInformation (std::string &simpleFileName, std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &hostNamesAndFileNames)
bool isProjectInitialized ()
std::string getLocalFileName (const std::string &hostName)
void addHostNameAndFileName (const std::string &hostName, const std::string &fileName, std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &hostNamesAndFileNames)
std::string getSimpleFileName ()
long long getCurrentModelEntityVersion (void)
void extractResults ()
void getParametricCombinations (const std::string &logFileName, std::list< ParametricCombination > &parameterRuns)
LTSpiceData getCurveData (const std::string &rawFileName)
LTSpiceData readLTSpiceRaw (std::stringstream &data)
bool getLine (std::stringstream &data, std::string &line)
 OT_HANDLER (handleVisualisationDataRequest, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_RequestVisualisationData, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleShowTable, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_UI_TABLE_Setup, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
ModelgetModel (void) const
MicroserviceNotifiergetNotifier (void) const
std::string getEntityInformation (std::list< ot::UID > &_entityIDList) const
bool queuedRequestToFrontend (const ot::JsonDocument &_request)
bool queuedRequestToFrontend (const ot::JsonDocument &_request, const std::list< std::pair< ot::UID, ot::UID > > &_prefetchIDs)
void flushRequestsToFrontEnd ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation).
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation).
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed).
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed).
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function).
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function).
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped). At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped).
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService. The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database. At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService. The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
SelectionHandlergetSelectionHandler ()
void addButtons ()
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > getSelectedGeometryEntities (void)
EntityCachegetEntityCache (void)
virtual void modelSelectionChanged (void) override
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void addSolver (void)
void runPHREEC (void)
void addTerminal (void)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
void solverThread (std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo, std::string modelVersion, std::list< ot::EntityInformation > meshInfo, std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap)
void runSingleSolver (ot::EntityInformation &solver, std::string &modelVersion, std::list< ot::EntityInformation > &meshInfo, EntityBase *solverEntity)
void setModelServiceURL (const std::string &url)
void setUIServiceURL (const std::string &url)
ClassFactory & getClassFactory (void)
CommunicationHandlergetCommunicationHandler (void)
void prefetchDocumentsFromStorage (const std::list< ot::UID > &entities)
void prefetchDocumentsFromStorage (const std::list< ot::EntityInformation > &entityInfo)
ot::UID getPrefetchedEntityVersion (ot::UID entityID)
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void importProject (void)
void setCSTFile (void)
void showInformation (void)
void commitChanges (void)
void getChanges (void)
void setLocalFileName (const std::string &hostName, const std::string &fileName)
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
void changeUnits (const std::string &content)
void changeMaterials (const std::string &content)
void shapeInformation (const std::string &content)
void processSingleUnit (const std::string &unitName, std::stringstream &buffer, EntityUnits *units, bool &changed)
bool processSingleMaterial (std::stringstream &buffer, std::map< std::string, bool > &materialProcessed)
void readDoubleTriple (const std::string &line, double &a, double &b, double &c)
void shapeTriangles (std::list< std::string > &shapeNames, std::list< std::string > &shapeTriangles, std::list< std::string > &shapeHash)
void result1D (bool appendData, std::string &data, size_t uncompressedDataLength)
void storeShape (const std::string &name, const std::string &triangles, const std::string &materialsFolder, ot::UID materialsFolderID)
void createFacets (const std::string &data, std::vector< Geometry::Node > &nodes, std::list< Geometry::Triangle > &triangles, std::list< Geometry::Edge > &edges)
void writeProjectInformation (const std::string &simpleFileName, std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &hostNamesAndFileNames)
bool readProjectInformation (std::string &simpleFileName, std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &hostNamesAndFileNames)
bool isProjectInitialized ()
std::string getLocalFileName (const std::string &hostName)
void addHostNameAndFileName (const std::string &hostName, const std::string &fileName, std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &hostNamesAndFileNames)
std::string getSimpleFileName ()
long long getCurrentModelEntityVersion (void)
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteModelAction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteAction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleModelSelectionChanged, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
 OT_HANDLER (handleExecuteFunction, Application, OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteFunction, ot::SECURE_MESSAGE_TYPES)
void modelSelectionChangedNotification (void)
void createMesh (void)
void updateMesh (void)
void exportMesh (void)
void importMesh (void)
void mesherThread (std::list< ot::EntityInformation > mesherInfo, std::map< std::string, EntityMeshTet * > mesherMap)
void runSingleMesher (ot::EntityInformation &mesher, EntityMeshTet *meshEntity)
void exportMeshFile (const std::string &fileName)
void importMeshFile (const std::string &originalName, const std::string &content, ot::UID uncompressedDataLength)
void exportMeshThread (const std::string meshName, const std::string originalName, const std::string content, ot::UID uncompressedDataLength)
std::string getCurrentlySelectedMeshName (void)
ot::UID getCurrentlySelectedMeshDataID (void)
 Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual void run (void) override
 Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.
virtual std::string processAction (const std::string &_action, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, ot::JsonDocument &_doc) override
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual void uiConnected (ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void uiDisconnected (const ot::components::UiComponent *_ui) override
 Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void modelConnected (ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.
virtual void modelDisconnected (const ot::components::ModelComponent *_model) override
 Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)
