▼ Libraries | |
► BlockEntities | |
► BlockEntitiesTest | |
► src | |
ClassFactoryBlockTest.cpp | |
► include | |
ClassFactoryBlock.h | |
Connector.h | |
EntityBlock.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitCapacitor.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitConnector.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitCurrentMeter.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitDiode.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitElement.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitGND.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitInductor.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitResistor.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitVoltageMeter.h | |
EntityBlockCircuitVoltageSource.h | |
EntityBlockConnection.h | |
EntityBlockDatabaseAccess.h | |
EntityBlockDataDimensionReducer.h | |
EntityBlockDisplay.h | |
EntityBlockFileWriter.h | |
EntityBlockPlot1D.h | |
EntityBlockPython.h | |
EntityBlockStorage.h | |
PythonHeaderInterpreter.h | |
SharedResources.h | |
ValueComparisionDefinition.h | |
► src | |
ClassFactoryBlock.cpp | |
Connector.cpp | |
EntityBlock.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitCapacitor.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitConnector.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitCurrentMeter.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitDiode.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitElement.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitGND.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitInductor.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitResistor.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitVoltageMeter.cpp | |
EntityBlockCircuitVoltageSource.cpp | |
EntityBlockConnection.cpp | |
EntityBlockDatabaseAccess.cpp | |
EntityBlockDataDimensionReducer.cpp | |
EntityBlockDisplay.cpp | |
EntityBlockFileWriter.cpp | |
EntityBlockPlot1D.cpp | |
EntityBlockPython.cpp | |
EntityBlockStorage.cpp | |
PythonHeaderInterpreter.cpp | |
► CADModelEntities | |
► CADModelEntitiesTest | |
► src | |
ClassFactoryCADTest.cpp | |
► include | |
CheckGeometry.h | |
ClassFactoryCAD.h | Should NEVER EVER get any attributes. Diamond |
EntityBrep.h | |
EntityFaceAnnotation.h | |
EntityGeometry.h | |
GeometryOperations.h | |
► src | |
CheckGeometry.cpp | |
ClassFactoryCAD.cpp | |
EntityBrep.cpp | |
EntityFaceAnnotation.cpp | |
EntityGeometry.cpp | |
GeometryOperations.cpp | |
► DataStorage | |
► DataStorageTest | |
► src | |
QueryTests.cpp | |
► include | |
► Connection | |
ConnectionAPI.h | |
► Document | |
DocumentAccess.h | |
DocumentAccessBase.h | |
DocumentManager.h | |
► Enums | |
InsertTypeEnum.h | |
► Helper | |
BsonValuesHelper.h | |
QueryBuilder.h | |
UniqueFileName.h | |
► Response | |
DataStorageResponse.h | |
► System | |
SystemDataAccess.h | |
► Unittest | |
UnittestDocumentAccess.h | |
UnittestDocumentAccessBase.h | |
ArrayBinaryConverter.h | |
DataStorageAPI.h | |
DataStorageLogger.h | |
DocumentAPI.h | |
GridFSFeature.h | |
MongoDBAssertions.h | |
ResultDataStorageAPI.h | |
stdafx.h | |
targetver.h | |
UniqueUIDGenerator.h | |
UserAPI.h | |
► src | |
BsonValuesHelper.cpp | |
ConnectionAPI.cpp | |
DataStorageAPI.cpp | |
DataStorageLogger.cpp | |
DataStorageResponse.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
DocumentAccess.cpp | |
DocumentAccessBase.cpp | |
DocumentAPI.cpp | |
DocumentManager.cpp | |
MongoDBAssertions.cpp | |
QueryBuilder.cpp | |
ResultDataStorageAPI.cpp | |
stdafx.cpp | |
SystemDataAccess.cpp | |
UniqueFileName.cpp | |
UniqueUIDGenerator.cpp | |
UnittestDocumentAccess.cpp | |
UnittestDocumentAccessBase.cpp | |
UserAPI.cpp | |
► LTSpiceConnector | |
► include | |
► LTSpiceConnector | |
CommitMessageDialog.h | |
InfoFileManager.h | |
LTSpiceConnectorAPI.h | |
ProgressInfo.h | |
ProjectInformationDialog.h | |
ProjectManager.h | |
ServiceConnector.h | |
VersionFile.h | |
► src | |
CommitMessageDialog.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
InfoFileManager.cpp | |
LTSpiceConnectorAPI.cpp | |
ProgressInfo.cpp | |
ProjectInformationDialog.cpp | |
ProjectManager.cpp | |
ServiceConnector.cpp | |
VersionFile.cpp | |
► test | |
► LTSpiceConnectorTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► ModelEntities | |
► include | |
BoundingBox.h | |
BsonArrayTypeGetterWrapper.h | |
BsonArrayTypeGetterWrapper.hpp | |
BSONToVariableConverter.h | |
ClassFactory.h | |
ClassFactoryHandler.h | |
ClassFactoryHandlerAbstract.h | |
ContentChangedHandling.h | |
CSVProperties.h | |
CSVToTableTransformer.h | |
DataBase.h | |
EntityAnnotation.h | |
EntityAnnotationData.h | |
EntityAPI.h | |
EntityBase.h | |
EntityBinaryData.h | |
EntityCartesianVector.h | |
EntityCompressedVector.h | |
EntityContainer.h | |
EntityCoordinates2D.h | |
EntityFacetData.h | |
EntityFile.h | Entity that holds a binary representation of a file. Any type of file should be supported |
EntityFileCSV.h | |
EntityFileText.h | |
EntityInformation.h | |
EntityLoadingAPI.h | |
EntityMaterial.h | |
EntityMesh.h | |
EntityMeshCartesian.h | |
EntityMeshCartesianData.h | |
EntityMeshCartesianFace.h | |
EntityMeshCartesianFaceList.h | |
EntityMeshCartesianItem.h | |
EntityMeshCartesianNodes.h | |
EntityMeshTet.h | |
EntityMeshTetData.h | |
EntityMeshTetFace.h | |
EntityMeshTetFaceData.h | |
EntityMeshTetInfo.h | |
EntityMeshTetItem.h | |
EntityMeshTetItemDataFaces.h | |
EntityMeshTetItemDataTetedges.h | |
EntityMeshTetItemDataTets.h | |
EntityMeshTetNodes.h | |
EntityMetadataCampaign.h | |
EntityMetadataSeries.h | |
EntityParameter.h | |
EntityParameterizedDataCategorization.h | |
EntityParameterizedDataPreviewTable.h | |
EntityParameterizedDataTable.h | |
EntityProperties.h | |
EntityPropertiesItems.h | |
EntityResult1DCurve.h | |
EntityResult1DCurveData.h | |
EntityResult1DPlot.h | |
EntityResult3D.h | |
EntityResult3DData.h | |
EntityResultBase.h | |
EntityResultTable.h | |
EntityResultTable.hpp | |
EntityResultTableData.h | |
EntityResultTableData.hpp | |
EntityResultText.h | |
EntityResultTextData.h | |
EntityResultUnstructuredMesh.h | |
EntityResultUnstructuredMeshData.h | |
EntitySignalType.h | |
EntitySolver.h | |
EntitySolverCircuitSimulator.h | |
EntitySolverElmerFEM.h | |
EntitySolverFITTD.h | |
EntitySolverGetDP.h | |
EntitySolverKriging.h | |
EntitySolverMonitor.h | |
EntitySolverPHREEC.h | |
EntitySolverPort.h | |
EntityTableSelectedRanges.h | |
EntityUnits.h | |
EntityVis2D3D.h | |
EntityVisCartesianFaceScalar.h | |
EntityVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.h | |
EntityVisUnstructuredScalarVolume.h | |
EntityVisUnstructuredVectorVolume.h | |
EntityWithDynamicFields.h | Abstract class that allows assembling fields and subdocuments of the entity during runtime |
GenericBsonDocument.h | |
GenericDocument.h | |
Geometry.h | |
IVisualisationTable.h | |
IVisualisationText.h | |
ModelState.h | |
OldTreeIcon.h | |
PlaneProperties.h | |
PropertiesVis2D3D.h | |
PropertiesVisUnstructuredScalar.h | |
PropertiesVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.h | |
PropertiesVisUnstructuredVector.h | |
PropertyBundle.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandle.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandlePlane.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleScaling.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVis2D3D.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVisUnstructuredScalar.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.h | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVisUnstructuredVector.h | |
PropertyBundlePlane.h | |
PropertyBundleScaling.h | |
PropertyBundleVis2D3D.h | |
PropertyBundleVisUnstructuredScalar.h | |
PropertyBundleVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.h | |
PropertyBundleVisUnstructuredVector.h | |
ScalingProperties.h | |
SerializeWithBSON.h | |
TemplateDefaultManager.h | |
VariableToBSONConverter.h | |
VisualisationTypeSerialiser.h | |
► ModelEntitiesTest | |
► include | |
FileHelper.h | |
FixtureBsonArrayTypeGetterWrapper.h | |
FixtureCSVToTableTransformer.h | |
FixtureEntityWithDynamicFields.h | |
► src | |
BsonArrayTypeGetterWrapperTest.cpp | |
ClassfactoryTest.cpp | |
FileHelper.cpp | |
FixtureBsonArrayTypeGetterWrapper.cpp | |
FixtureCSVToTableTransformer.cpp | |
FixtureEntityWithDynamicFields.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
TestCSVToTableTransformer.cpp | |
TestEntityWithDynamicFields.cpp | |
TestParameterInitialisation.cpp | |
► src | |
BoundingBox.cpp | |
BSONToVariableConverter.cpp | |
ClassFactory.cpp | |
CSVToTableTransformer.cpp | |
DataBase.cpp | |
EntityAnnotation.cpp | |
EntityAnnotationData.cpp | |
EntityAPI.cpp | |
EntityBase.cpp | |
EntityBinaryData.cpp | |
EntityCartesianVector.cpp | |
EntityCompressedVector.cpp | |
EntityContainer.cpp | |
EntityCoordinates2D.cpp | |
EntityFacetData.cpp | |
EntityFile.cpp | |
EntityFileCSV.cpp | |
EntityFileText.cpp | |
EntityInformation.cpp | |
EntityMaterial.cpp | |
EntityMeshCartesian.cpp | |
EntityMeshCartesianData.cpp | |
EntityMeshCartesianFace.cpp | |
EntityMeshCartesianFaceList.cpp | |
EntityMeshCartesianItem.cpp | |
EntityMeshCartesianNodes.cpp | |
