UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::ini (QApplication *_applicationInstance, const QString &_organizationName, const QString &_applicationName) |
| Will initialize the application.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::destroy (void) |
| Will destroy all objects created by this API.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::enableEventTypes (eventType _types) |
| Will enable the provided event types to be send.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::disableEventTypes (eventType _types) |
| Will disable the provided event types to be send.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::setMessengerEnabled (bool _enabled) |
| Will set the enabled state of the messenger.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::messengerIsEnabled (void) |
| Will return the current enabled state for the messenger.
UICORE_API_EXPORT std::vector< eventType > | ak::uiAPI::enabledEventTypes (void) |
| Will return the enabled event types that will be send.
UICORE_API_EXPORT std::vector< eventType > | ak::uiAPI::disabledEventTypes (void) |
| Will return the disabled event types that will be send.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QWidget * | ak::uiAPI::getWidget (UID _objectUid) |
| Will return the QWidget of the specifed object.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::getObjectCreator (UID _objectUID) |
| Will return the creator UID of the specified object.
UICORE_API_EXPORT aObjectManager * | ak::uiAPI::getObjectManager (void) |
| Will return the object manager used in this API.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::registerUidNotifier (UID _senderUid, ak::aNotifier *_notifier) |
| Will register the notifier at the messenger The provided notifier will get a new uid if not done so before. Returns the UID of the notifier.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::registerEventTypeNotifier (eventType _event, ak::aNotifier *_notifier) |
| Will register the notifier at the messenger The provided notifier will get a new uid if not done so before. Returns the UID of the notifier.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::registerAllMessagesNotifier (ak::aNotifier *_notifier) |
| Will register the notifier for all messages send at the global messenger The provided notifier will get a new uid if not done so before. Returns the UID of the notifier.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::sendMessage (UID _senderUid, eventType _event, int _info1=0, int _info2=0) |
| Will send a message to the messanger.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::setSurfaceFormatDefaultSamplesCount (int _count) |
| Will set the samples count for the default surface formt.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createAction (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_text, const QString &_iconName, const QString &_iconSubFolder=QString("32")) |
| Will create a new Action and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createAction (UID _craetorUid, const QString &_text, const QIcon &_icon) |
| Will create a new Action and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createCheckbox (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_text, bool _checked=false) |
| Will create a new CheckBox and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createLineEdit (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_initialText=QString("")) |
| Will create a line edit and return its UID param _creatorUid The UID of the creator.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createNiceLineEdit (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_initialText, const QString &_infoLabelText) |
| Will create a nice line edit.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createTabToolBarSubContainer (UID _creatorUid, UID _parentUid, const QString &_text=QString("")) |
| Will create a new TabToolBar subcountainer and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createTimer (UID _creatorUid) |
| Will create a new timer and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createToolButton (UID _creatorUid) |
| Will create a toolButton and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createToolButton (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_text) |
| Will create a toolButton and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createToolButton (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_text, const QIcon &_icon) |
| Will create a toolButton and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createToolButton (UID _creatorUid, const QString &_text, const QString &_iconName, const QString &_iconFolder) |
| Will create a toolButton and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createWindow (UID _creatorUid) |
| Will create a new UI manager and return its UID.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::action::setEnabled (UID _actionUID, bool _enabled) |
| Will set the enabled state of the action.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::action::setText (UID _actionUID, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the text of the action.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::action::setIcon (UID _actionUID, const QIcon &_icon) |
| Will set the icon of the action.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::action::setIcon (UID _actionUID, const QString &_iconName, const QString &_iconFolder) |
| Will set the icon of the action.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::action::getText (UID _actionUID) |
| Will return the text of the action.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::checkBox::setChecked (UID _checkBoxUID, bool _checked) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::checkBox::setText (UID _checkBoxUID, const QString &_text) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::checkBox::setEnabled (UID _checkBoxUID, bool _enabled) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::checkBox::text (UID _checkBoxUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::checkBox::isChecked (UID _checkBoxUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::checkBox::isEnabled (UID _checkBoxUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::container::addObject (UID _containerUID, UID _objectUID) |
| Will add an object to the specified container.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::container::setEnabled (UID _containerUID, bool _isEnabled=true) |
| Will set the enabled state of the specified container.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::container::isEnabled (UID _containerUID) |
| Will return the enabled state of the specified container.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::dialog::openDirectory (const QString &_title, const QString &_initialDir) |
| Will show an open directory dialog and return the selected directory.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::lineEdit::setText (UID _lineEditUid, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the line edit text.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::lineEdit::setErrorState (UID _lineEditUid, bool _error) |
| Will set the nice line edit error state.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::lineEdit::setErrorStateIsForeground (UID _lineEditUid, bool _isForeground) |
| Will set wather the error state will have an impact on the foreground or the background.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::lineEdit::setEnabled (UID _lineEditUid, bool _enabled) |
| Will set the line edit enabled state.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::lineEdit::text (UID _lineEditUid) |
| Will return the line edit text.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::lineEdit::isEnabled (UID _lineEditUid) |
| Will return the line edit enabled state.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::setText (UID _lineEditUid, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the nice line edit text.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::setErrorState (UID _lineEditUid, bool _error) |
| Will set the nice line edit error state.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::setErrorStateIsForeground (UID _lineEditUid, bool _isForeground) |
| Will set wather the error state will have an impact on the foreground or the background.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::setInfoLabelText (UID _lineEditUid, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the nice line edit info label text.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::setEnabled (UID _lineEditUid, bool _enabled) |
| Will set the nice line edit enabled state.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::text (UID _lineEditUid) |
| Will return the nice line edit text.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::infoLabelText (UID _lineEditUid) |
| Will return the nice line edit info label text.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::niceLineEdit::isEnabled (UID _lineEditUid) |
| Will return the nice line edit enabled state.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::object::destroy (UID _objectUID, bool _ignoreIfObjectHasChildObjects=false) |
| Will destroy the specifed object.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::object::setObjectUniqueName (UID _objectUID, const QString &_name) |
| Will set an object name to the specified object so it can be accessed later. The name must be unique!