virtual void serviceConnected (ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void serviceDisconnected (const ot::ServiceBase *_service) override
 Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)
virtual void preShutdown (void) override
 Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.
virtual void shuttingDown (void) override
 Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)
virtual bool startAsRelayService (void) const override
 Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.
virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg createSettings (void) const override
 Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.
virtual void settingsSynchronized (const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_dataset) override
 This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.
virtual bool settingChanged (const ot::Property *_item) override
 This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.
void EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ot::ApplicationBase
 ApplicationBase (const std::string &_serviceName, const std::string &_serviceType, AbstractUiNotifier *_uiNotifier=nullptr, AbstractModelNotifier *_modelNotifier=nullptr)
virtual ~ApplicationBase ()
virtual std::string processMessage (ServiceBase *_sender, const std::string &_message, JsonDocument &_doc)=0
 Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)
virtual std::string deploymentPath (void) const
 Will return the path of the deployment folder Returns an empty string in case of an error.
void setDataBaseURL (const std::string &_url)
 Will set the database URL of the database this application is using.
void setSiteID (const std::string &_id)
 Will set the site ID this application is running on.
void setWebSocketURL (const std::string &_url)
 Will set the websocket URL that this application is connected to (only required if socket connection is established)
void setDirectoryServiceURL (const std::string &_url)
 Will set the local directory service URL.
void setSessionServiceURL (const std::string &_url)
 Will set the session service URL.
void setSessionID (const std::string &_id)
 Will set the session ID of the application.
void setProjectType (const std::string &_type)
 Set the project type.
std::string dataBaseURL (void)
 Will return the URL of the database.
std::string siteID (void)
 Will return the site ID this application is running on.
std::string webSocketURL (void)
 Will return the websocket URL, it is only set if a websocket was required on startup: startAsRelayService() == true.
std::string sessionServiceURL (void)
 Will return the session service URL.
std::string directoryServiceURL (void)
 Will return the local directory service URL.
std::string sessionID (void)
 Will return the session ID this service is running in.
const std::string & projectType (void) const
 The current project type.
const std::string & getCollectionName () const
bool isUiConnected (void) const
 Will return true if a UI is running in the session.
bool isModelConnected (void) const
 Will return true if a model service is running in the session.
components::ModelComponentmodelComponent (void) const
 Will return the model component used in this application The model component only exists when a model service is running in the session.
components::UiComponentuiComponent (void) const
 Will return the ui component used in this application The UI component only exists when a ui service is running in the session.
ServiceBasegetConnectedServiceByID (serviceID_t _id)
 Will return the service with the specified ID.
ServiceBasegetConnectedServiceByName (const std::string &_name)
 Will return the service with the specified name.
AbstractUiNotifieruiNotifier (void)
 Will return the uiNotifier attached to this application.
AbstractModelNotifiermodelNotifier (void)
 Will return the modelNotifier attached to this application.
ClassFactory & getClassFactory (void)
 Returns a handle to the global class factory for the service.
void addModalCommand (ModalCommandBase *command)
void removeModalCommand (ModalCommandBase *command)
std::string processActionWithModalCommands (const std::string &_action, JsonDocument &_doc)
void enableMessageQueuing (const std::string &_serviceName, bool _flag)
 Set the message queuing flag If the flag counter reaches 0 the currently queued message will be flushed.
void flushQueuedHttpRequests (const std::string &_serviceName)
 Will flush the currently queued messages for the service with the provided name.
bool sendMessage (bool _queue, const std::string &_serviceName, const JsonDocument &_doc, std::string &_response)
 Will send the message to the service with the specified name.
bool sendMessage (bool _queue, const std::string &_serviceName, const JsonDocument &_doc, std::list< std::pair< UID, UID > > &_prefetchIds, std::string &_response)
 Will send the message to the service with the specified name.
bool broadcastMessage (bool _queue, const std::string &_message)
 Will send the message to all other services in this session.
bool broadcastMessage (bool _queue, const JsonDocument &_doc)
 Will send the message to all other services in this session.
void prefetchDocumentsFromStorage (const std::list< UID > &entities)
void prefetchDocumentsFromStorage (const std::list< ot::EntityInformation > &entityInfo)
UID getPrefetchedEntityVersion (UID entityID)
std::string getLogInUserName () const
std::string getLogInUserPsw () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ot::ServiceBase
 ServiceBase ()
 ServiceBase (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_type)
 ServiceBase (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_type, const std::string &_url, serviceID_t _id, const std::string &_siteId=std::string())
 ServiceBase (const ServiceBase &_other)
 Copy constructor.
ServiceBaseoperator= (const ServiceBase &_other)
bool operator== (const ServiceBase &_other) const
bool operator!= (const ServiceBase &_other) const
virtual ~ServiceBase ()
void setServiceID (serviceID_t _id)
 Set the service ID.
void setServiceURL (const std::string &_url)
 Set the service URL.
void setServiceName (const std::string &_name)
 Set the service name.
void setServiceType (const std::string &_type)
 Set the service type.
void setSiteId (const std::string &_id)
 Set the site ID.
void setSessionCount (int _count)
 Set the session count.
serviceID_t getServiceID (void) const
 Return the service ID.
int getServiceIDAsInt (void) const
 Return the service ID as an Integer (The service ID is an Integer stored as a String)
int getSessionCount (void) const
 Return the session count.
const std::string & getServiceURL (void) const
 Return the service URL.
std::string getServiceName (void) const
 Return the service name.
std::string getServiceType (void) const
 Return the service type.
std::string getSiteId (void) const
 Return the site ID.
BasicServiceInformation getBasicServiceInformation (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ot::ActionHandler
 ActionHandler ()
 ActionHandler (const ActionHandler &_other)=default
 ActionHandler (ActionHandler &&_other)=default
virtual ~ActionHandler ()
ActionHandleroperator= (const ActionHandler &_other)=default
ActionHandleroperator= (ActionHandler &&_other)=default