EntityMeshTet.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetData.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetFace.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetFaceData.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetInfo.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetItem.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetItemDataFaces.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetItemDataTetedges.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetItemDataTets.cpp | |
EntityMeshTetNodes.cpp | |
EntityMetadataCampaign.cpp | |
EntityMetadataSeries.cpp | |
EntityParameter.cpp | |
EntityParameterizedDataCategorization.cpp | |
EntityParameterizedDataPreviewTable.cpp | |
EntityParameterizedDataTable.cpp | |
EntityProperties.cpp | |
EntityPropertiesItems.cpp | |
EntityResult1DCurve.cpp | |
EntityResult1DCurveData.cpp | |
EntityResult1DPlot.cpp | |
EntityResult3D.cpp | |
EntityResult3DData.cpp | |
EntityResultText.cpp | |
EntityResultTextData.cpp | |
EntityResultUnstructuredMesh.cpp | |
EntityResultUnstructuredMeshData.cpp | |
EntitySignalType.cpp | |
EntitySolver.cpp | |
EntitySolverCircuitSimulator.cpp | |
EntitySolverElmerFEM.cpp | |
EntitySolverFITTD.cpp | |
EntitySolverGetDP.cpp | |
EntitySolverKriging.cpp | |
EntitySolverMonitor.cpp | |
EntitySolverPHREEC.cpp | |
EntitySolverPort.cpp | |
EntityTableSelectedRanges.cpp | |
EntityUnits.cpp | |
EntityVis2D3D.cpp | |
EntityVisCartesianFaceScalar.cpp | |
EntityVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.cpp | |
EntityVisUnstructuredScalarVolume.cpp | |
EntityVisUnstructuredVectorVolume.cpp | |
EntityWithDynamicFields.cpp | |
GenericBsonDocument.cpp | |
GenericDocument.cpp | |
Geometry.cpp | |
ModelState.cpp | |
OldTreeIcon.cpp | |
PropertyBundleDataHandlePlane.cpp | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleScaling.cpp | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVis2D3D.cpp | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVisUnstructuredScalar.cpp | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.cpp | |
PropertyBundleDataHandleVisUnstructuredVector.cpp | |
PropertyBundlePlane.cpp | |
PropertyBundleScaling.cpp | |
PropertyBundleVis2D3D.cpp | |
PropertyBundleVisUnstructuredScalar.cpp | |
PropertyBundleVisUnstructuredScalarSurface.cpp | |
PropertyBundleVisUnstructuredVector.cpp | |
TemplateDefaultManager.cpp | |
VariableToBSONConverter.cpp | |
VisualisationTypeSerialiser.cpp | |
► OTCommunication | |
► include | |
► OTCommunication | |
ActionDispatcher.h | |
ActionHandleConnector.h | |
ActionHandleConnectorBase.h | |
ActionHandler.h | |
ActionTypes.h | |
CommunicationAPIExport.h | |
CommunicationTypes.h | |
DownloadFile.h | |
IpConverter.h | |
Msg.h | |
ServiceLogNotifier.h | |
► src | |
ActionDispatcher.cpp | |
ActionHandleConnectorBase.cpp | |
ActionHandler.cpp | |
CommunicationTypes.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
DownloadFile.cpp | |
ipConverter.cpp | |
msg.cpp | |
ServiceLogNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► OTCommunicationTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► OTCore | |
► include | |
► OTCore | |
BasicEntityInformation.h | |
BasicServiceInformation.h | |
Color.h | |
ComplexNumbers.h | |
ContainerHelper.h | |
CopyInformation.h | |
CopyInformationFactory.h | |
CoreAPIExport.h | |
CoreTypes.h | |
DataObject.h | |
DefensiveProgramming.h | |
EncodingConverter_ISO88591ToUTF8.h | Converter that can transform a set of ISO 8859-1 characters into a set of UTF-8 character |
EncodingConverter_UTF16ToUTF8.h | Converter that can transform a set of UTF-16 LE BOM or UTF16 BE BOM characters into a set of UTF-8 character |
EncodingGuesser.h | Detects the encoding style. The detection class can only find the next best match and does not guarantee the correct detection of the intended standard. Thus, the detected standard should be propagated to the user, to allow a change |
FactoryTemplate.h | |
FactoryTemplate.hpp | |
Flags.h | |
FolderNames.h | |
GenericDataStruct.h | |
GenericDataStructFactory.h | |
GenericDataStructMatrix.h | |
GenericDataStructSingle.h | |
GenericDataStructVector.h | |
GlobalTestingFlags.h | |
JSON.h | |
JSONToVariableConverter.h | |
Logger.h | OpenTwin Logging system |
LogModeManager.h | |
Math.h | |
ObjectManagerTemplate.h | |
OTAssert.h | |
OTClassHelper.h | This file contains defines that may be used simplyfy class creation |
OTObject.h | |
Owner.h | |
OwnerService.h | |
OwnerServiceGlobal.h | |
Point2D.h | |
Point3D.h | |
Queue.h | |
Rect.h | |
ReturnMessage.h | |
ReturnValues.h | |
RuntimeTests.h | |
Serializable.h | |
ServiceBase.h | |
Size2D.h | |
String.h | |
String.hpp | |
StringToNumericCheck.h | |
StringToVariableConverter.h | |
TemplateTypeName.h | Template for getting a type name. Some type names are not system independent, hence the need to create a standardised way for this project |
TemplateTypeName.hpp | |
Tensor.h | |
TextEncoding.h | MongoDB uses only UTF-8 and some errors occured if the characters with different encoding standard were stored. This class holds all types of text encodings that can be detected with the EncodingGuesser class |
ThisService.h | |
TypeNames.h | Some type names are not system independent, hence the need to create a standardised way for this project. This class provides the names themselve as a central point of access. * |
UIDNamePair.h | |
Variable.h | |
VariableListToStringListConverter.h | |
VariableToBSONStringConverter.h | |
VariableToJSONConverter.h | |
VariableToStringConverter.h | |
► src | |
BasicEntityInformation.cpp | |
BasicServiceInformation.cpp | |
Color.cpp | |
CopyInformation.cpp | |
CopyInformationFactory.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
EncodingConverter_ISO88591ToUTF8.cpp | |
EncodingConverter_UTF16ToUTF8.cpp | |
EncodingGuesser.cpp | |
GenericDataStruct.cpp | |
GenericDataStructFactory.cpp | |
GenericDataStructMatrix.cpp | |
GenericDataStructSingle.cpp | |
GenericDataStructVector.cpp | |
ipConverter.cpp | |
JSON.cpp | |
JSONToVariableConverter.cpp | |
Logger.cpp | |
LogModeManager.cpp | |
Math.cpp | |
OTObject.cpp | |
Owner.cpp | |
OwnerService.cpp | |
OwnerServiceGlobal.cpp | |
Point2D.cpp | |
Queue.cpp | |
Rect.cpp | |
ReturnMessage.cpp | |
ReturnValues.cpp | |
RuntimeTests.cpp | |
ServiceBase.cpp | |
Size2D.cpp | |
String.cpp | |
StringToNumericCheck.cpp | |
StringToVariableConverter.cpp | |
TextEncoding.cpp | |
ThisService.cpp | |
UIDNamePair.cpp | |
Variable.cpp | |
VariableListToStringListConverter.cpp | |
VariableToBSONStringConverter.cpp | |
VariableToJSONConverter.cpp | |
VariableToStringConverter.cpp | |
► test | |
► OTCoreTest | |
► include | |
FixtureTextEncoding.h | |
FixtureVariable.h | |
► src | |
FixtureTextEncoding.cpp | |
FixtureVariable.cpp | |
TestContainerHelper.cpp | |
TestGenericDataStruct.cpp | |
TestReturnMessage.cpp | |
TestReturnValues.cpp | |
TestrJSON.cpp | |
TestString.cpp | |
TestTextEncoding.cpp | |
TestVariable.cpp | |
► OTGui | |
doc | |
► include | |
► OTGui | |
BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem.h | |
Border.h | |
CheckBoxCfg.h | |
CheckerboardPainter2D.h | |
ColorStyleTypes.h | |
DefaultSyntaxHighlighterRules.h | |
DialogCfg.h | |
FillPainter2D.h | |
Font.h | |
GradientPainter2D.h | |
GradientPainterStop2D.h | |
GraphicsArcItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsBoxLayoutItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsConnectionCalculationData.h | |
GraphicsConnectionCfg.h | |
GraphicsCopyInformation.h | |
GraphicsEllipseItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsFlowItemBuilder.h | |
GraphicsGridLayoutItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsGroupItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsHBoxLayoutItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsImageItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsInvisibleItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsItemCfgFactory.h | |
GraphicsItemFileCfg.h | |
GraphicsLayoutItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsLineItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsPackage.h | |
GraphicsPickerCollectionCfg.h | |
GraphicsPickerCollectionManager.h | |
GraphicsPickerItemInformation.h | |
GraphicsPolygonItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsRectangularItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsShapeItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsStackItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsTextItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsTriangleItemCfg.h | |
GraphicsVBoxLayoutItemCfg.h | |
Grid.h | |
GuiTypes.h | |
KeySequence.h | |
LinearGradientPainter2D.h | |
LineEditCfg.h | |
Margins.h | |
MenuButtonCfg.h | |
MenuCfg.h | |
MenuClickableEntryCfg.h | |
MenuEntryCfg.h | |
MenuEntryCfgFactory.h | |
MenuSeparatorCfg.h | |
MessageDialogCfg.h | |
NavigationTreeItem.h | |
NavigationTreeItemIcon.h | |
NavigationTreePackage.h | |
OnePropertyDialogCfg.h | |
OTGuiAPIExport.h | |
Outline.h | |
Painter2D.h | |
Painter2DFactory.h | |
Path2D.h | |
Plot1DAxisCfg.h | |
Plot1DCfg.h | |
Plot1DCurveInfoCfg.h | |
Plot1DDataBaseCfg.h | |
ProjectTemplateInformation.h | |
Property.h | |
PropertyBase.h | |
PropertyBool.h | |
PropertyColor.h | |
PropertyDialogCfg.h | |
