This is the complete list of members for ot::GraphicsView, including all inherited members.
addConnectionIfConnectedItemsExist(const GraphicsConnectionCfg &_config) | ot::GraphicsView | |
addItem(ot::GraphicsItem *_item) | ot::GraphicsView | |
connectionAlreadyExists(const ot::GraphicsConnectionCfg &connection) | ot::GraphicsView | |
connectionRequested(const ot::UID &_fromUid, const std::string &_fromConnector, const ot::UID &_toUid, const std::string &_toConnector) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
connectionToConnectionRequested(const ot::UID &_fromItemUid, const std::string &_fromItemConnector, const ot::UID &_toConnectionUid, const ot::Point2DD &_newControlPoint) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
DefaultState enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
dropEvent(QDropEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
ensureViewInBounds(void) | ot::GraphicsView | |
getConnection(const ot::UID &_connectionUid) | ot::GraphicsView | |
getGraphicsScene(void) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
getGraphicsViewFlags(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
getGraphicsViewName(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
getItem(const ot::UID &_itemUid) | ot::GraphicsView | |
getMouseWheelEnabled(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
getOwner(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
getQWidget(void) override | ot::GraphicsView | inlinevirtual |
getQWidget(void) const override | ot::GraphicsView | inlinevirtual |
getSceneMargins(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
getSelectedConnectionItems(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | |
getSelectedConnectionUIDs(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | |
getSelectedGraphicsItems(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | |
getSelectedItemUIDs(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | |
getVisibleSceneRect(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | |
GraphicsView(GraphicsScene *_scene=(GraphicsScene *) nullptr) | ot::GraphicsView | |
GraphicsViewFlag enum name | ot::GraphicsView | |
GraphicsViewFlags typedef | ot::GraphicsView | |
IgnoreConnectionByUser enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
isReadOnly(void) const | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
itemConfigurationChanged(const ot::GraphicsItemCfg *_newConfig) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
itemCopyRequested(const GraphicsCopyInformation *_info) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
itemMoved(const ot::UID &_uid, const QPointF &_newPos) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
ItemMoveInProgress enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
itemRequested(const QString &_name, const QPointF &_pos) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
MiddleMousePressedState enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
notifyItemConfigurationChanged(const ot::GraphicsItem *_item) | ot::GraphicsView | |
notifyItemMoved(const ot::GraphicsItem *_item) | ot::GraphicsView | |
NoViewFlags enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
otWidgetFlags(void) const | ot::QWidgetInterface | inline |
otWidgetFlagsChanged(const WidgetFlags &_flags) | ot::QWidgetInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
QWidgetInterface() | ot::QWidgetInterface | inline |
ReadOnlyState enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
removeConnection(const GraphicsConnectionCfg &_connectionInformation) | ot::GraphicsView | |
removeConnection(const ot::UID &_connectionInformation) | ot::GraphicsView | |
removeItem(const ot::UID &_itemUid, bool bufferConnections=false) | ot::GraphicsView | |
removeItemsRequested(const ot::UIDList &_items, const ot::UIDList &_connections) | ot::GraphicsView | signal |
requestConnection(const ot::UID &_fromUid, const std::string &_fromConnector, const ot::UID &_toUid, const std::string &_toConnector) | ot::GraphicsView | |
requestConnectionToConnection(const ot::UID &_fromItemUid, const std::string &_fromItemConnector, const ot::UID &_toConnectionUid, const ot::Point2DD &_newControlPoint) | ot::GraphicsView | |
resetView(void) | ot::GraphicsView | |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
setDropsEnabled(bool _enabled) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setGraphicsScene(GraphicsScene *_scene) | ot::GraphicsView | |
setGraphicsViewFlag(GraphicsViewFlag _flag, bool _active=true) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setGraphicsViewFlags(const GraphicsViewFlags &_flags) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setGraphicsViewName(const std::string &_name) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setMouseWheelEnabled(bool _enabled) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setOTWidgetFlags(const WidgetFlags &_flags) | ot::QWidgetInterface | |
setOwner(const BasicServiceInformation &_owner) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setReadOnly(bool _isReadOnly) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
setSceneMargins(const QMarginsF &_margins) | ot::GraphicsView | inline |
ViewManagesSceneRect enum value | ot::GraphicsView | |
ViewStateFlag enum name | ot::GraphicsView | |
ViewStateFlags typedef | ot::GraphicsView | |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *_event) override | ot::GraphicsView | protectedvirtual |
~GraphicsView() | ot::GraphicsView | virtual |
~QWidgetInterface() | ot::QWidgetInterface | inlinevirtual |