This is the complete list of members for ot::PropertyGroup, including all inherited members.
addChildGroup(PropertyGroup *_group) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
addProperty(Property *_property) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
addToJsonObject(ot::JsonValue &_object, ot::JsonAllocator &_allocator) const override | ot::PropertyGroup | virtual |
clear(bool _keepGroups=false) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
createCopy(bool _includeChilds) const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
findGroup(const std::string &_name) const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
findPropertiesBySpecialType(const std::string &_specialType, std::list< Property * > &_list) const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
findPropertyByPath(std::list< std::string > _path) const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
forgetChildGroup(PropertyGroup *_propertyGroup) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
forgetProperty(Property *_property) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
getAllProperties(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
getChildGroups(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
getGroupPath(char _delimiter='/') const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
getName(void) | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
getName(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
getParentGroup(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
getProperties(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
getRootGroup(void) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
getTitle(void) | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
getTitle(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
isEmpty(void) const | ot::PropertyGroup | |
mergeWith(const PropertyGroup &_other, bool _replaceExistingProperties) | ot::PropertyGroup | virtual |
operator=(const PropertyGroup &_other) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
PropertyGroup() | ot::PropertyGroup | |
PropertyGroup(const PropertyGroup &_other) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
PropertyGroup(const std::string &_name) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
PropertyGroup(const std::string &_name, const std::string &_title) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
removeProperty(const std::string &_propertyName) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
Serializable() | ot::Serializable | inline |
setChildGroups(const std::list< PropertyGroup * > &_groups) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
setFromJsonObject(const ot::ConstJsonObject &_object) override | ot::PropertyGroup | virtual |
setName(const std::string &_name) | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
setParentGroup(PropertyGroup *_group) | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
setProperties(const std::list< Property * > &_properties) | ot::PropertyGroup | |
setTitle(const std::string &_title) | ot::PropertyGroup | inline |
~PropertyGroup() | ot::PropertyGroup | virtual |
~Serializable() | ot::Serializable | inlinevirtual |