PropertyDirectory.h | |
PropertyDouble.h | |
PropertyFactory.h | |
PropertyFactoryRegistrar.h | |
PropertyFactoryRegistrar.hpp | |
PropertyFilePath.h | |
PropertyGridCfg.h | |
PropertyGroup.h | |
PropertyInt.h | |
PropertyPainter2D.h | |
PropertyString.h | |
PropertyStringList.h | |
RadialGradientPainter2D.h | |
SelectEntitiesDialogCfg.h | |
StyledText.h | |
StyledTextBuilder.h | |
StyledTextEntry.h | |
StyledTextStyle.h | |
StyleRefPainter2D.h | |
StyleValue.h | |
SyntaxHighlighterRule.h | |
TableCfg.h | |
TableHeaderItemCfg.h | |
TableIndexSchemata.h | |
TableRange.h | |
TextEditorCfg.h | |
ToolButtonCfg.h | |
Transform.h | |
VersionGraphCfg.h | |
VersionGraphVersionCfg.h | |
VisualisationTypes.h | |
WidgetBaseCfg.h | |
WidgetBaseCfgFactory.h | |
WidgetViewBase.h | |
► src | |
BasicGraphicsIntersectionItem.cpp | |
Border.cpp | |
CheckBoxCfg.cpp | |
CheckerboardPainter2D.cpp | |
ColorStyleTypes.cpp | |
DefaultSyntaxHighlighterRules.cpp | |
DialogCfg.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
FillPainter2D.cpp | |
Font.cpp | |
GradientPainter2D.cpp | |
GradientPainterStop2D.cpp | |
GraphicsArcItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsBoxLayoutItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsConnectionCalculationData.cpp | |
GraphicsConnectionCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsCopyInformation.cpp | |
GraphicsEllipseItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsFlowItemBuilder.cpp | |
GraphicsGridLayoutItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsGroupItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsHBoxLayoutItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsImageItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsInvisibleItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsItemCfgFactory.cpp | |
GraphicsItemFileCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsLayoutItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsLineItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsPackage.cpp | |
GraphicsPickerCollectionCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsPickerCollectionManager.cpp | |
GraphicsPickerItemInformation.cpp | |
GraphicsPolygonItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsRectangularItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsShapeItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsStackItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsTextItemCfg.cpp | |
GraphicsTriangleItem.cpp | |
GraphicsVBoxLayoutItemCfg.cpp | |
Grid.cpp | |
GuiTypes.cpp | |
KeySequence.cpp | |
LinearGradientPainter2D.cpp | |
LineEditCfg.cpp | |
Margins.cpp | |
MenuButtonCfg.cpp | |
MenuCfg.cpp | |
MenuClickableEntryCfg.cpp | |
MenuEntryCfg.cpp | |
MenuEntryCfgFactory.cpp | |
MenuSeparatorCfg.cpp | |
MessageDialogCfg.cpp | |
NavigationTreeItem.cpp | |
NavigationTreeItemIcon.cpp | |
NavigationTreePackage.cpp | |
OnePropertyDialogCfg.cpp | |
Outline.cpp | |
Painter2D.cpp | |
Painter2DFactory.cpp | |
Path2D.cpp | |
Plot1DAxisCfg.cpp | |
Plot1DCfg.cpp | |
Plot1DCurveInfoCfg.cpp | |
Plot1DDataBaseCfg.cpp | |
ProjectTemplateInformation.cpp | |
Property.cpp | |
PropertyBase.cpp | |
PropertyBool.cpp | |
PropertyColor.cpp | |
PropertyDialogCfg.cpp | |
PropertyDirectory.cpp | |
PropertyDouble.cpp | |
PropertyFactory.cpp | |
PropertyFilePath.cpp | |
PropertyGridCfg.cpp | |
PropertyGroup.cpp | |
PropertyInt.cpp | |
PropertyPainter2D.cpp | |
PropertyString.cpp | |
PropertyStringList.cpp | |
RadialGradientPainter2D.cpp | |
SelectEntitiesDialogCfg.cpp | |
StyledText.cpp | |
StyledTextBuilder.cpp | |
StyledTextEntry.cpp | |
StyledTextStyle.cpp | |
StyleRefPainter2D.cpp | |
StyleValue.cpp | |
SyntaxHighlighterRule.cpp | |
TableCfg.cpp | |
TableHeaderItemCfg.cpp | |
TableIndexSchemata.cpp | |
TableRange.cpp | |
TextEditorCfg.cpp | |
ToolButtonCfg.cpp | |
Transform.cpp | |
VersionGraphCfg.cpp | |
VersionGraphVersionCfg.cpp | |
VisualisationTypes.cpp | |
WidgetBaseCfg.cpp | |
WidgetBaseCfgFactory.cpp | |
WidgetViewBase.cpp | |
► test | |
► OTGuiTest | |
► src | |
TestGraphicsLayoutItemCfg.cpp | |
TestNavigationTreeItem.cpp | |
TestNavigationTreePackage.cpp | |
VersionGraphCfgTest.cpp | |
► OTGuiAPI | |
► include | |
► OTGuiAPI | |
Frontend.h | |
FrontendActionHandler.h | |
GraphicsFlowItem.h | |
GuiAPIManager.h | |
OTGuiAPIAPIExport.h | |
► src | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Frontend.cpp | |
FrontendActionHandler.cpp | |
GraphicsFlowItem.cpp | |
GuiAPIManager.cpp | |
► OTModelAPI | |
► include | |
► OTModelAPI | |
ModelAPIManager.h | |
ModelServiceAPI.h | |
OTModelAPIExport.h | |
► src | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ModelAPIManager.cpp | |
ModelServiceAPI.cpp | |
► OTRandom | |
► include | |
► OTRandom | |
OTRandomAPIExport.h | |
RandomNumberGenerator.h | |
RandomNumberGeneratorCryptoSecure.h | |
► src | |
RandomNumberGeneratorCryptoSecure.cpp | |
► test | |
► OTRandomTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► OTServiceFoundation | |
► include | |
► OTServiceFoundation | |
AbstractModelNotifier.h | |
AbstractUiNotifier.h | |
ApplicationBase.h | |
BusinessLogicHandler.h | Common methods for all central service handler classes |
Encryption.h | |
ErrorWarningLogFrontendNotifier.h | |
ExternalServicesComponent.h | |
Foundation.h | |
FoundationAPIExport.h | |
IDManager.h | |
Matrix.h | Access optimized dense matrix handle |
Matrix.hpp | |
MatrixFactory.h | |
MatrixFactory.hpp | |
MenuButtonDescription.h | |
ModalCommandBase.h | |
ModelComponent.h | |
ProgressUpdater.h | |
PythonServiceInterface.h | Class that serves as interface to the PythonExecutionService. Here a execution order can be assambled and send out to the pythonservice |
UiComponent.h | |
UILockWrapper.h | |
UserCredentials.h | |
► OTServiceFoundationTest | |
► include | |
FixtureBusinessLogicHandler.h | |
FixtureMatrix.h | |
FixtureProgressUpdater.h | |
MockupUIComponent.h | |
► src | |
FixtureMatrix.cpp | |
FixtureProgressUpdater.cpp | |
MatrixTest.cpp | |
TestBusinessLagicHandler.cpp | |
TestFixtureProgressUpdater.cpp | |
TypeNameTemplateTest.cpp | |
► src | |
ApplicationBase.cpp | |
BusinessLogicHandler.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Encryption.cpp | |
ErrorWarningLogFrontendNotifier.cpp | |
ExternalServicesComponent.cpp | |
Foundation.cpp | |
ModalCommandBase.cpp | |
ModelComponent.cpp | |
ProgressUpdater.cpp | |
PythonServiceInterface.cpp | |
UiComponent.cpp | |
UserCredentials.cpp | |
► OTSystem | |
► include | |
► OTSystem | |
Application.h | |
ArchitectureInfo.h | The ArchitectureInfo contains multiple definitions that specify the current OS architecture |
Network.h | |
OperatingSystem.h | |
PortManager.h | |
SystemAPIExport.h | |
SystemInformation.h | |
SystemTypes.h | |
UrlEncoding.h | |
► OTSystemTest | |
test.cpp | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Network.cpp | |
OperatingSystem.cpp | |
PortManager.cpp | |
SystemInformation.cpp | |
UrlEncoding.cpp | |
► OTWidgets | |
► include | |
► OTWidgets | |
AbstractPlot.h | |
AbstractPlotAxis.h | |
AbstractStatusBar.h | |
AbstractToolBar.h | |
Action.h | |
ApplicationPropertiesManager.h | |
BasicWidgetView.h | |
CartesianPlot.h | |
CartesianPlotAxis.h | |
CartesianPlotCrossMarker.h | |
CartesianPlotGrid.h | |
CartesianPlotLegend.h | |
CartesianPlotMagnifier.h | |
CartesianPlotPanner.h | |
CartesianPlotPicker.h | |
CartesianPlotTextMarker.h | |
CartesianPlotWidgetCanvas.h | |
CartesianPlotZoomer.h | |
CentralWidgetManager.h | |
CheckBox.h | |
ColorPickButton.h | |
ColorPreviewBox.h | |
ColorStyle.h | |
ColorStyleValue.h | |
ComboBox.h | |
ComboButton.h | |
ContextMenu.h | |
ContextMenuAction.h | |
ContextMenuManager.h | |
CreateProjectDialog.h | |
CustomGraphicsItem.h | |
DelayedCallHandler.h | |
DelayedShowHideHandler.h | |
Dialog.h | |
DockWatcherAction.h | |
DoubleSpinBox.h | |
EventNotifier.h | |
FilePathEdit.h | |
GlobalColorStyle.h | |
GraphicsArcItem.h | |
GraphicsBoxLayoutItem.h | |
GraphicsConnectionItem.h | |
GraphicsConnectionPreviewItem.h | |
GraphicsElement.h | |
GraphicsEllipseItem.h | |
GraphicsGridLayoutItem.h | |
GraphicsGroupItem.h | |
GraphicsHBoxLayoutItem.h | |
GraphicsInvisibleItem.h | |
GraphicsItem.h | |
GraphicsItem.hpp | |
GraphicsItemFactory.h | |
GraphicsItemLoader.h | |
GraphicsItemPreview.h | |
GraphicsItemPreviewDrag.h | |
GraphicsLayoutItem.h | |
GraphicsLayoutItemWrapper.h | |
GraphicsLineItem.h | |
GraphicsPicker.h | |
GraphicsPickerView.h | |
GraphicsPixmapItem.h | |
GraphicsPolygonItem.h | |
GraphicsRectangularItem.h | |
GraphicsScene.h | |
GraphicsShapeItem.h | |
GraphicsStackItem.h | |
GraphicsTextItem.h | |
GraphicsTriangleItem.h | |
GraphicsVBoxLayoutItem.h | |
GraphicsView.h | |
GraphicsViewView.h | |
IconManager.h | |
IconManager.hpp | |
ImagePainter.h | |
ImagePainterManager.h | |
ImagePreview.h | |
Label.h | |
LineEdit.h | |
MainWindow.h | |
ManagedGuiObject.h | |
MessageBoxHandler.h | |
MessageBoxManager.h | |
MessageDialog.h | |
OnePropertyDialog.h | |
OTWidgetsAPIExport.h | |
OverlayWidgetBase.h | |
Painter2DEditButton.h | |
Painter2DEditDialog.h | |
Painter2DPreview.h | |
PixmapImagePainter.h | |
PlainTextEdit.h | |
PlainTextEditView.h | |
Plot.h | |
PlotDataset.h | |
PlotView.h | |
PolarPlot.h | |