Static Public Member Functions

static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static ApplicationgetInstance ()
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)
static Applicationinstance (void)
static void deleteInstance (void)

Private Member Functions

virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()
virtual ~Application ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ot::ApplicationBase
bool EnsureDataBaseConnection (void)
bool storeSettingToDataBase (const PropertyGridCfg &_config, const std::string &_databaseURL, const std::string &_siteID, const std::string &_userName, const std::string &_userPassword, const std::string &_userCollection)
PropertyGridCfg getSettingsFromDataBase (const std::string &_databaseURL, const std::string &_siteID, const std::string &_userName, const std::string &_userPassword, const std::string &_userCollection)
void __serviceConnected (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_type, const std::string &_url, serviceID_t _id)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ot::ApplicationBase
bool m_uiMessageQueuingEnabled
std::map< std::string, structServiceInformationm_serviceNameMap
std::map< serviceID_t, structServiceInformationm_serviceIdMap
structServiceInformation m_sessionService
structServiceInformation m_directoryService
std::string m_databaseURL
std::string m_siteID
std::string m_websocketURL
std::string m_sessionID
std::string m_projectName
std::string m_collectionName
std::string m_projectType
std::list< ot::ModalCommandBase * > m_modalCommands
std::list< UIDm_selectedEntities
std::map< UID, UIDm_prefetchedEntityVersions
- Protected Attributes inherited from ot::ServiceBase
serviceID_t m_serviceID
std::string m_serviceURL
 Service ID.
std::string m_serviceName
 Service URL.
std::string m_serviceType
 Service name.
std::string m_siteId
 Service type.
int m_sessionCount
 Site ID.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ActionType

enum class Application::ActionType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Application() [1/10]

Application::Application ( const Application & )

◆ Application() [2/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [1/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [3/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [2/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [4/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [3/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [4/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [5/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [5/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [6/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [6/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [7/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [7/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [8/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [8/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [9/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [9/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ Application() [10/10]

Application::Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [10/10]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addButtons()

void Application::addButtons ( )

◆ addHostNameAndFileName() [1/2]

void Application::addHostNameAndFileName ( const std::string & hostName,
const std::string & fileName,
std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & hostNamesAndFileNames )

