This is the complete list of members for ot::Plot, including all inherited members.
addDataset(const QString &_title, double *_dataX, double *_dataY, long _dataSize) | ot::Plot | |
changeCachedDatasetEntityVersion(UID _entityID, UID _newEntityVersion) | ot::Plot | |
clear(bool _clearCache) | ot::Plot | |
datasetSelectionChanged(PlotDataset *_selectedDataset) | ot::Plot | |
findDataset(QwtPlotCurve *_curve) | ot::Plot | |
findDataset(QwtPolarCurve *_curve) | ot::Plot | |
findDataset(UID _entityID) | ot::Plot | |
getCache(void) | ot::Plot | inlineprotected |
getCache(void) const | ot::Plot | inlineprotected |
getCartesianPlot(void) | ot::Plot | inline |
getConfig(void) const | ot::Plot | inline |
getDatasets(void) const | ot::Plot | |
getPolarPlot(void) | ot::Plot | inline |
getQWidget(void) override | ot::Plot | inlinevirtual |
getQWidget(void) const override | ot::Plot | inlinevirtual |
hasCachedEntity(UID _entityID) const | ot::Plot | |
importData(const std::string &_projectName, const std::list< Plot1DCurveInfoCfg > &_curvesToImport) | ot::Plot | inlineprotectedvirtual |
otWidgetFlags(void) const | ot::QWidgetInterface | inline |
otWidgetFlagsChanged(const WidgetFlags &_flags) | ot::QWidgetInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Plot() | ot::Plot | |
QWidgetInterface() | ot::QWidgetInterface | inline |
refresh(void) | ot::Plot | |
removeFromCache(unsigned long long _entityID) | ot::Plot | |
resetItemSelectionRequest(void) | ot::Plot | signal |
resetView(void) | ot::Plot | |
setAxisQuantity(Plot1DCfg::AxisQuantity _quantity) | ot::Plot | |
setConfig(const Plot1DCfg &_config) | ot::Plot | inline |
setErrorState(bool _isError, const QString &_message=QString()) | ot::Plot | |
setFromDataBaseConfig(const Plot1DDataBaseCfg &_config) | ot::Plot | |
setIncompatibleData(void) | ot::Plot | |
setItemSelectedRequest(UID _treeItemUid, bool _hasControlModifier) | ot::Plot | signal |
setOTWidgetFlags(const WidgetFlags &_flags) | ot::QWidgetInterface | |
setPlotType(Plot1DCfg::PlotType _type) | ot::Plot | |
~Plot() | ot::Plot | virtual |
~QWidgetInterface() | ot::QWidgetInterface | inlinevirtual |