PolarPlotAxis.h | |
PolarPlotData.h | |
PolarPlotGrid.h | |
PolarPlotLegend.h | |
PolarPlotMagnifier.h | |
PolarPlotMarker.h | |
PolarPlotPanner.h | |
Positioning.h | |
PropertyDialog.h | |
PropertyGrid.h | |
PropertyGridGroup.h | |
PropertyGridItem.h | |
PropertyGridItemDelegate.h | |
PropertyGridTree.h | |
PropertyGridView.h | |
PropertyInput.h | |
PropertyInputBool.h | |
PropertyInputColor.h | |
PropertyInputDirectory.h | |
PropertyInputDouble.h | |
PropertyInputFactory.h | |
PropertyInputFactoryRegistrar.h | |
PropertyInputFactoryRegistrar.hpp | |
PropertyInputFilePath.h | |
PropertyInputInt.h | |
PropertyInputPainter2D.h | |
PropertyInputString.h | |
PropertyInputStringList.h | |
PushButton.h | |
QtFactory.h | |
QWidgetInterface.h | |
SignalBlockWrapper.h | |
SpinBox.h | |
Splitter.h | |
StatusBarManager.h | |
StyledTextConverter.h | |
SvgImagePainter.h | |
SyntaxHighlighter.h | |
Table.h | |
TableItemDelegate.h | |
TableView.h | |
TabToolBar.h | |
TabToolBarGroup.h | |
TabToolBarPage.h | |
TabToolBarSubGroup.h | |
TabWidget.h | |
TextEditor.h | |
TextEditorSearchPopup.h | |
TextEditorView.h | |
ToolButton.h | |
ToolTipHandler.h | |
TreeWidget.h | |
TreeWidgetFilter.h | |
TreeWidgetItem.h | |
TreeWidgetItemInfo.h | |
VersionGraph.h | |
VersionGraphItem.h | |
VersionGraphManager.h | |
VersionGraphManagerView.h | |
Widget.h | |
WidgetManager.h | |
WidgetProperties.h | |
WidgetTypes.h | |
WidgetView.h | |
WidgetViewDockManager.h | |
WidgetViewManager.h | |
► src | |
AbstractPlot.cpp | |
AbstractPlotAxis.cpp | |
Action.cpp | |
ApplicationPropertiesManager.cpp | |
BasicWidgetView.cpp | |
CartesianPlot.cpp | |
CartesianPlotAxis.cpp | |
CartesianPlotCrossMarker.cpp | |
CartesianPlotGrid.cpp | |
CartesianPlotLegend.cpp | |
CartesianPlotMagnifier.cpp | |
CartesianPlotPanner.cpp | |
CartesianPlotPicker.cpp | |
CartesianPlotTextMarker.cpp | |
CartesianPlotWidgetCanvas.cpp | |
CartesianPlotZoomer.cpp | |
CentralWidgetManager.cpp | |
CheckBox.cpp | |
ColorPickButton.cpp | |
ColorPreviewBox.cpp | |
ColorStyle.cpp | |
ColorStyleValue.cpp | |
ComboBox.cpp | |
ComboButton.cpp | |
ContextMenu.cpp | |
ContextMenuAction.cpp | |
ContextMenuManager.cpp | |
CreateProjectDialog.cpp | |
CustomGraphicsItem.cpp | |
DelayedCallHandler.cpp | |
DelayedShowHideHandler.cpp | |
Dialog.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
DockWatcherAction.cpp | |
DoubleSpinBox.cpp | |
EventNotifier.cpp | |
FilePathEdit.cpp | |
GlobalColorStyle.cpp | |
GraphicsArcItem.cpp | |
GraphicsBoxLayoutItem.cpp | |
GraphicsConnectionItem.cpp | |
GraphicsConnectionPreviewItem.cpp | |
GraphicsElement.cpp | |
GraphicsEllipseItem.cpp | |
GraphicsGridLayoutItem.cpp | |
GraphicsGroupItem.cpp | |
GraphicsHBoxLayoutItem.cpp | |
GraphicsInvisibleItem.cpp | |
GraphicsItem.cpp | |
GraphicsItemFactory.cpp | |
GraphicsItemLoader.cpp | |
GraphicsItemPreview.cpp | |
GraphicsItemPreviewDrag.cpp | |
GraphicsLayoutItem.cpp | |
GraphicsLayoutItemWrapper.cpp | |
GraphicsLineItem.cpp | |
GraphicsPicker.cpp | |
GraphicsPickerView.cpp | |
GraphicsPixmapItem.cpp | |
GraphicsPolygonItem.cpp | |
GraphicsRectangularItem.cpp | |
GraphicsScene.cpp | |
GraphicsShapeItem.cpp | |
GraphicsStackItem.cpp | |
GraphicsTextItem.cpp | |
GraphicsTriangleItem.cpp | |
GraphicsVBoxLayoutItem.cpp | |
GraphicsView.cpp | |
GraphicsViewView.cpp | |
IconManager.cpp | |
ImagePainterManager.cpp | |
ImagePreview.cpp | |
Label.cpp | |
LineEdit.cpp | |
MainWindow.cpp | |
MessageBoxHandler.cpp | |
MessageBoxManager.cpp | |
MessageDialog.cpp | |
OnePropertyDialog.cpp | |
OverlayWidgetBase.cpp | |
Painter2DEditButton.cpp | |
Painter2DEditDialog.cpp | |
Painter2DPreview.cpp | |
PixmapImagePainter.cpp | |
PlainTextEdit.cpp | |
PlainTextEditView.cpp | |
Plot.cpp | |
PlotDataset.cpp | |
PlotView.cpp | |
PolarPlot.cpp | |
PolarPlotAxis.cpp | |
PolarPlotData.cpp | |
PolarPlotGrid.cpp | |
PolarPlotLegend.cpp | |
PolarPlotMagnifier.cpp | |
PolarPlotMarker.cpp | |
PolarPlotPanner.cpp | |
Positioning.cpp | |
PropertyDialog.cpp | |
PropertyGrid.cpp | |
PropertyGridGroup.cpp | |
PropertyGridItem.cpp | |
PropertyGridItemDelegate.cpp | |
PropertyGridTree.cpp | |
PropertyGridView.cpp | |
PropertyInput.cpp | |
PropertyInputBool.cpp | |
PropertyInputColor.cpp | |
PropertyInputDirectory.cpp | |
PropertyInputDouble.cpp | |
PropertyInputFactory.cpp | |
PropertyInputFilePath.cpp | |
PropertyInputInt.cpp | |
PropertyInputPainter2D.cpp | |
PropertyInputString.cpp | |
PropertyInputStringList.cpp | |
PushButton.cpp | |
QtFactory.cpp | |
QWidgetInterface.cpp | |
SpinBox.cpp | |
Splitter.cpp | |
StatusBarManager.cpp | |
StyledTextConverter.cpp | |
SvgImagePainter.cpp | |
SyntaxHighlighter.cpp | |
Table.cpp | |
TableItemDelegate.cpp | |
TableView.cpp | |
TabToolBar.cpp | |
TabToolBarGroup.cpp | |
TabToolBarPage.cpp | |
TabToolBarSubGroup.cpp | |
TabWidget.cpp | |
TextEditor.cpp | |
TextEditorSearchPopup.cpp | |
TextEditorView.cpp | |
ToolButton.cpp | |
ToolTipHandler.cpp | |
TreeWidget.cpp | |
TreeWidgetFilter.cpp | |
TreeWidgetItem.cpp | |
TreeWidgetItemInfo.cpp | |
VersionGraph.cpp | |
VersionGraphItem.cpp | |
VersionGraphManager.cpp | |
VersionGraphManagerView.cpp | |
Widget.cpp | |
WidgetManager.cpp | |
WidgetView.cpp | |
WidgetViewDockManager.cpp | |
WidgetViewManager.cpp | |
► test | |
► OTWidgetsTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► QwtWrapper | |
► include | |
► qwtw | |
AbstractPlot.h | |
globalDatatypes.h | |
Plot.h | |
PolarPlot.h | |
XYPlot.h | |
► src | |
AbstractPlot.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Plot.cpp | |
PolarPlot.cpp | |
XYPlot.cpp | |
► test | |
► QwtWrapperTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► ResultDataAccess | |
► include | |
AdvancedQueryBuilder.h | |
CrossCollectionAccess.h | Interface to access a different project and get its metadata regarding the result collection |
DatasetDescription.h | |
DatasetOverviewVisualiser.h | |
MetadataCampaign.h | |
MetadataEntityInterface.h | |
MetadataEntry.h | |
MetadataEntryArray.h | |
MetadataEntryComperator.h | |
MetadataEntryObject.h | |
MetadataEntrySingle.h | |
MetadataParameter.h | |
MetadataQuantity.h | |
MetadataSeries.h | |
ParameterDescription.h | |
ProjectToCollectionConverter.h | |
QuantityContainer.h | |
QuantityContainerSerialiser.h | |
QuantityDescription.h | |
QuantityDescriptionCurve.h | |
QuantityDescriptionCurveComplex.h | |
QuantityDescriptionMatrix.h | |
QuantityDescriptionSParameter.h | |
ResultCollectionExtender.h | |
ResultCollectionMetadataAccess.h | |
ResultImportLogger.h | |
ResultImportLoggerEntry.h | |
ResultImportLoggerVerbosity.h | |
ValueFormatSetter.h | |
► ResultDataAccessTest | |
► include | |
FixtureAdvancedQueryBuilder.h | |
FixtureResultCollectionExtender.h | |
ResultCollectionExtenderMockUp.h | |
► src | |
FixtureAdvancedQueryBuilder.cpp | |
FixtureResultCollectionExtender.cpp | |
TestResultCollectionAccess.cpp | |
TestsQueries.cpp | |
ResultCollectionAccessTest.cpp | |
► src | |
AdvancedQueryBuilder.cpp | |
CrossCollectionAccess.cpp | |
DatasetDescription.cpp | |
DatasetOverviewVisualiser.cpp | |
MetadataCampaign.cpp | |
MetadataEntityInterface.cpp | |
MetadataEntryArray.cpp | |
MetadataEntryComperator.cpp | |
MetadataEntryObject.cpp | |
MetadataEntrySingle.cpp | |
ProjectToCollectionConverter.cpp | |
QuantityContainer.cpp | |
QuantityContainerSerialiser.cpp | |
QuantityDescription.cpp | |
QuantityDescriptionSParameter.cpp | |
ResultCollectionExtender.cpp | |
ResultCollectionMetadataAccess.cpp | |
ResultImportLogger.cpp | |
► RubberbandEngineCore | |
► include | |
► rbeCalc | |
AbstractCalculationItem.h | |
AbstractOperator.h | |
OperatorAdd.h | |
OperatorDivide.h | |
OperatorMultiply.h | |
OperatorSubtract.h | |
ParserAPI.h | |
PointDistanceOperator.h | |
PointReference.h | |
VariableValue.h | |
► rbeCore | |
AbstractConnection.h | |
AbstractPoint.h | |
CircleConnection.h | |
dataTypes.h | |
HistoryConnection.h | |
jsonMember.h | |
Limit.h | |
LineConnection.h | |
NumericPoint.h | |
Point.h | |
rbeAssert.h | |
RubberbandConfiguration.h | |
RubberbandEngine.h | |
Step.h | |
► src | |
► rbeCalc | |
AbstractOperator.cpp | |
OperatorAdd.cpp | |
OperatorDivide.cpp | |
OperatorMultiply.cpp | |
OperatorSubtract.cpp | |
ParserAPI.cpp | |
PointDistanceOperator.cpp | |
PointReference.cpp | |
► rbeCore | |
AbstractConnection.cpp | |
AbstractPoint.cpp | |
CircleConnection.cpp | |
HistoryConnection.cpp | |
Limit.cpp | |
LineConnection.cpp | |
NumericPoint.cpp | |
Point.cpp | |
RubberbandConfiguration.cpp | |
RubberbandEngine.cpp | |
Step.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
► test | |
► RubberbandEngineCoreTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► RubberbandEngineOsgWrapper | |
► include | |
► rbeWrapper | |
rbeOsgWrapperDatatypes.h | |
RubberbandOsgWrapper.h | |
stdafx.h | |
► src | |
► rbeWrapper | |
RubberbandOsgWrapper.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
► test | |
► RubberbandEngineOsgWrapperTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► StudioSuiteConnector | |
► include | |
► StudioSuiteConnector | |
CommitMessageDialog.h | |
InfoFileManager.h | |
ProgressInfo.h | |
ProjectInformationDialog.h | |
ProjectManager.h | |
Result1DFileData.h | |
Result1DFileManager.h | |
Result1DRunIDContainer.h | |