◆ addHostNameAndFileName() [2/2]

void Application::addHostNameAndFileName ( const std::string & hostName,
const std::string & fileName,
std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & hostNamesAndFileNames )

◆ addMonitor()

void Application::addMonitor ( void )

◆ addParameters()

void Application::addParameters ( void )

◆ addPort()

void Application::addPort ( void )

◆ addSignalType()

void Application::addSignalType ( void )

◆ addSolver() [1/5]

void Application::addSolver ( void )

◆ addSolver() [2/5]

void Application::addSolver ( void )

◆ addSolver() [3/5]

void Application::addSolver ( void )

◆ addSolver() [4/5]

void Application::addSolver ( void )

◆ addSolver() [5/5]

void Application::addSolver ( void )

◆ addTerminal()

void Application::addTerminal ( void )

◆ changeMaterials() [1/2]

void Application::changeMaterials ( const std::string & content)

◆ changeMaterials() [2/2]

void Application::changeMaterials ( const std::string & content)

◆ changeUnits() [1/2]

void Application::changeUnits ( const std::string & content)

◆ changeUnits() [2/2]

void Application::changeUnits ( const std::string & content)

◆ commitChanges() [1/2]

void Application::commitChanges ( void )

◆ commitChanges() [2/2]

void Application::commitChanges ( void )

◆ createFacets() [1/2]

void Application::createFacets ( const std::string & data,
std::vector< Geometry::Node > & nodes,
std::list< Geometry::Triangle > & triangles,
std::list< Geometry::Edge > & edges )

◆ createFacets() [2/2]

void Application::createFacets ( const std::string & data,
std::vector< Geometry::Node > & nodes,
std::list< Geometry::Triangle > & triangles,
std::list< Geometry::Edge > & edges )

◆ createMesh() [1/2]

void Application::createMesh ( void )

◆ createMesh() [2/2]

void Application::createMesh ( void )

◆ createNewCircuit()

void Application::createNewCircuit ( )

◆ createSettings() [1/17]

ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [2/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [3/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [4/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [5/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [6/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [7/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [8/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [9/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [10/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [11/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService. The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [12/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [13/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [14/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [15/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [16/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ createSettings() [17/17]

virtual ot::PropertyGridCfg Application::createSettings ( void ) const

Create settings that your application uses that are editable in the uiService The created class will be deleted after used for sending or synchronizing with the database. The created settings will be requested upon Service startup to synchronize with the database, aswell as when the uiService is connected.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ definePotential() [1/2]

void Application::definePotential ( void )

◆ definePotential() [2/2]

void Application::definePotential ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [1/10]

void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [2/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [3/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [4/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [5/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [6/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [7/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [8/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [9/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteInstance() [10/10]

static void Application::deleteInstance ( void )

◆ deleteSingleSolverResults() [1/2]

void Application::deleteSingleSolverResults ( EntityBase * solverEntity)

◆ deleteSingleSolverResults() [2/2]

void Application::deleteSingleSolverResults ( EntityBase * solverEntity)

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [1/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [2/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [3/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [4/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [5/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [6/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [7/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown() [8/8]

void Application::EnsureVisualizationModelIDKnown ( void )

◆ exportMesh()

void Application::exportMesh ( void )

◆ exportMeshFile()

void Application::exportMeshFile ( const std::string & fileName)

◆ exportMeshThread()

void Application::exportMeshThread ( const std::string meshName,
const std::string originalName,
const std::string content,
ot::UID uncompressedDataLength )

◆ extractResults()

void Application::extractResults ( )

◆ extractStringAfterDelimiter()

std::string Application::extractStringAfterDelimiter ( const std::string & inputString,
char delimiter,
size_t occurrence )

◆ flushRequestsToFrontEnd()

void Application::flushRequestsToFrontEnd ( )

◆ getBlockEntityHandler()

BlockEntityHandler Application::getBlockEntityHandler ( )

◆ getChanges() [1/2]

void Application::getChanges ( void )

◆ getChanges() [2/2]

void Application::getChanges ( void )

◆ getCircuitRootName()

std::string Application::getCircuitRootName ( void )

◆ getClassFactory()

ClassFactory & Application::getClassFactory ( void )

◆ getCommunicationHandler()

CommunicationHandler & Application::getCommunicationHandler ( void )

◆ getCurrentlySelectedMeshDataID()

ot::UID Application::getCurrentlySelectedMeshDataID ( void )

◆ getCurrentlySelectedMeshName()

std::string Application::getCurrentlySelectedMeshName ( void )

