OpenTwin 0.1
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akCore.h File Reference

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namespace  ak


enum  ak::colorAreaFlag {
  ak::cafBackgroundColorWindow = 1 << 0 , ak::cafForegroundColorWindow = 1 << 1 , ak::cafBorderColorWindow = 1 << 2 , ak::cafBackgroundColorHeader = 1 << 3 ,
  ak::cafForegroundColorHeader = 1 << 4 , ak::cafBorderColorHeader = 1 << 5 , ak::cafBackgroundColorControls = 1 << 6 , ak::cafForegroundColorControls = 1 << 7 ,
  ak::cafBorderColorControls = 1 << 8 , ak::cafDefaultBorderControls = 1 << 9 , ak::cafDefaultBorderWindow = 1 << 10 , ak::cafBackgroundColorAlternate = 1 << 11 ,
  ak::cafForegroundColorError = 1 << 12 , ak::cafBackgroundColorFocus = 1 << 13 , ak::cafBackgroundColorSelected = 1 << 14 , ak::cafForegroundColorFocus = 1 << 15 ,
  ak::cafForegroundColorSelected = 1 << 16 , ak::cafBackgroundColorTransparent = 1 << 17 , ak::cafImagesTree = 1 << 18 , ak::cafImagesDock = 1 << 19 ,
  ak::cafDefaultBorderHeader = 1 << 20 , ak::cafBackgroundColorDialogWindow = 1 << 21 , ak::cafForegroundColorDialogWindow = 1 << 22 , ak::cafBackgroundColorButton = 1 << 23 ,
  ak::cafForegroundColorButton = 1 << 24 , ak::cafTabToolBarGroupSeperatorLine = 1 << 25 , ak::cafBackgroundColorView = 1 << 26
enum  ak::commandType { ak::ctClearCreatedObjects }
 Describes the type of an command. More...
enum  ak::dateFormat { ak::dfDDMMYYYY , ak::dfMMDDYYYY , ak::dfYYYYMMDD , ak::dfYYYYDDMM }
 Describes the date format. More...
enum  ak::dockLocation { ak::dockLeft , ak::dockRight , ak::dockBottom }
 Describes the dock location of a dock widget. More...
enum  ak::eventType : unsigned long long {
  ak::etUnknownEvent = 1 << 0 , ak::etActivated = 1 << 1 , ak::etChanged = 1 << 2 , ak::etCleared = 1 << 3 ,
  ak::etClicked = 1 << 4 , ak::etClosing = 1 << 5 , ak::etCollpased = 1 << 6 , ak::etCursorPosotionChanged = 1 << 7 ,
  ak::etDestroyed = 1 << 8 , ak::etDoubleClicked = 1 << 9 , ak::etExpanded = 1 << 10 , ak::etFocused = 1 << 11 ,
  ak::etFocusLeft = 1 << 12 , ak::etInvalidEntry = 1 << 13 , ak::etIndexChanged = 1 << 14 , ak::etItemChanged = 1 << 15 ,
  ak::etItemTextChanged = 1 << 16 , ak::etKeyPressed = 1 << 17 , ak::etKeyReleased = 1 << 18 , ak::etLocationChanged = 1 << 19 ,
  ak::etSelectionChanged = 1 << 20 , ak::etStateChanged = 1 << 21 , ak::etTabToolbarChanged = 1 << 22 , ak::etTabToolbarClicked = 1 << 23 ,
  ak::etTimeout = 1 << 24 , ak::etToggeledChecked = 1 << 25 , ak::etToggeledUnchecked = 1 << 26 , ak::etVisibilityChanged = 1 << 27 ,
  ak::etReturnPressed = 1 << 28 , ak::etEditingFinished = 1 << 29 , ak::etDeleted = (unsigned long long ) (1) << 32
 Describes the type of an event. More...
enum  ak::HashAlgorithm {
  ak::hashKeccak_224 , ak::hashKeccak_256 , ak::hashKeccak_384 , ak::hashKeccak_512 ,
  ak::hashMd4 , ak::hashMd5 , ak::hashRealSha3_224 , ak::hashRealSha3_256 ,
  ak::hashRealSha3_384 , ak::hashRealSha3_512 , ak::hashSha1 , ak::hashSha_224 ,
  ak::hashSha_256 , ak::hashSha_384 , ak::hashSha3_224 , ak::hashSha3_256 ,
  ak::hashSha3_384 , ak::hashSha3_512 , ak::hashSha512
enum  ak::keyType {
  ak::keyUnknown , ak::keyAlt , ak::keyAltGr , ak::keyControl ,
  ak::keyDelete , ak::keyEscape , ak::keyF1 , ak::keyF10 ,
  ak::keyF11 , ak::keyF12 , ak::keyF2 , ak::keyF3 ,
  ak::keyF4 , ak::keyF5 , ak::keyF6 , ak::keyF7 ,
  ak::keyF8 , ak::keyF9 , ak::keyReturn , ak::keySpace
enum  ak::objectType {
  ak::otNone , ak::otAction , ak::otCheckBox , ak::otLabel ,
  ak::otLineEdit , ak::otMainWindow , ak::otMenu , ak::otNiceLineEdit ,
  ak::otTabToolbar , ak::otTabToolbarGroup , ak::otTabToolbarPage , ak::otTabToolbarSubgroup ,
  ak::otTimer , ak::otToolButton , ak::otTree , ak::otTreeItem
 Describes the type of an object. More...
enum  ak::promptType {
  ak::promptOk , ak::promptYesNo , ak::promptYesNoCancel , ak::promptOkCancel ,
  ak::promptRetryCancel , ak::promptIgnoreRetryCancel , ak::promptIconLeft , ak::promptOkCancelIconLeft ,
  ak::promptOkIconLeft , ak::promptYesNoIconLeft , ak::promptYesNoCancelIconLeft
 Describes the promt type. More...
enum  ak::tabLocation { ak::tabLocationUp , ak::tabLocationDown , ak::tabLocationLeft , ak::tabLocationRight }
 Descirbes the tab location. More...
enum  ak::textAlignment { ak::alignLeft , ak::alignRight , ak::alignCenter }
 Describes the text alignment. More...
enum  ak::timeFormat { ak::tfHHMM , ak::tfHHMMSS , ak::tfHHMMSSMMMM }
 Describes the time format. More...
enum  ak::valueType {
  ak::vtArray , ak::vtBool , ak::vtColor , ak::vtDate ,
  ak::vtDouble , ak::vtFloat , ak::vtInt , ak::vtInt64 ,
  ak::vtLosslessDouble , ak::vtLosslessFloat , ak::vtNull , ak::vtNumber ,
  ak::vtObject , ak::vtSelection , ak::vtString , ak::vtTime ,
  ak::vtUint , ak::vtUint64