ServiceConnector.h | |
StudioConnector.h | |
StudioSuiteConnectorAPI.h | |
VersionFile.h | |
► src | |
CommitMessageDialog.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
InfoFileManager.cpp | |
ProgressInfo.cpp | |
ProjectInformationDialog.cpp | |
ProjectManager.cpp | |
Result1DFileData.cpp | |
Result1DFileManager.cpp | |
Result1DRunIDContainer.cpp | |
ServiceConnector.cpp | |
StudioConnector.cpp | |
StudioSuiteConnectorAPI.cpp | |
VersionFile.cpp | |
► test | |
► StudioSuiteConnectorTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► uiCore | |
► include | |
► akAPI | |
uiAPI.h | |
► akCore | |
aAssert.h | |
aException.h | |
akCore.h | |
aMessenger.h | |
aNotifier.h | |
aNotifierObjectManager.h | |
aObject.h | |
aSingletonAllowedMessages.h | |
aUidMangager.h | |
globalDataTypes.h | |
► akGui | |
aAction.h | |
aObjectManager.h | |
aSignalLinker.h | |
aTimer.h | |
aTtbContainer.h | |
aWindowEventHandler.h | |
► akTools | |
ClassHelper.h | |
► akWidgets | |
aAnimationOverlayWidget.h | |
aCheckBoxWidget.h | |
aLabelWidget.h | |
aLineEditWidget.h | |
aNiceLineEditWidget.h | |
aToolButtonWidget.h | |
aTreeWidget.h | |
aTtbGroup.h | |
aTtbPage.h | |
aTtbSubgroup.h | |
aWidget.h | |
aWindow.h | |
aWindowManager.h | |
aWindowManagerTimerSignalLinker.h | |
► src | |
► akAPI | |
uiAPI.cpp | |
► akCore | |
aException.cpp | |
akCore.cpp | |
aMessenger.cpp | |
aNotifier.cpp | |
aNotifierObjectManager.cpp | |
aObject.cpp | |
aSingletonAllowedMessages.cpp | |
aUidManager.cpp | |
► akGui | |
aAction.cpp | |
aObjectManager.cpp | |
aSignalLinker.cpp | |
aTimer.cpp | |
aTtbContainer.cpp | |
► akTools | |
ClassHelper.cpp | |
► akWidgets | |
aAnimationOverlayWidget.cpp | |
aCheckBoxWidget.cpp | |
aLabelWidget.cpp | |
aLineEditWidget.cpp | |
aNiceLineEditWidget.cpp | |
aToolButtonWidget.cpp | |
aTreeWidget.cpp | |
aTtbGroup.cpp | |
aTtbPage.cpp | |
aTtbSubgroup.cpp | |
aWidget.cpp | |
aWindow.cpp | |
aWindowManager.cpp | |
aWindowManagerTimerSignalLinker.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
► test | |
► uiCoreTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► Viewer | |
► include | |
AbstractPlot.h | |
AxisCenterCross.h | |
AxisCross.h | |
CappingEffect.h | |
ClipPlaneManipulator.h | |
EntityHandler.h | |
Factory.h | |
FrontendAPI.h | |
GlobalFontPath.h | |
GlobalModel.h | |
HandleArrow.h | |
HandlerBase.h | |
HandlerIntersector.h | |
HandleWheel.h | |
LineIntersector.h | |
ManipulatorBase.h | |
MaterialBase.h | |
MaterialMetal.h | |
MaterialPlastic.h | |
MaterialPolished.h | |
MaterialRough.h | |
Model.h | |
PlotManager.h | |
PlotManagerView.h | |
Rubberband.h | |
SceneNodeAnnotation.h | |
SceneNodeBase.h | |
SceneNodeCartesianMesh.h | |
SceneNodeCartesianMeshItem.h | |
SceneNodeContainer.h | |
SceneNodeGeometry.h | |
SceneNodeMaterial.h | |
SceneNodeMaterialFactory.h | |
SceneNodeMesh.h | |
SceneNodeMeshItem.h | |
SceneNodeMultiVisualisation.h | |
SceneNodePlot1D.h | |
SceneNodePlot1DCurve.h | |
SceneNodeVTK.h | |
stdafx.h | |
TableVisualiser.h | |
TextureMapManager.h | |
TextVisualiser.h | |
TransformManipulator.h | |
ViewChangedStates.h | |
Viewer.h | |
ViewerAPI.h | |
ViewerObjectSelectionHandler.h | |
ViewerSettings.h | |
ViewerToolBar.h | |
ViewerView.h | |
ViewManipulator.h | |
Visualiser.h | |
WorkingPlane.h | |
► src | |
AbstractPlot.cpp | |
AxisCenterCross.cpp | |
AxisCross.cpp | |
ClipPlaneManipulator.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
EntityHandler.cpp | |
Factory.cpp | |
FrontendAPI.cpp | |
GlobalModel.cpp | |
HandleArrow.cpp | |
HandlerBase.cpp | |
HandlerIntersector.cpp | |
HandleWheel.cpp | |
LineIntersector.cpp | |
ManipulatorBase.cpp | |
MaterialMetal.cpp | |
MaterialPlastic.cpp | |
MaterialPolished.cpp | |
MaterialRough.cpp | |
Model.cpp | |
PlotManager.cpp | |
PlotManagerView.cpp | |
Rubberband.cpp | |
SceneNodeAnnotation.cpp | |
SceneNodeCartesianMesh.cpp | |
SceneNodeCartesianMeshItem.cpp | |
SceneNodeContainer.cpp | |
SceneNodeGeometry.cpp | |
SceneNodeMaterial.cpp | |
SceneNodeMaterialFactory.cpp | |
SceneNodeMesh.cpp | |
SceneNodeMeshItem.cpp | |
SceneNodeMultiVisualisation.cpp | |
SceneNodePlot1D.cpp | |
SceneNodePlot1DCurve.cpp | |
SceneNodeVTK.cpp | |
stdafx.cpp | |
TableVisualiser.cpp | |
TextureMapManager.cpp | |
TextVisualiser.cpp | |
TransformManipulator.cpp | |
Viewer.cpp | |
ViewerAPI.cpp | |
ViewerObjectSelectionHandler.cpp | |
ViewerSettings.cpp | |
ViewerToolBar.cpp | |
ViewerView.cpp | |
ViewManipulator.cpp | |
Visualiser.cpp | |
WorkingPlane.cpp | |
► test | |
► ViewerTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
▼ Services | |
► AuthorisationService | |
► include | |
Group.h | |
MongoConstants.h | |
MongoGroupFunctions.h | |
MongoProjectFunctions.h | |
MongoRoleFunctions.h | |
MongoSessionFunctions.h | |
MongoURL.h | |
MongoUserFunctions.h | |
Project.h | |
ServiceBase.h | |
User.h | |
► src | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Group.cpp | |
MongoGroupFunctions.cpp | |
MongoProjectFunctions.cpp | |
MongoRoleFunctions.cpp | |
MongoSessionFunctions.cpp | |
MongoURL.cpp | |
MongoUserFunctions.cpp | |
Project.cpp | |
ServiceBase.cpp | |
User.cpp | |
► test | |
► AuthorisationServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► BlockEditorService | |
► BlockEditorTest | |
test.cpp | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► CartesianMeshService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
CartesianMeshCreation.h | |
CartesianMeshTree.h | |
MeshSlicer.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
TriangleBoxOverlapTest.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
CartesianMeshCreation.cpp | |
CartesianMeshTree.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
MeshSlicer.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► CartesianMeshServiceTest | |
► scr | |
test.cpp | |
► CircuitExecution | |
► CircuitExecutionTest | |
test.cpp | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
ConnectionManager.h | |
NGSpice.h | |
SimulationResults.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
ConnectionManager.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
NGSpice.cpp | |
SimulationResults.cpp | |
► CircuitSimulatorService | |
► CircuitSimulatorServiceTest | |
test.cpp | |
► include | |
► CircuitElements | |
Capacitor.h | |
CurrentMeter.h | |
Diode.h | |
Inductor.h | |
Resistor.h | |
VoltageMeter.h | |
VoltageSource.h | |
Application.h | |
BlockEntityHandler.h | |
Circuit.h | |
CircuitElement.h | |
Connection.h | |
ConnectionManager.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
NGSpice.h | |
QtWrapper.h | |
SimulationResults.h | |
SubprocessHandler.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
► CircuitElements | |
Capacitor.cpp | |
CurrentMeter.cpp | |
Diode.cpp | |
Inductor.cpp | |
Resistor.cpp | |
VoltageMeter.cpp | |
VoltageSource.cpp | |
Application.cpp | |
BlockEntityHandler.cpp | |
Circuit.cpp | |
CircuitElement.cpp | |
Connection.cpp | |
ConnectionManager.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
NGSpice.cpp | |
QtWrapper.cpp | |
SimulationResults.cpp | |
SubprocessHandler.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► DataProcessingService | |
► DataProcessingServiceTest | |
► include | |
FixtureEntityBlockGraph.h | |
FixtureGraph.h | |
► src | |
FixtureGraph.cpp | |
test.cpp | |
TestGraph.cpp | |
TestGraphNode.cpp | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
BlockEntityHandler.h | |
BlockHandler.h | |
BlockHandlerDatabaseAccess.h | |
BlockHandlerDataDimensionReducer.h | |
BlockHandlerDisplay.h | |
BlockHandlerFileWriter.h | |
BlockHandlerPlot1D.h | |
BlockHandlerPython.h | |
BlockHandlerStorage.h | |
ExternalDependencies.h | |
Graph.h | |
GraphHandler.h | |
GraphNode.h | |
MeasurementCampaignHandler.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
PipelineData.h | |
PipelineHandler.h | |
PropertyHandlerDatabaseAccessBlock.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
BlockEntityHandler.cpp | |
BlockHandler.cpp | |
BlockHandlerDatabaseAccess.cpp | |
BlockHandlerDataDimensionReducer.cpp | |
BlockHandlerDisplay.cpp | |
BlockHandlerFileWriter.cpp | |
BlockHandlerPlot1D.cpp | |
BlockHandlerPython.cpp | |
BlockHandlerStorage.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ExternalDependencies.cpp | |
Graph.cpp | |
GraphHandler.cpp | |
GraphNode.cpp | |
MeasurementCampaignHandler.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
PipelineData.cpp | |
PipelineHandler.cpp | |
PropertyHandlerDatabaseAccessBlock.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► EDAImportService | |
► src | |
► code | |
► datastructure | |
Gds2Path.cpp | |
Gds2Structure.cpp | |
IC.cpp | |
Layer.cpp | |
Polygon.cpp | |
StructRef.cpp | |
► fileimport | |
Gds2Import.cpp | |
ImportInterface.cpp | |
► model | |
IC3DCreator.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
Quadtree.cpp | |
QuadtreeNode.cpp | |
ShapeUtilities.cpp | |
STEPWriter.cpp | |
Viewer.cpp | |
ViewerInteractor.cpp | |
ICFactory.cpp | |
Main.cpp | |
► header | |
Gds2Import.h | |
Gds2Path.h | |
Gds2Structure.h | |
IC.h | |
IC3DCreator.h | |
ICFactory.h | |
ImportInterface.h | |
Layer.h | |
Polygon.h | |
Quadtree.h | |
QuadtreeNode.h | |
ShapeUtilities.h | |
STEPWriter.h | |
StructRef.h | |
Viewer.h | |
