53 void setTop(
int _top) { m_topLeft.setY(_top); };
54 int getTop(
const {
return m_topLeft.y(); };
56 void setLeft(
int _left) { m_topLeft.setX(_left); };
57 int getLeft(
const {
return m_topLeft.x(); };
62 void setBottom(
int _bottom) { m_bottomRight.setY(_bottom); };
63 int getBottom(
const {
return m_bottomRight.y(); };
65 void setRight(
int _right) { m_bottomRight.setX(_right); };
66 int getRight(
const {
return m_bottomRight.x(); };
71 void setWidth(
int _width) { m_bottomRight =
Point2D(m_topLeft.x() + _width, m_topLeft.y()); };
72 int getWidth(
const {
return m_bottomRight.x() - m_topLeft.x(); };
74 void setHeight(
int _height) { m_bottomRight =
Point2D(m_topLeft.x(), m_topLeft.y() + _height); };
75 int getHeight(
const {
return m_bottomRight.y() - m_topLeft.y(); };
78 Size2D getSize(
const {
return Size2D(m_bottomRight.x() - m_topLeft.x(), m_bottomRight.y() - m_topLeft.y()); };
85 Rect unionWith(
const Rect& _other)
88 Rect intersectsWith(
const Rect& _other)
91 bool isAllZero(
const {
return m_topLeft.x() == 0 && m_topLeft.y() == 0 && m_bottomRight.x() == 0 && m_bottomRight.y() == 0; };
95 bool isValid(
const {
return (m_topLeft.x() <= m_bottomRight.x()) && (m_topLeft.y() <= m_bottomRight.y()); };
102 void moveTo(
const Point2D& _topLeft);
109 void moveBy(
const Point2D& _distance);
111 RectF toRectF(
112 RectD toRectD(
160 void setTop(
float _top) { m_topLeft.setY(_top); };
161 float getTop(
const {
return m_topLeft.y(); };
163 void setLeft(
float _left) { m_topLeft.setX(_left); };
164 float getLeft(
const {
return m_topLeft.x(); };
169 void setBottom(
float _bottom) { m_bottomRight.setY(_bottom); };
170 float getBottom(
const {
return m_bottomRight.y(); };
172 void setRight(
float _right) { m_bottomRight.setX(_right); };
173 float getRight(
const {
return m_bottomRight.x(); };
178 void setWidth(
float _width) { m_bottomRight =
Point2DF(m_topLeft.x() + _width, m_topLeft.y()); };
179 float getWidth(
const {
return m_bottomRight.x() - m_topLeft.x(); };
181 void setHeight(
float _height) { m_bottomRight =
Point2DF(m_topLeft.x(), m_topLeft.y() + _height); };
182 float getHeight(
const {
return m_bottomRight.y() - m_topLeft.y(); };
185 Size2DF getSize(
const {
return Size2DF(m_bottomRight.x() - m_topLeft.x(), m_bottomRight.y() - m_topLeft.y()); };
195 RectF intersectsWith(
const RectF& _other)
198 bool isAllZero(
const {
return m_topLeft.x() == 0 && m_topLeft.y() == 0 && m_bottomRight.x() == 0 && m_bottomRight.y() == 0; };
202 bool isValid(
const {
return (m_topLeft.x() <= m_bottomRight.x()) && (m_topLeft.y() <= m_bottomRight.y()); };
209 void moveTo(
const Point2DF& _topLeft);
216 void moveBy(
const Point2DF& _distance);
218 Rect toRect(
219 RectD toRectD(
267 void setTop(
double _top) { m_topLeft.setY(_top); };
268 double getTop(
const {
return m_topLeft.y(); };
270 void setLeft(
double _left) { m_topLeft.setX(_left); };
271 double getLeft(
const {
return m_topLeft.x(); };
276 void setBottom(
double _bottom) { m_bottomRight.setY(_bottom); };
277 double getBottom(
const {
return m_bottomRight.y(); };
279 void setRight(
double _right) { m_bottomRight.setX(_right); };
280 double getRight(
const {
return m_bottomRight.x(); };
285 void setWidth(
double _width) { m_bottomRight =
Point2DD(m_topLeft.x() + _width, m_topLeft.y()); };
286 double getWidth(
const {
return m_bottomRight.x() - m_topLeft.x(); };
288 void setHeight(
double _height) { m_bottomRight =
Point2DD(m_topLeft.x(), m_topLeft.y() + _height); };
289 double getHeight(
const {
return m_bottomRight.y() - m_topLeft.y(); };
292 Size2DD getSize(
const {
return Size2DD(m_bottomRight.x() - m_topLeft.x(), m_bottomRight.y() - m_topLeft.y()); };
302 RectD intersectsWith(
const RectD& _other)
305 bool isAllZero(
const {
return m_topLeft.x() == 0 && m_topLeft.y() == 0 && m_bottomRight.x() == 0 && m_bottomRight.y() == 0; };
309 bool isValid(
const {
return (m_topLeft.x() <= m_bottomRight.x()) && (m_topLeft.y() <= m_bottomRight.y()); };
316 void moveTo(
const Point2DD& _topLeft);
323 void moveBy(
const Point2DD& _distance);
325 Rect toRect(
326 RectF toRectF(
Dll import.
Definition CoreAPIExport.h:8
bool operator==(const FaceSelection &left, const FaceSelection &right)
Definition Model.cpp:55
2D Point with double values
Definition Point2D.h:144
2D Point with float values
Definition Point2D.h:82
2D Point with integer values
Definition Point2D.h:20
Rectangle that holds the top left and bottom right corner in double values.