◆ getCurrentModelEntityVersion() [1/2]

long long Application::getCurrentModelEntityVersion ( void )

◆ getCurrentModelEntityVersion() [2/2]

long long Application::getCurrentModelEntityVersion ( void )

◆ getCurveData()

LTSpiceData Application::getCurveData ( const std::string & rawFileName)

◆ getEntityCache()

EntityCache * Application::getEntityCache ( void )

◆ getEntityInformation()

std::string Application::getEntityInformation ( std::list< ot::UID > & _entityIDList) const

◆ getInstance()

Application * Application::getInstance ( )

◆ getLine()

bool Application::getLine ( std::stringstream & data,
std::string & line )

◆ getListOfSelectedKrigingSolvers()

std::list< std::string > Application::getListOfSelectedKrigingSolvers ( void )

◆ getLocalFileName() [1/2]

std::string Application::getLocalFileName ( const std::string & hostName)

◆ getLocalFileName() [2/2]

std::string Application::getLocalFileName ( const std::string & hostName)

◆ getModel()

Model * Application::getModel ( void ) const

◆ getNGSpice()

NGSpice & Application::getNGSpice ( )

◆ getNotifier()

MicroserviceNotifier * Application::getNotifier ( void ) const

◆ getParametricCombinations()

void Application::getParametricCombinations ( const std::string & logFileName,
std::list< ParametricCombination > & parameterRuns )

◆ getParams()

KrigingParams * Application::getParams ( void )

◆ getPrefetchedEntityVersion()

ot::UID Application::getPrefetchedEntityVersion ( ot::UID entityID)

◆ getSelectedGeometryEntities()

std::list< ot::EntityInformation > Application::getSelectedGeometryEntities ( void )

◆ getSelectionHandler()

SelectionHandler & Application::getSelectionHandler ( )

◆ getSimpleFileName() [1/2]

std::string Application::getSimpleFileName ( )

◆ getSimpleFileName() [2/2]

std::string Application::getSimpleFileName ( )

◆ globalDirectoryServiceCrashed()

void Application::globalDirectoryServiceCrashed ( void )

◆ importData()

void Application::importData ( void )

◆ importMesh()

void Application::importMesh ( void )

◆ importMeshFile()

void Application::importMeshFile ( const std::string & originalName,
const std::string & content,
ot::UID uncompressedDataLength )

◆ importProject() [1/2]

void Application::importProject ( void )

◆ importProject() [2/2]

void Application::importProject ( void )

◆ initialize() [1/2]

int Application::initialize ( const char * _ownURL,
const char * _globalDirectoryServiceURL )

◆ initialize() [2/2]

int Application::initialize ( const char * _siteID,
const char * _ownURL,
const char * _globalSessionServiceURL )

◆ instance() [1/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [2/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [3/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [4/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [5/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [6/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [7/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [8/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [9/11]

static Application & Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [10/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ instance() [11/11]

static Application * Application::instance ( void )

◆ isProjectInitialized() [1/2]

bool Application::isProjectInitialized ( )

◆ isProjectInitialized() [2/2]

bool Application::isProjectInitialized ( )

◆ leastLoadedDirectoryService()

LocalDirectoryService * Application::leastLoadedDirectoryService ( const ServiceStartupInformation & _info)

◆ loadDataset()

void Application::loadDataset ( void )

◆ localDirectoryServices()

const std::vector< LocalDirectoryService * > & Application::localDirectoryServices ( void ) const

◆ mesherThread() [1/2]

void Application::mesherThread ( std::list< ot::EntityInformation > mesherInfo,
std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > mesherMap )

◆ mesherThread() [2/2]

void Application::mesherThread ( std::list< ot::EntityInformation > mesherInfo,
std::map< std::string, EntityMeshTet * > mesherMap )

◆ modelConnected() [1/17]

void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [2/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [3/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [4/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [5/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [6/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [7/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [8/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [9/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [10/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [11/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [12/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [13/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [14/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [15/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [16/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelConnected() [17/17]

virtual void Application::modelConnected ( ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a model service connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [1/17]

void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [2/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [3/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [4/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [5/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [6/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [7/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [8/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [9/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [10/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [11/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed).

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [12/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [13/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [14/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [15/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [16/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelDisconnected() [17/17]

virtual void Application::modelDisconnected ( const ot::components::ModelComponent * _model)

Will be called when a mode service disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelSelectionChanged() [1/3]

void Application::modelSelectionChanged ( void )

Reimplemented from ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelSelectionChanged() [2/3]

virtual void Application::modelSelectionChanged ( void )

A handler can be created to handle the the specified action In this example the first parameter is the name of the callback function The second parameter is the class name where the handler is created at The last parameter is a C or C++ String containing the action name.