ViewerInteractor.h | |
► ElmerFEMService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
ElmerFEMLauncher.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
SolverBase.h | |
SolverElectrostatics.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ElmerFEMLauncher.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
SolverBase.cpp | |
SolverElectrostatics.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► ElmerFEMServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► FITTDService | |
► include | |
► CurlCoefficients | |
Coefficient3DFactory.h | |
CurlCoefficients.h | |
CurlCoefficients3D.h | |
CurlCoefficients3D.hpp | |
► Grid | |
DimensionPadding.h | |
DimensionPadding.hpp | |
EdgeDiscretization.h | |
Grid.h | |
GridIteratorComponent.h | |
GridIteratorComponentSubspace.h | |
GridIteratorSubvolume.h | |
GridIteratorVolume.h | |
IGridIteratorVolume.h | |
IntrinsicMasks.h | |
MaterialProperties.h | |
MeshDiscretization.h | |
Point.h | |
SurfaceDiscretization.h | |
► Ports | |
Port.h | |
PortFactory.h | |
PortGaussian.h | |
PortGaussian.hpp | |
PortSinusGaussian.h | |
PortSinusGaussian.hpp | |
Signal.h | |
SourceTarget.h | |
► ResultFilter | |
IResultFilterEdge.h | |
ResultContainer.h | |
ResultContainerScalar.h | |
ResultContainerScalarComplex.h | |
ResultContainerVector3DComplex.h | |
ResultFilter.h | |
ResultFilterDFT.h | |
ResultFilterEdgeToNode.h | |
ResultFilterSinkVector.cpp | |
ResultPipelineProgressUpdater.h | |
ResultPipelineTimeDomain1Component.h | |
ResultSink.h | |
ResultSinkScalarAccumalating.h | |
ResultSinkScalarComplexSum.h | |
ResultSinkVector3DAccumalating.h | |
ResultSinkVector3DComplexSum.h | |
ResultSource.h | |
ResultSourceScalar.h | |
ResultSourceScalar.hpp | |
ResultSourceScalarComplex.h | |
ResultSourceScalarComplex.hpp | |
ResultSourceVector3DComplex.h | |
ResultSourceVector3DComplex.hpp | |
► ResultHandling | |
ExecutionBarrier.h | |
ExecutionBarrierFixedTimesteps.h | |
ExecutionBarrierFrequencyAndLast.h | |
ResultSinkFilePrinter.h | |
► ResultPipeline | |
ResultPipeline.h | |
► ResultPostProcessors | |
ResultPostProcessingComplexNormalization.h | |
ResultPostprocessors.h | |
► Simulation | |
DegreesOfFreedom3DLoopCPU.h | |
FITTD.h | |
FITTD3DBuilder.h | |
FITTD3DLoop.h | |
FITTD3DLoopAVX2.h | |
FITTD3DLoopAVX2.hpp | |
FITTD3DLoopAVX512Sp.h | |
FITTD3DLoopAVX512Sp.hpp | |
FITTD3DLoopNoVectorization.h | |
FITTD3DLoopNoVectorization.hpp | |
► Solver | |
Solver.h | |
► SolverSettings | |
MonitorSettings.h | |
PortSettings.h | |
ResultPipelineSettings.h | |
SolverSettings.h | |
SolverVersion.h | |
► SystemDependencies | |
Allignments.h | |
InstructionSet.h | |
SystemDependentDefines.h | |
SystemProperties.h | |
Application.h | |
FolderNames.h | |
MicroServiceInterfaceFITTDSolver.h | |
MicroServiceSolver.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
PerformanceTracker.h | |
PhysicalQuantities.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
► CurlCoefficients | |
Coefficient3DFactory.cpp | |
► Grid | |
EdgeDiscretization.cpp | |
GridIteratorSubvolume.cpp | |
IGridIteratorVolume.cpp | |
IntrinsicMasks.cpp | |
SurfaceDiscretization.cpp | |
► Ports | |
PortFactory.cpp | |
Signal.cpp | |
► ResultFilter | |
ResultContainerScalar.cpp | |
ResultContainerVector3DComplex.cpp | |
ResultFilter.cpp | |
ResultFilterDFT.cpp | |
ResultFilterEdgeToNode.cpp | |
ResultFilterSink.cpp | |
ResultFilterSinkPointOverTime.cpp | |
ResultFilterSourceVector.cpp | |
ResultPipelineProgressUpdater.cpp | |
ResultSinkFilePrinter.cpp | |
ResultSinkScalarAccumalating.cpp | |
ResultSinkScalarComplexSum.cpp | |
ResultSinkVector3DAccumalating.cpp | |
ResultSinkVector3DComplexSum.cpp | |
ResultSource.cpp | |
► ResultHandling | |
ExecutionBarrierFixedTimesteps.cpp | |
ExecutionBarrierFrequencyAndLast.cpp | |
► ResultPipeline | |
ResultPipeline.cpp | |
► ResultPostProcessors | |
ResultPostprocessingComplexNormalization.cpp | |
► Simulation | |
FITTD3DBuilder.cpp | |
► Solver | |
Solver.cpp | |
► SolverSettings | |
MonitorSettings.cpp | |
PortSettings.cpp | |
► SystemDependencies | |
SystemProperties.cpp | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
FolderNames.cpp | |
MicroServiceInterfaceFITTDSolver.cpp | |
MicroServiceSolver.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
PerformanceTracker.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► FITTDServiceTest | |
► include | |
FixtureCurlCoefficients3D.h | |
FixtureGrid.h | |
FixtureIntrinsics.h | |
FixturePECBoundary.h | |
FixtureSimulation3D.h | |
MeasuredTargetValues.h | |
► src | |
FixtureCurlCoefficients3D.cpp | |
FixtureGrid.cpp | |
FixtureIntrinsics.cpp | |
FixturePECBoundary.cpp | |
FixtureSimulation3D.cpp | |
TestCurlCoefficients.cpp | |
TestGrid3DAlignment.cpp | |
TestIntrinsics.cpp | |
TestParameterInitialization.cpp | |
TestSolver3DExSourceTimeSteps1.cpp | |
TestSolver3DExSourceTimeSteps2.cpp | |
TestSolver3DExSourceTimeSteps3.cpp | |
TestSolver3DEySourceTimeSteps1.cpp | |
TestSolver3DEySourceTimeSteps2.cpp | |
TestSolver3DEySourceTimeSteps4.cpp | |
TestSolver3DValues.cpp | |
► GetDPService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
GetDPLauncher.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
SolverBase.h | |
SolverElectrostatics.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
GetDPLauncher.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
SolverBase.cpp | |
SolverElectrostatics.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► GetDPServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► GlobalDirectoryService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
LoadInformation.h | |
LocalDirectoryService.h | |
ServiceInformation.h | |
ServiceStartupInformation.h | |
SessionInformation.h | |
StartupDispatcher.h | |
syscmd.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
LoadInformation.cpp | |
LocalDirectoryService.cpp | |
ServiceInformation.cpp | |
serviceInitializer.h | |
ServiceStartupInformation.cpp | |
SessionInformation.cpp | |
StartupDispatcher.cpp | |
► test | |
► GlobalDirectoryServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► GlobalSessionService | |
► include | |
GlobalSessionService.h | |
LocalSessionService.h | |
Session.h | |
► src | |
dllmain.cpp | |
GlobalSessionService.cpp | |
LocalSessionService.cpp | |
Session.cpp | |
► test | |
► GlobalSessionServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► ImportParameterizedData | |
► ImportParameterizedDataTest | |
► include | |
FileHelper.h | |
FixtureCategorizationConsistencyChecker.h | |
FixtureTabledataToResultdataHandler.h | |
FixtureTableExtractorCSV.h | |
FixtureTableStatisticAnalyser.h | |
FixtureTouchstoneHandler.h | |
► src | |
FileHelper.cpp | |
FixtureCategorizationConsistencyChecker.cpp | |
FixtureTabledataToResultdataHandler.cpp | |
FixtureTableExtractorCSV.cpp | |
FixtureTableStatisticAnalyser.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
TestCategorizationConsistencyChecker.cpp | |
TestParameterInitialization.cpp | |
TestTabledataToResultdataHandler.cpp | |
TestTableExtractorCSV.cpp | |
TestTableStatisticAnalyser.cpp | |
TestTouchstoneOptionHandling.cpp | |
TestTouchstoneOptionSettings.cpp | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
BatchedCategorisationHandler.h | |
BatchUpdateInformation.h | |
BranchSynchronizer.h | |
BusinessLogicHandler.h | Common methods for all central handler classes |
CategorisationFolderNames.h | |
DataCategorizationConsistencyChecker.h | |
DataCategorizationHandler.h | |
Documentation.h | |
FileToTableExtractorFactory.h | A Meyer's singleton which the FileToTableExtractorRegistrar class uses to register a new file eding. Registered classes can be created via the Create function |
FileToTableExtractorRegistrar.h | Class for registrating a new file type. If a TableExtractor shall support a new file ending, all it needs is a static FileToTableExtractorRegistrar with the string of the new supported file extension |
KeyValuesExtractor.h | |
LocaleSettingsSwitch.h | |
MeasurementSeriesMetaDataCreator.h | |
MetadataAssemblyData.h | Container for groups of TableSelectionEntities that describe the same metadata categorization |
MetadataParameterBundle.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
Options.h | |
OptionSettings.h | |
OptionsParameterHandler.h | |
OptionsParameterHandlerFormat.h | |
OptionsParameterHandlerFrequency.h | |
OptionsParameterHandlerParameter.h | |
OptionsParameterHandlerReference.h | |
PreviewAssembler.h | |
PreviewAssemblerRMD.h | |
RangeSelectionVisualisationHandler.h | |
SelectionCategorisationColours.h | |
TabledataToResultdataHandler.h | |
TableExtractor.h | API for creating a Table entity from any source. The task of this class is only the extraction of single rows, depending in the set delimiter. The contained strings are not altered in any way |
TableExtractorCSV.h | Concrete Importer which interpretes a csv file |
TableHandler.h | Central class for dealing with table views |
TableStatisticAnalyser.h | Takes care of calculating the caracteristics of a table behind a TableExtractor object |
TouchstoneHandler.h | |
TouchstoneToResultdata.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
BatchedCategorisationHandler.cpp | |
BusinessLogicHandler.cpp | |
DataCategorizationConsistencyChecker.cpp | |
