Files | |
BasicEntityInformation.h | |
BasicServiceInformation.h | |
Color.h | |
ComplexNumbers.h | |
ContainerHelper.h | |
CoreAPIExport.h | |
CoreTypes.h | |
DataObject.h | |
DefensiveProgramming.h | |
EncodingConverter_ISO88591ToUTF8.h | |
Converter that can transform a set of ISO 8859-1 characters into a set of UTF-8 character. | |
EncodingConverter_UTF16ToUTF8.h | |
Converter that can transform a set of UTF-16 LE BOM or UTF16 BE BOM characters into a set of UTF-8 character. | |
EncodingGuesser.h | |
Detects the encoding style. The detection class can only find the next best match and does not guarantee the correct detection of the intended standard. Thus, the detected standard should be propagated to the user, to allow a change. | |
FactoryTemplate.h | |
FactoryTemplate.hpp | |
Flags.h | |
FolderNames.h | |
GenericDataStruct.h | |
GenericDataStructFactory.h | |
GenericDataStructMatrix.h | |
GenericDataStructSingle.h | |
GenericDataStructVector.h | |
JSON.h | |
JSONToVariableConverter.h | |
Logger.h | |
OpenTwin Logging system. | |
LogModeManager.h | |
Math.h | |
ObjectManagerTemplate.h | |
OTAssert.h | |
OTClassHelper.h | |
This file contains defines that may be used simplyfy class creation. | |
Owner.h | |
OwnerService.h | |
OwnerServiceGlobal.h | |
PerformanceTests.h | |
Point2D.h | |
Point3D.h | |
Queue.h | |
Rect.h | |
ReturnMessage.h | |
ReturnValues.h | |
Serializable.h | |
ServiceBase.h | |
Size2D.h | |
String.h | |
StringToNumericCheck.h | |
StringToVariableConverter.h | |
TemplateTypeName.h | |
Template for getting a type name. Some type names are not system independent, hence the need to create a standardised way for this project. | |
TemplateTypeName.hpp | |
Tensor.h | |
TextEncoding.h | |
MongoDB uses only UTF-8 and some errors occured if the characters with different encoding standard were stored. This class holds all types of text encodings that can be detected with the EncodingGuesser class. | |
ThisService.h | |
TypeNames.h | |
Some type names are not system independent, hence the need to create a standardised way for this project. This class provides the names themselve as a central point of access. *. | |
UIDNamePair.h | |
Variable.h | |
VariableListToStringListConverter.h | |
VariableToBSONStringConverter.h | |
VariableToJSONConverter.h | |
VariableToStringConverter.h | |