eventType ak::operator| (eventType a, eventType b)
colorAreaFlag ak::operator| (colorAreaFlag a, colorAreaFlag b)
bool ak::flagIsSet (colorAreaFlag _flags, colorAreaFlag _testFlag)
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (eventType _eventType)
 Create a string representation of the provided ak::core::eventType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (valueType _valueType)
 Create a string representation of the provided ak::core::valueType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT std::vector< int > ak::toCharIndex (const char *str)
UICORE_API_EXPORT QCryptographicHash::Algorithm ak::toQCryptographicHashAlgorithm (HashAlgorithm _algorhitm)
 Will return the QCryptographicHash::Algorithm corresponding to the provided HashAlgorithm.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::hashString (const QString &_str, HashAlgorithm _algorhitm)
 Will return a hashed string that was hashed by the specified algorhitm.
template<class T >
std::vector< T > ak::toVector (const std::list< T > &_list)
 Will return a vector containing all the information from the list.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (objectType _objectType)
 Create a string representation of the provided elementType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (textAlignment _textAlignment)
 Create a string representation of the provided textAlignment.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (tabLocation _tabLocation)
 Create a string representation of the provided tabLocation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (dockLocation _dockLocation)
 Create a string representation of the provided dockLocation.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (promptType _promptType)
 Create a string representation of the provided prompt type.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (keyType _keyType)
 Create a string representation of the provided keyType.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (dateFormat _dateFormat)
 Create a string representation of the provided date format.
UICORE_API_EXPORT QString ak::toQString (timeFormat _timeFormat)
 Create a string representation of the provided time format.
UICORE_API_EXPORT keyType ak::toKeyType (QKeyEvent *_event)
 Will return the key type of the provided QKeyEvent If the key is not included in the keyType type a keyType::key_Unknown will be returned.
UICORE_API_EXPORT Qt::AlignmentFlag ak::toQtAlignmentFlag (textAlignment _textAlignment)
 Will return the corresponding Qt text alignment.
UICORE_API_EXPORT dateFormat ak::toDateFormat (const QString &_str)
 Will return the date format that the provided string is representing.
UICORE_API_EXPORT timeFormat ak::toTimeFormat (const QString &_str)
 Will return the time format that the provided string is representing.
template<class T >
ak::toNumber (const std::string &_string, bool &_failed)
 Will convert and return the number specified in the string.
template<class T >
ak::toNumber (const QString &_string, bool &_failed)
 Will convert and return the number specified in the string.
template<class T >
ak::toNumber (const char *_string, bool &_failed)
 Will convert and return the number specified in the string.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isDecimal (const char *str)
 Returns true if the provided C-String is in a format ready to be converted to a double or float.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isDecimal (const std::string &str)
 Returns true if the provided C++ String is in a format ready to be converted to a double or float.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isDecimal (const QString &str)
 Returns true if the provided Qt String is in a format ready to be converted to a double or float.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isInteger (const char *str)
 Returns true if the provided C-String is in a format ready to be converted to an integer.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isInteger (const std::string &str)
 Returns true if the provided C++ String is in a format ready to be converted to an integer.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isInteger (const QString &str)
 Returns true if the provided Qt String is in a format ready to be converted to an integer.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isNumericOnly (const char *str)
 Returns true if the provided C-String consists only of numerical characters.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isNumericOnly (const std::string &str)
 Returns true if the provided C++ String consists only of numerical characters.
UICORE_API_EXPORT bool ak::isNumericOnly (const QString &str)
 Returns true if the provided Qt String consists only of numerical characters.