DataCategorizationHandler.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Documentation.cpp | |
FileToTableExtractorFactory.cpp | |
KeyValuesExtractor.cpp | |
MetadataParameterBundle.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
OptionSettings.cpp | |
OptionsParameterHandlerFormat.cpp | |
OptionsParameterHandlerFrequency.cpp | |
OptionsParameterHandlerParameter.cpp | |
OptionsParameterHandlerReference.cpp | |
PreviewAssembler.cpp | |
PreviewAssemblerRMD.cpp | |
RangeSelectionVisualisationHandler.cpp | |
TabledataToResultdataHandler.cpp | |
TableExtractorCSV.cpp | |
TableHandler.cpp | |
TableStatisticAnalyser.cpp | |
TouchstoneHandler.cpp | |
TouchstoneToResultdata.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► KrigingService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
Dataset.h | |
IBase.h | |
Kriging.h | |
KrigingParams.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
Dataset.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Kriging.cpp | |
KrigingParams.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► LocalDirectoryService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
Configuration.h | |
ExitCodes.h | |
GlobalDirectoryService.h | |
Service.h | |
ServiceInformation.h | |
ServiceManager.h | |
SessionInformation.h | |
syscmd.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
Configuration.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
GlobalDirectoryService.cpp | |
Service.cpp | |
ServiceInformation.cpp | |
serviceInitializer.h | |
ServiceManager.cpp | |
SessionInformation.cpp | |
► test | |
► LocalDirectoryServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► LocalSessionService | |
► include | |
Exception.h | |
globalDatatypes.h | |
GlobalDirectoryService.h | |
GlobalSessionService.h | |
PortManager.h | |
relayService.h | |
service.h | |
ServiceRunStarter.h | |
session.h | |
SessionService.h | |
► src | |
dllmain.cpp | |
Exception.cpp | |
GlobalDirectoryService.cpp | |
GlobalSessionService.cpp | |
PortManager.cpp | |
relayService.cpp | |
service.cpp | |
ServiceRunStarter.cpp | |
session.cpp | |
SessionService.cpp | |
► test | |
► LocalSessionServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► LoggerService | |
► include | |
AppBase.h | |
► src | |
AppBase.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
► test | |
► LoggerServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► LTSpiceService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
InfoFileManager.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
ParametricCombination.h | |
ParametricResult1DManager.h | |
Result1DData.h | |
Result1DManager.h | |
RunIDContainer.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
InfoFileManager.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
ParametricResult1DManager.cpp | |
Result1DData.cpp | |
Result1DManager.cpp | |
RunIDContainer.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► LTSpiceServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► Model | |
► include | |
ActionAndFunctionHandler.h | |
Application.h | |
CheckGeometry.h | |
ClassFactoryModel.h | |
CrossCollectionDatabaseWrapper.h | |
FileHandler.h | |
GeometryOperations.h | |
MicroserviceAPI.h | |
MicroserviceNotifier.h | |
Model.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
ProgressReport.h | |
ProjectTypeManager.h | |
QueuingDatabaseWritingRAII.h | |
QueuingHttpRequestsRAII.h | |
SelectionHandler.h | |
stdafx.h | |
TableReader.h | |
TriangleBoxOverlapTest.h | |
UIControlsHandler.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
ViewVisualisationHandler.h | |
► ModelTest | |
► src | |
ClassFactoryModelTest.cpp | |
► src | |
ActionAndFunctionHandler.cpp | |
Application.cpp | |
CheckGeometry.cpp | |
ClassFactoryModel.cpp | |
CrossCollectionDatabaseWrapper.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
FileHandler.cpp | |
GeometryOperations.cpp | |
MicroserviceAPI.cpp | |
MicroserviceNotifier.cpp | |
Model.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
ProgressReport.cpp | |
ProjectTypeManager.cpp | |
QueuingDatabaseWritingRAII.cpp | |
SelectionHandler.cpp | |
stdafx.cpp | |
TableReader.cpp | |
UIControlsHandler.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
ViewVisualisationHandler.cpp | |
► ModelingService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
ApplicationSettings.h | |
BlendEdges.h | |
BooleanOperations.h | |
ChamferEdges.h | |
EdgesOperationBase.h | |
EntityCache.h | |
ModalCommandHealing.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
PrimitiveCone.h | |
PrimitiveCuboid.h | |
PrimitiveCylinder.h | |
PrimitiveManager.h | |
PrimitivePyramid.h | |
PrimitiveSphere.h | |
PrimitiveTorus.h | |
ShapeHealing.h | |
ShapesBase.h | |
SimplifyRemoveFaces.h | |
STEPReader.h | |
Transformations.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
UpdateManager.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
ApplicationSettings.cpp | |
BlendEdges.cpp | |
BooleanOperations.cpp | |
ChamferEdges.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
EdgesOperationBase.cpp | |
EntityCache.cpp | |
ModalCommandHealing.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
PrimitiveCone.cpp | |
PrimitiveCuboid.cpp | |
PrimitiveCylinder.cpp | |
PrimitiveManager.cpp | |
PrimitivePyramid.cpp | |
PrimitiveSphere.cpp | |
PrimitiveTorus.cpp | |
ShapeHealing.cpp | |
ShapesBase.cpp | |
SimplifyRemoveFaces.cpp | |
STEPReader.cpp | |
Transformations.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
UpdateManager.cpp | |
► test | |
► ModelingServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► PHREECService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
PHREECLauncher.h | |
PHREECMeshExport.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
PHREECLauncher.cpp | |
PHREECMeshExport.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► PHREECServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► PythonExecution | |
► include | |
ActionHandler.h | |
Application.h | |
CommunicationHandler.h | |
CPythonObject.h | |
CPythonObjectBorrowed.h | Wrapper around a PyObject* that is a borrowed reference. This increments the reference count on construction and decrements the reference count on destruction |
CPythonObjectNew.h | Wrapper around a PyObject* that is a new reference. This owns the reference so does not increment it on construction but does decrement it on destruction |
EntityBuffer.h | Meyer' singleton that buffers all entities and their properties that were used so far |
PortData.h | |
PortDataBuffer.h | |
PropertyPythonObjectConverter.h | Class that converts a property value into a PythonObject and viceversa |
PythonAPI.h | |
PythonException.h | Embedded python functions don't throw exceptions. If the return value holds an error code that says that the function failed in execution, it is possible to extract an error description. Actually it is mandatory to extract the error description, since the internal error flag is reset by doing so. If the error flag is still active in the nextt execution of an embedded python function it will fail |
PythonExtension.h | C Python Extension that hold functions for OpenTwin that can be called from a python script |
PythonExtension.hpp | |
PythonLoadedModules.h | Meyer's singleton that holds a map of all modules that were loaded in the python interpreter, sorted by the name of the corresponding script name |
PythonModuleAPI.h | |
PythonObjectBuilder.h | Builder to transfer typically used PyObjects to c++ types and vice versa |
PythonWrapper.h | Wrapper around python code execution |
Timeouts.h | |
► PythonExecutionTest | |
► include | |
FixtureNumpyAPI.h | |
FixturePropertyPythonObjectInterface.h | |
FixturePythonAPI.h | |
FixturePythonObjectBuilder.h | |
FixturePythonWrapper.h | |
TestingPythonExtensions.h | |
► src | |
FixtureNumpyAPI.cpp | |
FixturePropertyPythonObjectInterface.cpp | |
FixturePythonAPI.cpp | |
FixturePythonObjectBuilder.cpp | |
FixturePythonWrapper.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
TestEnvironment.cpp | |
TestNumpyAPI.cpp | |
TestPropertyPythonObjectInterface.cpp | |
TestPythonAPI.cpp | |
TestPythonObjectBuilder.cpp | |
TestsPythonWrapper.cpp | |
Tets.cpp | |
► src | |
ActionHandler.cpp | |
Application.cpp | |
CommunicationHandler.cpp | |
EntityBuffer.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
PortData.cpp | |
PortDataBuffer.cpp | |
PropertyPythonObjectConverter.cpp | |
PythonAPI.cpp | Layer that shall be used from the application.cpp. This class deals with the workflow of loading python script entities, executing them and sending the results back to the service that requested the execution |
PythonException.cpp | |
PythonLoadedModules.cpp | |
PythonModuleAPI.cpp | |
PythonObjectBuilder.cpp | |
PythonWrapper.cpp | |
► PythonExecutionService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
CommunicationHandler.h | |
DataBaseInfo.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
SubprocessHandler.h | |
SubprocessManager.h | |
Timeouts.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► PythonExecutionServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
CommunicationHandler.cpp | |
DataBaseInfo.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
