OpenTwin 0.1
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cot::AbstractLogNotifierUsed to receive every log message that is generated
 Cot::ActionDispatcherThe ActionDispatcher is used to dispatch inbound messages and forward them to their corresponding [Action Handler]
 CActionHandleConnectorThe ActionHandleConnector is used as a connector between the [ActionDispatcher] and a function in a [ActionHandler] object
 Cot::ActionHandleConnectorBaseBase class for action handler connectors. A action handle connector has a set of actions
 Cak::aMessengerClass used to forward messages to receivers This class is used to forward a message to receivers. A message will only be forwared to registered receivers. Receivers will only get messages from the senders and message types they want to be notified
 Cak::aNotifierThis abstract class is used to provide the receiver functionallity used in the messaging class
 Cak::aObjectThis class is used to store the main information of any object used Information contained is the UID and the reference counter
 Cak::aObjectManagerThe objectManager is used for creating and manipulating objects and widgets All objects created here a derived from ak::core::aObject or child
 Cak::uiAPI::apiManagerThe API manager is used to manage the global objects required for this API to work
 Cak::aUidManagerThis class is used to manage UIDs. This UID manager is incrementing the UID on each getId call
 CBsonArrayTypeGetterWrapper< T >
 CCurlCoefficients< T >
 CCurlCoefficients< float >
 CDegreesOfFreedom3DLoopCPU< T >
 CDegreesOfFreedom3DLoopCPU< float >
 CDimensionPadding< T >
 CDimensionPadding< float >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< FactoryType, CreatedType >The FactoryRegistrarTemplate may be used to register a constructor at the factory
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< CopyInformationFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< GraphicsItemCfgFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< GraphicsItemFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< MenuEntryCfgFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< Painter2DFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< WidgetBaseCfgFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryRegistrarTemplate< WrappedItemFactory, T >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< ValueType >The FactoryTemplate may be used to quickly create default factories that are only used for item creation without any further logic
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< CopyInformation >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< GraphicsItem >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< GraphicsItemCfg >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< GraphicsItemDesignerItemBase >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< MenuEntryCfg >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< Painter2D >
 Cot::FactoryTemplate< WidgetBaseCfg >
 CFileToTableExtractorRegistrar< T >
 Cot::Flags< T >The Flags class is a wrapper around a enum that allows bitwise operations (flags). OT_ADD_FLAG_FUNCTIONS or custom bitwise operations must be provided for the enum. The type should be an enumeration where every value represents a single bit in a 32/64 bit value
 Cot::Flags< AppState >
 Cot::Flags< BasicButton >
 Cot::Flags< DesignerItemFlag >
 Cot::Flags< DialogFlag >
 Cot::Flags< DialogState >
 Cot::Flags< ExportConfigFlag >
 Cot::Flags< FilterFlag >
 Cot::Flags< FlipState >
 Cot::Flags< GraphicsElementState >
 Cot::Flags< GraphicsItemFlag >
 Cot::Flags< GraphicsViewFlag >
 Cot::Flags< GridFlag >
 Cot::Flags< LockTypeFlag >
 Cot::Flags< LogFlag >
 Cot::Flags< LogInStateFlag >
 Cot::Flags< ManagerConfigFlag >
 Cot::Flags< ManagerState >
 Cot::Flags< NavigationTreeItemFlag >
 Cot::Flags< NavigationTreePackageFlag >
 Cot::Flags< NetworkToolStatus >
 Cot::Flags< PropertyFlag >
 Cot::Flags< VersionGraphConfig >
 Cot::Flags< VersionInfoFlag >
 Cot::Flags< ViewFlag >
 Cot::Flags< ViewHandlingConfig >
 Cot::Flags< ViewStateFlag >
 Cot::Flags< WidgetFlag >
 Cot::FrontendFrontend request layer. The Frontend prvoides a set methods that may be used to send requests to the frontend
 CGlobalFontPathContains the global font path. Only to use in vier, no export
 Cot::GraphicsItemLoaderThe GraphicsItemLoader may be used to import a GraphicsItemCfg from a file. The imported configuration(s) will be cached
 Cot::GraphicsStackItem::GraphicsStackItemEntryThe GraphicsStackItemEntry holds a GraphicsItem aswell as the information if this item is a master or a slave
 CGrid< T >
 CGrid< float >
 Cot::GuiAPIManagerThe GuiAPIManager singleton manages the frontend information and provides a message sending method
 Cot::IconManagerThe IconManager loads images or animations and caches them. The IconManager has a search path list. When requestiong a file only the subPath (suffix) needs to be provided. When checking every search path and suffix combination the first existing file (FIFO) will be imported. The imported files are stored internally and will returned when requesting the same file
 Cot::IDManager< T >
 Cot::IDManager< ot::serviceID_t >
 CrbeCore::LimitA limit is used for the engine to forbid values exceeding a defined range of values Limits can be added to steps, so every step can have its own limits, also a step can have multiple limits
 Cot::LogDispatcherThe LogDispatcher dispatches generated log messages to all registered log notifiers. When a log message is dispatched a timestamp for log messages and then forwards them to any registered log notifier
 CMatrix< T >
 CMatrixFactory< T >
 Cot::ObjectManagerTemplate< K, V >
 Cot::Path2D::PathEntryA path entry contains the
 Cot::Path2DF::PathEntryA path entry contains the
 Cot::Point3D< T >Three dimensional point
 CPort< T >
 CPort< float >
 Cot::PortManagerThe PortManager may be used to determine available ports and store the information about ports occupied by the PortManager
 Cot::PortRangeThe PortRange may be used to store a Port range
 Cot::PropertyFactoryRegistrar< T >
 Cot::PropertyInputFactoryRegistrar< T >
 CPythonModuleAPIFunctions that investigate an existing module for the starting function. If the module contains only one funtion, it will be the starting function of the module. If the module holds multiple function definitions it requires one function called "__main__", which will be the starting function of the module
 CPythonObjectBuilderPyObjects don't distingiush between float and double and int32 and int64. All floating point values are handled as double and all integer values are handled as int64
 Cot::QtFactoryThe QtFactory is used to convert OpenTwin configuration objects to Qt objects
 Cot::SerializableDefault interface of serializable objects
 Cot::ServiceBaseGeneral service information. The ServiceBase class is used to store the general service information
 Cot::SignalBlockWrapperThe SignalBlockWrapper is a RAII wrapper for blocking signals of a given QObject
 Cot::StyledTextThe StyledText is used to manipulate the style when working with the StyledTextBuilder
 CSystemLoadInformationThe SystemLoadInformation can be used to determine information about the system (e.g. cpu and memory load, build information)
 Cot::TemplateTypeName< T >