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::object::getObjectUniqueName (UID _objectUID) |
| Will return the unique name set to the object.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::object::getUidFromObjectUniqueName (const QString &_name) |
| Will return the UID of the object with the specified name Will return ak::invalidUID if there is no object with the specified name.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::object::setToolTip (UID _objectUID, const QString &_toolTip) |
| Will set the objects ToolTip For the list of suitable objects refer to the documentation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::object::setEnabled (UID _objectUID, bool _enabled=true) |
| Will set the objects enabeld state For the list of suitable objects refer to the documentation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::object::getIsEnabled (UID _objectUID) |
| Will return the objects enabeld state For the list of suitable objects refer to the documentation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::object::exists (UID _objectUID) |
| Will return true if the specified object exists.
UICORE_API_EXPORT objectType | ak::uiAPI::object::type (UID _objectUID) |
| Will return the object type of the specified object.
template<class T > |
T * | ak::uiAPI::object::get (UID _objectUID) |
| Will cast and return the object with the specified id.
UICORE_API_EXPORT int | ak::uiAPI::timer::getInterval (UID _timerUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::timer::setInterval (UID _timerUID, int _interval) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::timer::shoot (UID _timerUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::timer::shoot (UID _timerUID, int _interval) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::timer::start (UID _timerUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::timer::start (UID _timerUID, int _interval) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::timer::stop (UID _timerUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::getIsEnabled (UID _toolButtonUID) |
| Will return the current enabled state of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::getText (UID _toolButtonUID) |
| Will get the text of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::getToolTip (UID _toolButtonUID) |
| Will get the current ToolTip of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::setEnabled (UID _toolButtonUID, bool _enabled=true) |
| Will set the enabled state of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::setText (UID _toolButtonUID, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the text of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::setToolTip (UID _toolButtonUID, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the ToolTip of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::setIcon (UID _toolButtonUID, const QIcon &_icon) |
| Will set the icon of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::toolButton::setIcon (UID _toolButtonUID, const QString &_iconName, const QString &_iconFolder) |
| Will set the icon of the toolButton.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::addEventHandler (UID _windowUID, aWindowEventHandler *_eventHandler) |
| Will add the provided event handler to the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::close (UID _windowUID) |
| Will close the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::removeEventHandler (UID _windowUID, aWindowEventHandler *_eventHandler) |
| Will remove the provided event handler from the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setStatusLabelVisible (UID _windowUID, bool _visible=true, bool _delayed=true) |
| Will set the visible state of the status label of the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setStatusProgressVisible (UID _windowUID, bool _visible=true, bool _delayed=true) |
| Will set the visible state of the status progress bar of the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setStatusLabelText (UID _windowUID, const QString &_text) |
| Will set the status label text at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setStatusProgressValue (UID _windowUID, int _value) |
| Will set the value of the status progress bar at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setStatusProgressContinuous (UID _windowUID, bool _continuous=true) |
| Will set the continuous option of the status progress bar at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setTabToolBarVisible (UID _windowUID, bool _visible=true) |
| Will set the visible state of the tabToolbar in the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setTabToolbarDoubleClickEnabled (UID _windowUID, bool _isEnabled) |
| Will set the enabled state of double click event in the tab toolbar.