Definition Rect.h:234
bool isAllZero(void) const
Returns true if top left is (0, 0) and bottom right is (0, 0).
Definition Rect.h:305
double getWidth(void) const
Definition Rect.h:286
const Point2DD & getBottomRight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:283
void setBottom(double _bottom)
Definition Rect.h:276
void setLeft(double _left)
Definition Rect.h:270
void setHeight(double _height)
Definition Rect.h:288
const Point2DD & getTopLeft(void) const
Definition Rect.h:274
double getBottom(void) const
Definition Rect.h:277
double getTop(void) const
Definition Rect.h:268
void setTop(double _top)
Definition Rect.h:267
bool isValid(void) const
Returns true if the top left and bottom right points are set correctly. If the left value is bigger t...
Definition Rect.h:309
double getRight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:280
void setSize(const Size2DD &_size)
Definition Rect.h:291
void setBottomRight(const Point2DD &_bottomRight)
Definition Rect.h:282
void moveTo(double _ax, double _ay)
Definition Rect.h:312
Size2DD getSize(void) const
Definition Rect.h:292
double getHeight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:289
void setWidth(double _width)
Definition Rect.h:285
void moveBy(double _dx, double _dy)
Definition Rect.h:319
double getLeft(void) const
Definition Rect.h:271
void setTopLeft(const Point2DD &_topLeft)
Definition Rect.h:273
void setRight(double _right)
Definition Rect.h:279
const Point2DF & getTopLeft(void) const
Definition Rect.h:167
void setHeight(float _height)
Definition Rect.h:181
void setSize(const Size2DF &_size)
Definition Rect.h:184
const Point2DF & getBottomRight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:176
float getRight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:173
float getLeft(void) const
Definition Rect.h:164
void setTop(float _top)
Definition Rect.h:160
void moveBy(float _dx, float _dy)
Definition Rect.h:212
void setTopLeft(const Point2DF &_topLeft)
Definition Rect.h:166
bool isValid(void) const
Returns true if the top left and bottom right points are set correctly. If the left value is bigger t...
Definition Rect.h:202
Size2DF getSize(void) const
Definition Rect.h:185
void setBottomRight(const Point2DF &_bottomRight)
Definition Rect.h:175
float getWidth(void) const
Definition Rect.h:179
void setBottom(float _bottom)
Definition Rect.h:169
float getTop(void) const
Definition Rect.h:161
float getHeight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:182
float getBottom(void) const
Definition Rect.h:170
void setLeft(float _left)
Definition Rect.h:163
void moveTo(float _ax, float _ay)
Definition Rect.h:205
void setWidth(float _width)
Definition Rect.h:178
void setRight(float _right)
Definition Rect.h:172
bool isAllZero(void) const
Returns true if top left is (0, 0) and bottom right is (0, 0).
Definition Rect.h:198
Rectangle that holds the top left and bottom right corner in int values.
Definition Rect.h:20
int getRight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:66
void setTopLeft(const Point2D &_topLeft)
Definition Rect.h:59
const Point2D & getTopLeft(void) const
Definition Rect.h:60
void moveBy(int _dx, int _dy)
Definition Rect.h:105
const Point2D & getBottomRight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:69
int getTop(void) const
Definition Rect.h:54
Size2D getSize(void) const
Definition Rect.h:78
void setLeft(int _left)
Definition Rect.h:56
bool isAllZero(void) const
Returns true if top left is (0, 0) and bottom right is (0, 0).
Definition Rect.h:91
void setWidth(int _width)
Definition Rect.h:71
void setBottomRight(const Point2D &_bottomRight)
Definition Rect.h:68
void moveTo(int _ax, int _ay)
Definition Rect.h:98
bool isValid(void) const
Returns true if the top left and bottom right points are set correctly. If the left value is bigger t...
Definition Rect.h:95
int getBottom(void) const
Definition Rect.h:63
int getHeight(void) const
Definition Rect.h:75
void setBottom(int _bottom)
Definition Rect.h:62
void setHeight(int _height)
Definition Rect.h:74
void setTop(int _top)
Definition Rect.h:53
int getWidth(void) const
Definition Rect.h:72
int getLeft(void) const
Definition Rect.h:57
void setRight(int _right)
Definition Rect.h:65
void setSize(const Size2D &_size)
Definition Rect.h:77
The Serializable class is the default interface of serializable objects.
Definition Serializable.h:17
2D Size with double values
Definition Size2D.h:115
double height(void) const
Return the height.
Definition Size2D.h:151
double width(void) const
Return the width.
Definition Size2D.h:144
2D Size with float values
Definition Size2D.h:65
float width(void) const
Return the width.
Definition Size2D.h:94
float height(void) const
Return the height.
Definition Size2D.h:101
2D Size with integer values
Definition Size2D.h:15
int height(void) const
Return the height.
Definition Size2D.h:51
int width(void) const
Return the width.
Definition Size2D.h:44
rapidjson::Value JsonValue
Writable JSON value.
Definition JSON.h:27
rapidjson::GenericObject< true, rapidjson::GenericValue< rapidjson::UTF8<>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< rapidjson::CrtAllocator > > > ConstJsonObject
Read only JSON Object.
Definition JSON.h:35
rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< rapidjson::CrtAllocator > JsonAllocator
Allocator used for writing to JSON values.
Definition JSON.h:30