This is the complete list of members for ot::ModelServiceAPI, including all inherited members.
addEntitiesToModel(std::list< UID > &_topologyEntityIDList, std::list< UID > &_topologyEntityVersionList, std::list< bool > &_topologyEntityForceVisible, std::list< UID > &_dataEntityIDList, std::list< UID > &_dataEntityVersionList, std::list< UID > &_dataEntityParentList, const std::string &_changeComment, bool askForBranchCreation=true, bool saveModel=true) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
addEntitiesToModel(std::list< UID > &&_topologyEntityIDList, std::list< UID > &&_topologyEntityVersionList, std::list< bool > &&_topologyEntityForceVisible, std::list< UID > &&_dataEntityIDList, std::list< UID > &&_dataEntityVersionList, std::list< UID > &&_dataEntityParentList, const std::string &_changeComment, bool askForBranchCreation=true, bool saveModel=true) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
addGeometryOperation(UID _newEntityID, UID _newEntityVersion, std::string _newEntityName, std::list< UID > &_dataEntityIDList, std::list< UID > &_dataEntityVersionList, std::list< UID > &_dataEntityParentList, std::list< std::string > &_childrenList, const std::string &_changeComment) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
addPropertiesToEntities(std::list< UID > &_entityList, const ot::PropertyGridCfg &_configuration) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
deleteEntitiesFromModel(std::list< std::string > &_entityNameList, bool _saveModel=true) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
enableMessageQueueing(bool flag) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getAvailableMeshes(std::string &_meshFolderName, UID &_meshFolderID, std::string &_meshName, UID &_meshID) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getCurrentModelVersion(void) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getCurrentVisualizationModelID(void) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityChildInformation(const std::string &_entity, std::list< EntityInformation > &_entityInfo, bool recursive) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityChildInformation(UID _entity, std::list< EntityInformation > &_entityInfo, bool recursive) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityInformation(const std::list< UID > &_entities, std::list< EntityInformation > &_entityInfo) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityInformation(const std::list< std::string > &_entities, std::list< EntityInformation > &_entityInfo) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityInformation(const std::string &_entity, EntityInformation &_entityInfo) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityProperties(UID _entity, bool _recursive, const std::string &_propertyGroupFilter, std::map< UID, EntityProperties > &_entityProperties) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getEntityProperties(const std::string &entityName, bool _recursive, const std::string &_propertyGroupFilter, std::map< UID, EntityProperties > &_entityProperties) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getIDsOfFolderItemsOfType(const std::string &_folder, const std::string &_entityClassName, bool recursive) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getListOfFolderItems(const std::string &_folder, bool recursive=false) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
getSelectedEntityInformation(std::list< EntityInformation > &_entityInfo, const std::string &typeFilter="") | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
modelChangeOperationCompleted(const std::string &description) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
updatePropertyGrid() | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |
updateTopologyEntities(ot::UIDList &topologyEntityIDs, ot::UIDList &topologyEntityVersions, const std::string &comment) | ot::ModelServiceAPI | static |