OpenTwin provides a JSON API which wraps the rapidJSON
Classes that may be serialized should inherit from ot::Serializable (OTCore/Serializable.h
Full Example
// OpenTwin header
#include "OTCore/Serializable.h"
// std header
#include <list>
#include <string>
class A : public ot::Serializable {
// Here the data is added to the provided JSON object (serialized)
virtual void addToJsonObject(ot::JsonValue& _object, ot::JsonAllocator& _allocator) const override;
// Here the data is read from the provided JSON object (deserialized)
virtual void setFromJsonObject(const ot::ConstJsonObject& _object) override;
void setX(int _x) { m_x = _x; };
void addY(double _y) { m_y.push_back(_y); };
int m_x;
std::list<double> m_y;
class B : public ot::Serializable {
// Here the data is added to the provided JSON object (serialized)
virtual void addToJsonObject(ot::JsonValue& _object, ot::JsonAllocator& _allocator) const override;
// Here the data is read from the provided JSON object (deserialized)
virtual void setFromJsonObject(const ot::ConstJsonObject& _object) override;
void addA(const A& _a) { m_a.push_back(_a); };
void setB(const std::string& _b) { m_b = _b; };
std::list<A> m_a;
std::strnig m_b;
// Project header
#include "YourHeader.h"
// Class A
// Here the data is added to the provided JSON object (serialized)
void A::addToJsonObject(ot::JsonValue& _object, ot::JsonAllocator& _allocator) const {
_object.AddMember("X", m_x, _allocator);
// The JsonArray provides multiple constructors for lists and vectors of all base datatypes
_object.AddMember("Y", ot::JsonArray(m_y, _allocator), _allocator);
// Here the data is read from the provided JSON object (deserialized)
void A::setFromJsonObject(const ot::ConstJsonObject& _object) {
m_x = ot::JSON::getInt(_object, "X");
m_y = ot::JSON::getDoubleList(_object, "Y");
// Class B
// Here the data is added to the provided JSON object (serialized)
void B::addToJsonObject(ot::JsonValue& _object, ot::JsonAllocator& _allocator) const {
// Create empty array for the A entries
ot::JsonArray aArr;
for (const A& a : m_a) {
// Create empty object for each A entry
ot::JsonObject aObj;
// Let the entry write its data to the object
a.addToJsonObject(aObj, _allocator);
// Push the entry to the array
arr.PushBack(aObj, _allocator);
// Add the array to the provided object
_object.AddMember("A", aArr, _allocator);
// The JsonString should be used when adding std or c strings to an array or object
_object.AddMember("B", ot::JsonString(m_b, _allocator), _allocator);
// Here the data is read from the provided JSON object (deserialized)
void B::setFromJsonObject(const ot::ConstJsonObject& _object) {
// Get the A array
ot::ConstJsonObjectList aArr = ot::JSON::getObjectList(_object, "A");
// Iterate trough the array
for (JsonSizeType i = 0; i < aArr.Size(); i++) {
// Get the object
ConstJsonObject aObj = JSON::getObject(pArr, i);
// Create new Entry
A a;
m_b = ot::JSON::getString(_object, "B");
// Project header
#include "YourHeader.h"
// OpenTwin header
#include "OTCommunication/ActionTypes.h"
int main(int _argc, char** _argv) {
// Create JSON document (object by default)
ot::JsonDocument doc;
// Create data to serialize
// Frist create the child items
A a1;
A a2;
// Create the root item and add the childs
B b;
// Now we could create a request for a imaginary service
doc.AddMember(OT_ACTION_MEMBER, JsonString(<Your action>, doc.GetAllocator()), doc.GetAllocator());
// Create a JsonObject for the root item and serialize it
ot::JsonObject obj;
b.addToJsonObject(obj, doc.GetAllocator());
// Add the object to the request document
doc.AddMember(<Your parameter name>(e.g. OT_ACTION_PARAM_Package), obj, doc.GetAllocator());
// Generate JSON
std::string json = doc.toJson();
// Send the request ...
// When receiving the request:
// Create empty JSON document for import
ot::JsonDocument impDoc;
// Parse JSON
// Get the package
ot::ConstJsonObject impObj = ot::json::getObject(impDoc, <Your parameter name>(e.g. OT_ACTION_PARAM_Package));
// Create import root object
B bImp;
// Set the data from the JSON object
return 0;