Reimplemented from ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelSelectionChanged() [3/3]

virtual void Application::modelSelectionChanged ( void )

Reimplemented from ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [1/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [2/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [3/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [4/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [5/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [6/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [7/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [8/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ modelSelectionChangedNotification() [9/9]

void Application::modelSelectionChangedNotification ( void )

◆ operator=()

Application & Application::operator= ( const Application & )

◆ OT_HANDLER() [1/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleConnectionToConnection ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [2/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteFunction ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_ExecuteFunction ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [3/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [4/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [5/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [6/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [7/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [8/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [9/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [10/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleExecuteModelAction ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [11/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleItemChanged ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [12/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [13/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [14/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [15/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [16/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [17/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [18/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [19/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleModelSelectionChanged ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_SelectionChanged ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [20/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleNewGraphicsItem ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [21/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleNewGraphicsItemConnection ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [22/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleRemoveGraphicsItem ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [23/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleRemoveGraphicsItemConnection ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [24/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleShowTable ,
Application ,

◆ OT_HANDLER() [25/25]

Application::OT_HANDLER ( handleVisualisationDataRequest ,
Application ,
OT_ACTION_CMD_MODEL_RequestVisualisationData ,

◆ predict()

void Application::predict ( void )

◆ prefetchDocumentsFromStorage() [1/2]

void Application::prefetchDocumentsFromStorage ( const std::list< ot::EntityInformation > & entityInfo)

◆ prefetchDocumentsFromStorage() [2/2]

void Application::prefetchDocumentsFromStorage ( const std::list< ot::UID > & entities)

◆ preShutdown() [1/17]

void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [2/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [3/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [4/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [5/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [6/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [7/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [8/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [9/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [10/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [11/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped). At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [12/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [13/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [14/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [15/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [16/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ preShutdown() [17/17]

virtual void Application::preShutdown ( void )

Will be called before the whole session starts to shut down (shut down can not be stopped) At this point all services, that are listed as connected, are still reachable.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [1/17]

std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [2/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [3/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [4/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [5/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [6/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [7/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [8/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [9/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [10/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [11/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation).

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [12/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [13/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [14/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [15/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [16/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processAction() [17/17]

virtual std::string Application::processAction ( const std::string & _action,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a action should be processed. Core actions will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_actionThe action that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ processMessage() [1/17]

std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [2/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [3/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [4/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [5/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [6/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [7/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [8/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [9/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [10/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [11/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation).

_senderThe service that this message was sent from.
_messageThe message that should be processed.
_docThe document containing all the information.

◆ processMessage() [12/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [13/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [14/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [15/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [16/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processMessage() [17/17]

virtual std::string Application::processMessage ( ServiceBase * _sender,
const std::string & _message,
ot::JsonDocument & _doc )

Will be called whenever a message should be processed. Core messages will be processed in the base and will not be forwarded to this function (see documentation)

_senderThe service that this message was sent from
_messageThe message that should be processed
_docThe document containing all the information

◆ processSingleMaterial() [1/2]

bool Application::processSingleMaterial ( std::stringstream & buffer,
std::map< std::string, bool > & materialProcessed )

◆ processSingleMaterial() [2/2]

bool Application::processSingleMaterial ( std::stringstream & buffer,
std::map< std::string, bool > & materialProcessed )

◆ processSingleUnit() [1/2]

void Application::processSingleUnit ( const std::string & unitName,
std::stringstream & buffer,
EntityUnits * units,
bool & changed )

◆ processSingleUnit() [2/2]

void Application::processSingleUnit ( const std::string & unitName,
std::stringstream & buffer,
EntityUnits * units,
bool & changed )

◆ queuedRequestToFrontend() [1/2]

bool Application::queuedRequestToFrontend ( const ot::JsonDocument & _request)

◆ queuedRequestToFrontend() [2/2]

bool Application::queuedRequestToFrontend ( const ot::JsonDocument & _request,
const std::list< std::pair< ot::UID, ot::UID > > & _prefetchIDs )

◆ readDoubleTriple() [1/2]

void Application::readDoubleTriple ( const std::string & line,
double & a,
double & b,
double & c )

◆ readDoubleTriple() [2/2]

void Application::readDoubleTriple ( const std::string & line,
double & a,
double & b,
double & c )

◆ readLTSpiceRaw()

