This is the complete list of members for Service, including all inherited members.
addToJsonObject(ot::JsonValue &_object, ot::JsonAllocator &_allocator) const | Service | |
checkAlive(void) | Service | |
getSession(void) const | Service | inline |
id(void) const | Service | inline |
incrStartCounter(void) | Service | |
information(void) const | Service | inline |
isVisible(void) const | Service | inline |
m_id | Service | protected |
m_isVisible | Service | protected |
m_name | Service | protected |
m_receiveBroadcastMessages | Service | protected |
m_session | Service | protected |
m_type | Service | protected |
name(void) const | Service | inline |
port(void) const | Service | inline |
portNumbers(void) const | Service | virtual |
receiveBroadcastMessages(void) const | Service | inline |
run(const SessionInformation &_sessionInformation, const std::string &_url, ot::port_t _port, ot::port_t _websocketPort=0) | Service | |
Service(ServiceManager *_owner, const ServiceInformation &_info) | Service | |
Service(const std::string &_url, const std::string &_name, ot::serviceID_t _id, const std::string &_type, Session *_session, bool _showDebugInfo) | Service | |
setHidden(void) | Service | |
setID(ot::serviceID_t _id) | Service | inline |
setName(const std::string &_name) | Service | inline |
setReceiveBroadcastMessages(bool _receive) | Service | inline |
setURL(const std::string &_url) | Service | inline |
setVisible(void) | Service | |
shutdown(void) | Service | |
startCounter(void) const | Service | inline |
toJSON(void) const | Service | virtual |
type(void) const | Service | inline |
url(void) const | Service | inline |
url(void) const | Service | inline |
websocketPort(void) const | Service | inline |
websocketUrl(void) const | Service | inline |
writeDataToValue(ot::JsonValue &_object, ot::JsonAllocator &_allocator) const | Service | |
~Service() | Service | virtual |
~Service() | Service | inlinevirtual |