UICORE_API_EXPORT ID | ak::uiAPI::window::getCurrentTabToolBarTab (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the current tab of the tab tool bar at the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT std::string | ak::uiAPI::window::getCurrentToolBarTabText (UID _windowUID) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT int | ak::uiAPI::window::getTabToolBarTabCount (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the tab count of the tab tool bar at the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::enableTabToolBar (UID _windowUID, bool _enable) |
| Will enable or disable the tab tool bar at the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setCurrentTabToolBarTab (UID _windowUID, ID _tabID) |
| Will set the specified tab toolbar tab as current at the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setCurrentTabToolBarTab (UID _windowUID, const QString &_tabName) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setTitle (UID _windowUID, const QString &_title) |
| Will set the title at the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setWindowIcon (UID _windowUID, const QIcon &_icon) |
| Will set the icon at the specified window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::window::getStatusLabelVisible (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return true if the status label is visible at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::window::getStatusProgressVisible (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return true if the status progress bar is visible at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::window::getStatusLabelText (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the status label text at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT int | ak::uiAPI::window::getStatusProgressValue (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the status progress bar value at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::window::getStatusProgressContinuous (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the continuous option of the status progress bar at the provided window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setCentralWidget (UID _windowUID, UID _widgetUID) |
| Will set the windows central widget (The widget will be added to a container, the actual central widget differs)
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setCentralWidget (UID _windowUID, QWidget *_widget) |
| Will set the windows central widget (The widget will be added to a container, the actual central widget differs)
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::showMaximized (UID _windowUID) |
| Will show the window as maximized.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::showNormal (UID _windowUID) |
| Will show the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::showMinimized (UID _windowUID) |
| Will show the window as minimized.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QSize | ak::uiAPI::window::size (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the size of the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QPoint | ak::uiAPI::window::position (UID _windowUID) |
| Will return the position of the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setWaitingAnimationVisible (UID _windowUID, bool _visible=true) |
| Will set the visible state of the waiting animation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setWaitingAnimation (UID _windowUID, QMovie *_movie) |
| Will set the movie as waiting animation in the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setWaitingAnimation (UID _windowUID, const QString &_animationName) |
| Will set the animation as waiting animation in the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setCentralWidgetMinimumSize (UID _windowUID, int _width, int _height) |
| Will set the central widget minimum size.
UICORE_API_EXPORT double | ak::uiAPI::window::devicePixelRatio (void) |
| Will return the device pixel ratio of the currently used device.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::resize (UID _windowUID, int _width, int _height) |
| Will resize the window.
UICORE_API_EXPORT std::string | ak::uiAPI::window::saveState (UID _windowUID, std::string _currentState="") |
| Will return the state of the window so it can be restored.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::window::restoreState (UID _windowUID, const std::string &_state, bool _setPositionAndSize=true) |
| Will return the state of the window so it can be restored.
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::setTabToolBarTabOrder (UID _windowUID, const QStringList &_list) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::window::activateToolBarTab (UID _windowUID, const QString &_tabName) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::crypto::hash (const QString &_orig, HashAlgorithm _algorithm) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::creatorDestroyed (UID _creatorUid) |
| Will destroy all objects created by this creator.
UICORE_API_EXPORT UID | ak::uiAPI::createUid (void) |
| Will generate a new UID and return it.
UICORE_API_EXPORT aMessenger * | ak::uiAPI::getMessenger (void) |
| Will return the messenger.
UICORE_API_EXPORT const QIcon & | ak::uiAPI::getIcon (const QString &_iconName, const QString &_iconSubPath) |
| WIll return the icon with the specified name and path.
UICORE_API_EXPORT const QIcon & | ak::uiAPI::getApplicationIcon (const QString &_iconName) |
| Will return the application icon with the specified name and path.
UICORE_API_EXPORT const QPixmap & | ak::uiAPI::getPixmap (const QString &_name) |
| Will return the icon with the specified name and path.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QMovie * | ak::uiAPI::getMovie (const QString &_name) |
| Will return the movie with the specified name and path.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::settings::getString (const QString &_settingsName, const QString &_defaultValue=QString("")) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT int | ak::uiAPI::settings::getInt (const QString &_settingsName, int _defaultValue=0) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT double | ak::uiAPI::settings::getDouble (const QString &_settingsName, double _defaultValue=0.0) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT float | ak::uiAPI::settings::getFloat (const QString &_settingsName, float _defaultValue=0.0) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool | ak::uiAPI::settings::getBool (const QString &_settingsName, bool _defaultValue=0.0) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT QByteArray | ak::uiAPI::settings::getByteArray (const QString &_settingsName, const QByteArray &_defaultValue=QByteArray()) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::settings::setString (const QString &_settingsName, const QString &_value) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::settings::setInt (const QString &_settingsName, int _value) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::settings::setDouble (const QString &_settingsName, double _value) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::settings::setFloat (const QString &_settingsName, float _value) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::settings::setBool (const QString &_settingsName, bool _value) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT void | ak::uiAPI::settings::setByteArray (const QString &_settingsName, const QByteArray &_value) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (eventType _type) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided eventType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (valueType _type) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided valueType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (textAlignment _type) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided valtextAlignmentueType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (dockLocation _dockLocation) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided dockLocation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (tabLocation _tabLocation) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided tab location.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (keyType _type) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided keyType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (objectType _type) |
| Will return a string representation of the provided objectType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (const QDate &_date, dateFormat _format, const QString &_delimiter) |
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toString (const QTime &_time, timeFormat _format, const QString &_delimiter, const QString &_millisecondDelimiter=".") |
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString | ak::uiAPI::special::toEventText (UID _senderUID, eventType _eventType, int _info1, int _info2) |
| Will create a JSON type representation of the event.