LTSpiceData Application::readLTSpiceRaw ( std::stringstream & data)

◆ readProjectInformation() [1/2]

bool Application::readProjectInformation ( std::string & simpleFileName,
std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & hostNamesAndFileNames )

◆ readProjectInformation() [2/2]

bool Application::readProjectInformation ( std::string & simpleFileName,
std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & hostNamesAndFileNames )

◆ requestToRunService()

bool Application::requestToRunService ( const ServiceStartupInformation & _info)

◆ result1D() [1/2]

void Application::result1D ( bool appendData,
std::string & data,
size_t uncompressedDataLength )

◆ result1D() [2/2]

void Application::result1D ( bool appendData,
std::string & data,
size_t uncompressedDataLength )

◆ run() [1/17]

void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [2/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [3/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [4/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [5/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [6/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [7/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [8/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [9/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [10/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [11/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [12/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [13/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [14/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [15/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [16/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ run() [17/17]

virtual void Application::run ( void )

Will be called when the service was successfully started, the hppt and/or websocket connection is established and the service may start its work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ runCircuitSimulation()

void Application::runCircuitSimulation ( )

◆ runPHREEC()

void Application::runPHREEC ( void )

◆ runSingleMesher() [1/2]

void Application::runSingleMesher ( ot::EntityInformation & mesher,
EntityBase * meshEntity )

◆ runSingleMesher() [2/2]

void Application::runSingleMesher ( ot::EntityInformation & mesher,
EntityMeshTet * meshEntity )

◆ runSingleSolver() [1/4]

void Application::runSingleSolver ( ot::EntityInformation & solver,
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > & meshInfo,
EntityBase * solverEntity )

◆ runSingleSolver() [2/4]

void Application::runSingleSolver ( ot::EntityInformation & solver,
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > & meshInfo,
EntityBase * solverEntity )

◆ runSingleSolver() [3/4]

void Application::runSingleSolver ( ot::EntityInformation & solver,
std::string & modelVersion,
EntityBase * solverEntity )

◆ runSingleSolver() [4/4]

void Application::runSingleSolver ( ot::EntityInformation & solver,
std::string & modelVersion,
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > & meshInfo,
EntityBase * solverEntity )

◆ runSolver() [1/3]

void Application::runSolver ( void )

◆ runSolver() [2/3]

void Application::runSolver ( void )

◆ runSolver() [3/3]

void Application::runSolver ( void )

◆ saveKrigingModel()

void Application::saveKrigingModel ( void )

◆ sendNetlistToSubService()

void Application::sendNetlistToSubService ( std::list< std::string > & _netlist)

◆ serviceConnected() [1/17]

void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [2/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [3/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [4/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [5/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [6/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [7/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [8/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [9/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [10/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [11/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function).

_serviceThe service information.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [12/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [13/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [14/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [15/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [16/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceConnected() [17/17]

virtual void Application::serviceConnected ( ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is connected to the session (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [1/17]

void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [2/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [3/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [4/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [5/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [6/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [7/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [8/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [9/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [10/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [11/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function).

_serviceThe service information.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [12/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [13/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [14/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [15/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [16/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceDisconnected() [17/17]

virtual void Application::serviceDisconnected ( const ot::ServiceBase * _service)

Will be called when a service is disconnected from the session (is already closed) (UI and model services will not trigger this function)

_serviceThe service information

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ serviceManager()

ServiceManager & Application::serviceManager ( void )

◆ setCSTFile()

void Application::setCSTFile ( void )

◆ setLocalFileName() [1/2]

void Application::setLocalFileName ( const std::string & hostName,
const std::string & fileName )

◆ setLocalFileName() [2/2]

void Application::setLocalFileName ( const std::string & hostName,
const std::string & fileName )

◆ setLTSpiceFile()

void Application::setLTSpiceFile ( void )

◆ setModelServiceURL()

void Application::setModelServiceURL ( const std::string & url)

◆ settingChanged() [1/17]

bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [2/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [3/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [4/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [5/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [6/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [7/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [8/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [9/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [10/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [11/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService. The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call).

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [12/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [13/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [14/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [15/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [16/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingChanged() [17/17]

virtual bool Application::settingChanged ( const ot::Property * _item)

This function will be called when the settings were changed in the uiService The value of the provided item should be stored. If the change of the item will change the item visibility of any settings item, this function should return true, otherwise false. When returning true, the function createSettings() will be called and the created dataset will be send to the uiService to update the Settings in the dialog.