SubprocessHandler.cpp | |
SubprocessManager.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► RelayService | |
► include | |
SocketServer.h | |
► src | |
dllmain.cpp | |
SocketServer.cpp | |
► test | |
► RelayServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► StudioSuiteService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
InfoFileManager.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
ParametricResult1DManager.h | |
Result1DData.h | |
Result1DManager.h | |
RunIDContainer.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
InfoFileManager.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
ParametricResult1DManager.cpp | |
Result1DData.cpp | |
Result1DManager.cpp | |
RunIDContainer.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► StudioSuiteServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► TetMeshService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
FaceAnnotationsManager.h | |
GmshMeshCreation.h | |
MaterialManager.h | |
MeshExport.h | |
MeshImport.h | |
MeshWriter.h | |
ModelBuilder.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
ObjectManager.h | |
PhysicalGroupsManager.h | |
ProgressLogger.h | |
Properties.h | |
ProximityMeshing.h | |
SelfIntersectionCheck.h | |
StepWidthManager.h | |
TmpFileManager.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
FaceAnnotationsManager.cpp | |
GmshMeshCreation.cpp | |
MaterialManager.cpp | |
MeshExport.cpp | |
MeshImport.cpp | |
MeshWriter.cpp | |
ModelBuilder.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
ObjectManager.cpp | |
PhysicalGroupsManager.cpp | |
ProgressLogger.cpp | |
Properties.cpp | |
ProximityMeshing.cpp | |
SelfIntersectionCheck.cpp | |
StepWidthManager.cpp | |
TmpFileManager.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
► test | |
► TetMeshServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
► uiService | |
► include | |
AppBase.h | |
ControlsManager.h | |
CopyProjectDialog.h | |
DevLogger.h | |
ExternalServicesComponent.h | |
LoginData.h | |
LogInDialog.h | |
LogInGSSEditDialog.h | |
LogInGSSEntry.h | |
ManageAccess.h | |
ManageGroups.h | |
ManageOwner.h | |
NavigationTreeView.h | |
ProjectInformation.h | |
ProjectManagement.h | |
ProjectOverviewWidget.h | |
QtMetaTypes.h | |
RenameProjectDialog.h | |
SelectEntitiesDialog.h | |
ServiceDataUi.h | |
ShortcutManager.h | |
ToolBar.h | |
uiServiceTypes.h | |
UserManagement.h | |
UserSettings.h | |
ViewerComponent.h | |
WebsocketClient.h | |
► src | |
AppBase.cpp | |
ControlsManager.cpp | |
CopyProjectDialog.cpp | |
DevLogger.cpp | |
ExternalServicesComponent.cpp | |
LoginData.cpp | |
LogInDialog.cpp | |
LogInGSSEditDialog.cpp | |
LogInGSSEntry.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
ManageAccess.cpp | |
ManageGroups.cpp | |
ManageOwner.cpp | |
NavigationTreeView.cpp | |
ProjectInformation.cpp | |
ProjectManagement.cpp | |
ProjectOverviewWidget.cpp | |
RenameProjectDialog.cpp | |
SelectEntitiesDialog.cpp | |
ServiceDataUi.cpp | |
ShortcutManager.cpp | |
ToolBar.cpp | |
UserManagement.cpp | |
UserSettings.cpp | |
ViewerComponent.cpp | |
WebsocketClient.cpp | |
► test | |
► uiServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
resource.h | |
► VisualizationService | |
► include | |
Application.h | |
DataSourceCartesianVector.h | |
DataSourceItemFactory.h | |
DataSourceManager.h | |
DataSourceManagerItem.h | |
DataSourceResult3D.h | |
DataSourceUnstructuredMesh.h | |
ModelNotifier.h | |
UiNotifier.h | |
vtk2osg.h | |
VtkDriver.h | |
VtkDriverCartesianFaceScalar.h | |
VtkDriverCartesianVectorfield.h | |
VtkDriverFactory.h | |
VtkDriverGeneric.h | |
VtkDriverUnstructuredScalarSurface.h | |
VtkDriverUnstructuredScalarVolume.h | |
VtkDriverUnstructuredVectorVolume.h | |
► src | |
Application.cpp | |
DataSourceCartesianVector.cpp | |
DataSourceItemFactory.cpp | |
DataSourceManager.cpp | |
DataSourceManagerItem.cpp | |
DataSourceResult3D.cpp | |
DataSourceUnstructuredMesh.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ModelNotifier.cpp | |
UiNotifier.cpp | |
vtk2osg.cpp | |
VtkDriver.cpp | |
VtkDriverCartesianFaceScalar.cpp | |
VtkDriverCartesianVectorfield.cpp | |
VtkDriverFactory.cpp | |
VtkDriverGeneric.cpp | |
VtkDriverUnstructuredScalarSurface.cpp | |
VtkDriverUnstructuredScalarVolume.cpp | |
VtkDriverUnstructuredVectorVolume.cpp | |
► test | |
► VisualizationServiceTest | |
► src | |
test.cpp | |
▼ Tools | |
► ConfigMongoDBNoAuth | |
ConfigMongoDBNoAuth.cpp | |
► ConfigMongoDBWithAuth | |
ConfigMongoDBWithAuth.cpp | |
► KeyGenerator | |
KeyGenerator.cpp | |
► MongoDBUpgrader | |
► Upgrader_Exe | |
► include | |
FileWriter.h | |
Logger.h | |
MongoDBInstaller.h | |
MongoDBServerRunner.h | |
MongoDBSettings.h | |
MongoDBSettingsParser.h | |
MongoDBShellExecutor.h | |
MongoDBUpgrader.h | |
MongoVersion.h | |
SharedResources.h | |
Varifier.h | |
WindowsServiceManager.h | |
WindowsUtilityFuctions.h | |
► src | |
FileWriter.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
MongoDBInstaller.cpp | |
MongoDBServerRunner.cpp | |
MongoDBSettingsParser.cpp | |
MongoDBShellExecutor.cpp | |
MongoDBUpgrader.cpp | |
SharedResources.cpp | |
Varifier.cpp | |
WindowsServiceManager.cpp | |
WindowsUtilityFuctions.cpp | |
► OToolkit | |
► include | |
AppBase.h | |
ColorStyleEditor.h | |
ConnectToLoggerDialog.h | |
ExternalLibrary.h | |
ExternalLibraryManager.h | |
FAR.h | |
GraphicsItemDesigner.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerDrawHandler.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerExportConfig.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerExportDialog.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerImageExportConfig.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerImageExportDialog.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerInfoOverlay.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerItemBase.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerNavigation.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerNavigationRoot.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerPreview.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerPropertyHandler.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerScene.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerToolBar.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerView.h | |
GraphicsItemDesignerViewStatusOverlay.h | |
ImageEditor.h | |
JSONEditor.h | |
Logging.h | |
LoggingFilterView.h | |
LogModeSetter.h | |
LogVisualizationItemViewDialog.h | |
MenuManager.h | |
NetworkTools.h | |
PortBlockerServer.h | |
QuickLogExport.h | |
Randomizer.h | |
SettingsManager.h | |
StatusManager.h | |
Terminal.h | |
ToolBarManager.h | |
ToolManager.h | |
ToolMenuManager.h | |
ToolRuntimeHandler.h | |
ToolViewManager.h | |
WidgetTest.h | |
WrappedArcItem.h | |
WrappedCircleItem.h | |
WrappedEllipseItem.h | |
WrappedItemFactory.h | |
WrappedLineItem.h | |
WrappedPolygonItem.h | |
WrappedRectItem.h | |
WrappedSquareItem.h | |
WrappedTextItem.h | |
WrappedTriangleItem.h | |
► src | |
AppBase.cpp | |
ColorStyleEditor.cpp | |
ConnectToLoggerDialog.cpp | |
dllmain.cpp | |
ExternalLibrary.cpp | |
ExternalLibraryManager.cpp | |
FAR.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesigner.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerDrawHandler.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerExportConfig.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerExportDialog.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerImageExportConfig.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerImageExportDialog.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerInfoOverlay.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerItemBase.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerNavigation.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerNavigationRoot.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerPreview.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerPropertyHandler.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerScene.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerToolBar.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerView.cpp | |
GraphicsItemDesignerViewStatusOverlay.cpp | |
ImageEditor.cpp | |
JSONEditor.cpp | |
Logging.cpp | |
LoggingFilterView.cpp | |
LogModeSetter.cpp | |
LogVisualizationItemViewDialog.cpp | |
MenuManager.cpp | |
NetworkTools.cpp | |
PortBlockerServer.cpp | |
QuickLogExport.cpp | |
Randomizer.cpp | |
SettingsManager.cpp | |
StatusManager.cpp | |
Terminal.cpp | |
ToolBarManager.cpp | |
ToolManager.cpp | |
ToolMenuManager.cpp | |
ToolRuntimeHandler.cpp | |
ToolViewManager.cpp | |
WidgetTest.cpp | |
WrappedArcItem.cpp | |
WrappedCircleItem.cpp | |
WrappedEllipseItem.cpp | |
WrappedItemFactory.cpp | |
WrappedLineItem.cpp | |
WrappedPolygonItem.cpp | |
WrappedRectItem.cpp | |
WrappedSquareItem.cpp | |
WrappedTextItem.cpp | |
WrappedTriangleItem.cpp | |
► OToolkitAPI | |
► include | |
► OToolkitAPI | |
APIFunctions.h | |
OToolkitAPI.h | |
otoolkitapi_global.h | |
Tool.h | |
ToolActivityNotifier.h | |
ToolWidgets.h | |
► src | |
OToolkitAPI.cpp | |
Tool.cpp | |
ToolWidgets.cpp | |
► PasswordEncryption | |
PasswordEncryption.cpp | |
► SetPermissions | |
SetPermissions.cpp | |