2#pragma warning(disable : 4251)
11class __declspec(dllexport) EntityMeshCartesianFace :
public EntityBase
14 enum eType {INDEX_BASED = 0, POINT_BASED = 1};
16 EntityMeshCartesianFace(
ot::UID ID, EntityBase *parent, EntityObserver *obs, ModelState *ms, ClassFactoryHandler* factory,
const std::string &owner);
17 virtual ~EntityMeshCartesianFace() {};
19 void setType(eType t) {
type = t; }
22 void setNumberCellFaces(
int direction,
size_t nT);
23 size_t getNumberCellFaces(
int direction);
24 long long getCellFace(
int direction,
size_t n) { assert(direction >= 0 && direction < 3); assert(n < cellFaces[direction].
return cellFaces[direction][n]; };
25 void setCellFace(
int direction,
size_t n,
long long face) { assert(direction >= 0 && direction < 3); assert(n < cellFaces[direction].
size()); cellFaces[direction][n] = face; };
28 void setNumberCellFaces(
size_t nT);
29 size_t getNumberCellFaces(
30 void setCellFace(
size_t n,
long long p0,
long long p1,
long long p2,
long long p3) { assert(n < pointIndices[0].
size()); pointIndices[0][n] = p0; pointIndices[1][n] = p1; pointIndices[2][n] =
p2; pointIndices[3][n] = p3; };
33 void setBoundingBox(
const BoundingBox &box) { boundingBox = box; setModified(); };
35 virtual bool getEntityBox(
double &xmin,
double &xmax,
double &ymin,
double &ymax,
double &zmin,
double &zmax);
37 void setSurfaceId(
int id) { surfaceId = id; setModified(); };
38 int getSurfaceId(
void) {
return surfaceId; };
40 virtual std::string getClassName(
void) {
return "EntityMeshCartesianFace"; };
42 virtual entityType getEntityType(
override {
return DATA; };
45 virtual int getSchemaVersion(
void) {
return 1; };
46 virtual void AddStorageData(bsoncxx::builder::basic::document &storage);
47 virtual void readSpecificDataFromDataBase(bsoncxx::document::view &doc_view, std::map<ot::UID, EntityBase *> &entityMap)
48 void readCellFaces(bsoncxx::document::view &doc_view,
int direction,
const std::string &itemName);
49 void readPoints(bsoncxx::document::view &doc_view,
int index,
const std::string &itemName);
53 std::vector<long long> cellFaces[3];
54 std::vector<long long> pointIndices[4];
55 BoundingBox boundingBox;
double p2[]
Definition GeometryOperations.h:24
BoundingBox getBoundingBox(std::list< EntityGeometry * > &geometryEntities)
Definition GeometryOperations.cpp:230
UICORE_API_EXPORT objectType type(UID _objectUID)
Will return the object type of the specified object.
Definition uiAPI.cpp:596
Will return the size of the window.
Definition uiAPI.cpp:924
unsigned long UID
Unique identifier (32 bit unsigned integer)
Definition CoreTypes.h:27