Theitem that has been changed in the uiService (instance will be deleted after this function call)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [1/17]

void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [2/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [3/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [4/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [5/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [6/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [7/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [8/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [9/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [10/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [11/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database. At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [12/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [13/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [14/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [15/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [16/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ settingsSynchronized() [17/17]

virtual void Application::settingsSynchronized ( const ot::PropertyGridCfg & _dataset)

This function will be called when the settings were synchronized with the database At this point the values from the dataset should be stored since the dataset will be deleted after this function call.

Thedataset that contains all values

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ setUIServiceURL()

void Application::setUIServiceURL ( const std::string & url)

◆ shapeInformation() [1/2]

void Application::shapeInformation ( const std::string & content)

◆ shapeInformation() [2/2]

void Application::shapeInformation ( const std::string & content)

◆ shapeTriangles() [1/2]

void Application::shapeTriangles ( std::list< std::string > & shapeNames,
std::list< std::string > & shapeTriangles,
std::list< std::string > & shapeHash )

◆ shapeTriangles() [2/2]

void Application::shapeTriangles ( std::list< std::string > & shapeNames,
std::list< std::string > & shapeTriangles,
std::list< std::string > & shapeHash )

◆ showInformation() [1/2]

void Application::showInformation ( void )

◆ showInformation() [2/2]

void Application::showInformation ( void )

◆ shuttingDown() [1/17]

void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [2/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [3/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [4/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [5/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [6/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [7/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [8/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [9/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [10/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [11/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped).

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [12/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [13/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [14/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [15/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [16/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ shuttingDown() [17/17]

virtual void Application::shuttingDown ( void )

Will be called when the application is shutting down (shut down can not be stopped)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ solverThread() [1/4]

void Application::solverThread ( std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo,
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > meshInfo,
std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap )

◆ solverThread() [2/4]

void Application::solverThread ( std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo,
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > meshInfo,
std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap )

◆ solverThread() [3/4]

void Application::solverThread ( std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo,
std::string modelVersion,
std::list< ot::EntityInformation > meshInfo,
std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap )

◆ solverThread() [4/4]

void Application::solverThread ( std::list< ot::EntityInformation > solverInfo,
std::string modelVersion,
std::map< std::string, EntityBase * > solverMap )

◆ start()

void Application::start ( const std::string & _serverName)

◆ startAsRelayService() [1/17]

bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [2/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [3/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [4/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [5/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [6/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [7/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [8/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [9/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [10/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [11/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [12/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [13/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [14/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [15/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [16/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ startAsRelayService() [17/17]

virtual bool Application::startAsRelayService ( void ) const

Will return true if this application requires a relay service for a websocket connection.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ storeShape() [1/2]

void Application::storeShape ( const std::string & name,
const std::string & triangles,
const std::string & materialsFolder,
ot::UID materialsFolderID )

◆ storeShape() [2/2]

void Application::storeShape ( const std::string & name,
const std::string & triangles,
const std::string & materialsFolder,
ot::UID materialsFolderID )

◆ supportedServices()

std::list< std::string > Application::supportedServices ( void ) const

◆ test()

std::string Application::test ( void )

◆ train()

void Application::train ( void )

◆ uiConnected() [1/17]

void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [2/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [3/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [4/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [5/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [6/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [7/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [8/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [9/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [10/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [11/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [12/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [13/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [14/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [15/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [16/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiConnected() [17/17]

virtual void Application::uiConnected ( ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI connected to the session and is ready to work.

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [1/17]

void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [2/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [3/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [4/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [5/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [6/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [7/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [8/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [9/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [10/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [11/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed).

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [12/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [13/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [14/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [15/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [16/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ uiDisconnected() [17/17]

virtual void Application::uiDisconnected ( const ot::components::UiComponent * _ui)

Will be called when a UI disconnected from the session (is already closed)

Implements ot::ApplicationBase.

◆ updateMesh() [1/2]

void Application::updateMesh ( void )

◆ updateMesh() [2/2]

void Application::updateMesh ( void )

◆ writeProjectInformation() [1/2]

void Application::writeProjectInformation ( const std::string & simpleFileName,
std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & hostNamesAndFileNames )

◆ writeProjectInformation() [2/2]

void Application::writeProjectInformation ( const std::string & simpleFileName,
std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & hostNamesAndFileNames )

◆ ~Application() [1/8]

Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [2/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [3/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [4/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [5/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [6/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [7/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

◆ ~Application() [8/8]

virtual Application::~Application ( )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: